The Peace Of God Upon The City

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I woke up in the hospital. There was an intimidating light that entered directly into my pupil which made me feel a little pain. I closed my eyes and opened them again. Standing in front of me was Delila. Her face expression was that of someone worried. "Hey!!! what happened!!" I asked. "My God!! He has woken up. Thank God you're not dead. Do you know how worried we were. Besides what you did was something extremely cool. Cool enough to kill you. She said as I smiled. "Hey I never knew that you cared for me. How about Stacy is she ok?" I asked. "I knew it was the first person you'll ask for so I brought her here." She said. "Where is she?" I asked. "She is outside waiting for you to recover." Delila said. "I'm fine i just need to get some sleep" I said trying to lay back my head on the pillow. "Ohh no you aren't sleeping here again. You've slept enough. The whole country is praying for you to recover and here you are trying to to sleep again. " (The whole country wow!) "Well let's go. Oh wait. What about Sava. What happened to him." I asked. "After you fainted and went into a coma, everyone that was killed came back to life. The city was like full again. It later on became joyous. After 2 weeks, Sava issued an apology message and swore never to kill good people again but he will definitely kill bad people. The town then acknowledge 3 of us as the heroes of the country and made us statues in the city. Then 3 days later you woke up. That is this present day." (So I've been out for 2 weeks and 3 days well that's a mild coma) she said. I then got up and saw Stacy and Sava standing nearby. Sava first saw me and then  smiled. He turned to Stacy saying "it looks like your husband isn't dying anytime soon." She then ran towards me and then jumped towards me as I got hold of her. Well, she did planted a  hot kiss on my lips for about 15 seconds or more. Then I let her down and hugged her. "Told you that I won't die." I said. "But you went into a coma that wasn't the deal!!" Stacy said. "You also never told me to not go into coma so it's a fair deal." I said. "I'm just glad that you alive that's all." Stacy said as she hugged me again. Sava then came and hugged me and said "well you look incredibly tough now huh? You won't even die anymore." "I made a promise to someone..." I said as I looked at Stacy. "So I had to fulfill it." "Miss you man!!" Sava said. "Miss you too bro!". We left the hospital in a quiet way without anyone knowing our identity and we all went home and lived in one house. And as for problems. Well we can live above them. No matter what it is. We always have each other's back.

Stacy: Honey! Why didn't you tell them what we did after you got out of the hospital.

Henry: Honey!!!!!! Delila is here.

Delila: Why would I care about what you guys did after Henry escaped that hospital. She's your wife anyway so I don't care. All I care about is what my boyfriend does for me so relax Soul Cooker

Henry: Soul Cooker! Oh that's it I'm gonna come up with a name for you.

Delila: Alright then I'll like to see you try.

Henry: Shapeless Darkness.

Delila: I dare you to call me that again. Do I look shapeless to you.

Henry: Shapeless Darkness. I sure as hell don't look like a cooker sooo its a draw.

Stacy: Enough already! Both of you act like kids. Like a brother and sister quarrelling.

Henry: Well I consider her as my sister. I don't know for her.

Delila: Well.... I guess it's not bad having you to be my brother so yeah no problem.

Stacy: Finally!!! Peace.

Sava: Sincerely speaking you guys sound weird while talking without including me in your conversation.

Everyone to Sava: SHUT UP!!!!!!

Sava : Ok ok fine fine.

Henry: I have a feeling this might not be the end. It might just be.........the beginning.
But some things never change.
                          THE END.

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