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I laugh as I watch Sienna dance drunkingly on the table she turns to me and points at me gesturing me to come here.

I shake my head she shrug her shoulders and continues to dance. "Here we are at a party after we said no" I laugh turning around to Luke.

"I actually regret saying yes because she gets crazy when she gets drunk and I promise you I don't have time for that shit" he nods his head in agreement. We look at each other for a long silent time.

"You know" he paused looking at me "my sister is lucky to have you like really lucky" I raise my eyebrow "what do you mean by that?". "Well not to be rude or anything my sister is a bitch and your a sweetheart".

"Why does that matter?" I ask drinking the rest of the liquor "I'm just saying she is not the good person to be hanging out with and I've been through her shit and I know it's a lot for you".

"No it's not a lot but Luke I don't get what are you tryna say" he shrug his shoulders "maybe I might be saying that you should boss up or something don't let my sister be a bitch to you".

"It's not any of your business first off. And second are you done? Because I don't like you being in my business".

I roll my eyes turning away from him looking at Sienna "your sister needs your help" I mumbled he walks past me "aren't you coming" I shake my head "I'm more comfortable here then there" he breaths out going to Sienna.

To be honest part of me agree with Luke. She always bitching about I'm a bad friend and that I never support her during her decisions. I always did everything I do is for her I wouldn't be here if she didn't force me to go.

I don't think she knows the definition of a real true friend.

I throw the cup away looking at the young adults dancing and drinking with each other  this is my first college party and so far it's going good.

My hands fall to each side "it's time to go" I say to myself placing the cup on the table.

I walk out the house the cold air hit my body as soon as I leave out the house hug myself with my arms to warm myself up.

"Your cold?" I turn around to see a guy with brown colored hair and hazel eyes he didn't have tattoos like a certain person.

"Uh yea" I smile he takes off the jacket that was on his back and place it on my shoulders I adjust the jacket.

"I'm Brandon" he blurts out I smile at him "Ashley" he was walking on the side of me.

"So this is your freshmen year" he looks at me before I can answer a white jeep pulls up.

I look up at those familiar almond colored eyes he gets out the car. He pushes Brandon "aye man" Brandon say getting up.

"Give me the jacket" Luke demands Brandon looks at me "you know Grey?" I nods. "Give me the fucking jacket" he demands again.

I take off the jacket and give it to him Luke fingers gripped Brandon shirt. "Stay the fuck away from her" he threatens him.

He lets go of Brandon making him fall to the floor he throws the jacket on Brandon. "What the fuck was that for?".

Like Brandon was confused I was confused I didn't get why is he doing this.

"Let's go" Luke hissed he walks to the car I looked at Brandon. "I don't like repeating myself Ashley" Luke say I look at Brandon one more time before getting the car.

The ride home was silent real silent the only thing I can hear is me and Luke breath.

We get to the college he looks at me I roll my eyes "what were you thinking?" He say. "What was I thinking? Luke he offered me his jacket".

"You don't know what that means you think putting a stranger jacket is nice and warm welcoming?".

"It's a fucking jacket of course I would think it's fucking nice" "being nice not always mean being nice Ashley".

"If it's not being nice then what it is being?" I look at him. "Just don't do it again if you ever come visit me again".

"Ok Luke" I say rolling my eyes he starts up the car "where are we going?". He ignores me backing up the car from the parking lot.

"Where the fuck are we going?" I say raising my voice he ignores me again.  "I swear to god Luke if you don't tell me wh-".

"We are going somewhere what I call my escape space" he cuts me off "where is this escape space?".

"Somewhere special so don't tell anybody" I smirk "so your calling me special?" I look at him "no get that out or your head wasn't you just mad at me".

"I'm not anymore did you just call me special tho?" he groans "you said a special place and where do you bring special people to special places".

"Ashley" he paused shaking his head "what?" I say "shut up I'm opening to you like right now" I roll my eyes looking out of the window.

We pull up to a forest not like a wild forest but a forest that has a lot of trees but not any animals it's where explorers explore at.

I look out the window to the forest the leaves on the trees moving "let's go" Luke say getting out of the car I get out after him.

We walk into the forest it was completely empty nobody was there just us two "college stressing you out?" I blurt out.

"What? No college is perfectly fine for me" I raise my eyebrow "then why do you need a escape space if your doing fine".

"College isn't the only place that is stressful" he walks some more I follow him.

"College isn't the only place that is stressful" he walks some more I follow him

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