02 - A Prophecy.. And A Promise.

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"Pwetty bwaby."

Sonmi cooed at the little boy. Taehyung had been glued to the baby for the past two days, only leaving for absolutely necessary stuff like meals and sleep.

He wanted to sleep next to the baby but both Sonmi and Yoona disagreed to that. Babies tend to wake up very often in the night and the elders were worried that all the crying will disrupt Taehyung's sleep too.

Taehyung had sulked but finally agreed to go for the night, only to come running back early in the morning. He was very eager to be with the baby.

"His name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." Sonmi said in a soft voice, as Taehyung kept calling him 'Pretty baby'.

"Tete knooo." Taehyung answered with a little pout. "Nwame thu hard pwor tete."

"Well, why don't you pick a nick name for him? Something that only you will call him with."

Taehyung's little face furrowed with concentration. "Only pwor tete?"

"Yes, baby. Only for you."

Sonmi watch as the little one thought for few minutes. He had his index finger slightly inside his mouth, with softly trying to pronounce the long name.

After few minutes, his face lit up with a smile. "Kwoo?"

Sonmi beamed at the little boy. "Good one, Taetae. That's a very beautiful name."

Little boy gave the prettiest smile at that praise. His little heart was filled with pride, for thinking such a pretty name.

"Yay!" Taehyung whisper shouted as he bent towards the sleeping baby. "Dwo chu wike that nwame, Kwoo? Hwungie made ith juss pwor chu. Pwetty Kwoo.."

And right at that moment, the sleeping baby slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Taehyung, making the latter gasp in surprise.

"Aunchie, aunchie... Kwoo shmiled with tete. Kwoo wikes the nwame." Taehyung was quietly jumping up and down in excitement.

"Of course he'll like it, baby. You're gonna be the best hyung ever." Sonmi said in a soft voice. Her heart was at peace to see the beginning of this beautiful bond.


On the ninth day from Jungkook's birth, the Jeon family was getting ready to welcome his great grandmother, Seulgi. She is a spiritual leader of the pack, with the gift of looking in to the future. When a child is born, she will come and foretell his or her future.

Her predictions were not an exact science as the future is not set in stone but over the years, people had witnessed all of them coming true. In a way, it was self-fulfilling.

For example, if she predicted a child will excel in music, the parents will definitely provide the baby with all the necessary knowledge and support in that area. So it really shouldn't be a surprise when he or she grew up to be a successful musician.

Junghyun was excited to have his son's future read, too see what direction he needs to point the child in. Of course he will let Jungkook do whatever he prefer but it doesn't hurt to be prepared with Seulgi's advise.

Most of the pack had gathered to witness the ceremony. A male Omega was such a huge blessing for a pack, so they all were really happy and loved their pack leader's son.

Everything was ready. Jungkook was sleeping on a makeshift altar, covered with a wool blanket to keep him warm. The place was lit with scented candles, giving a soft, orange-ish glow to it.

Junghyun and Sonmi stood right next to the baby, with the Kim family standing just a little behind. Seulgi was waiting for the moon to reach it's zenith, as she drew her powers from the moon.

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