34 - Walls Around The Heart.

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Jungkook was in a dilemma. For the past few days, he cut himself off from his friends, got locked up in his room, and just thought about everything. He thought about every sweet word or gesture of Taehyung that he can remember, which actually were a lot.

He thought about everything the elder did for him, from as far as he can remember, and the possible reasons for the same.

And then he recalled Taehyung's expression and what he said on the day he left. And tried to see if there might be something else, a hidden message beneath the obvious one. After thinking all that, Jungkook could come to only one conclusion.

Taehyung is hiding something from him. Something that compelled him to stay away from Jungkook. Something that makes sense, which is why both his and Taehyung's parents are still supporting him.

He must have had a valid reason.


Sonmi and Junghyun was having breakfast, when Jungkook came over and sat down. They both were so surprised as Jungkook hadn't joined them for breakfast, or any meal for that matter, in months.

"Jungkook!" Sonmi said as she quickly got up from her seat to fix her son a breakfast plate. "S-shall I get you something to eat?"

She fully expected to hear the immediate rejection but Jungkook only gave a nod. Sonmi's eyes widened in shock while Junghyun couldn't stop the cough.

The breakfast was quite, too quiet, and downright uncomfortable. Jungkook looked down at his plate without making eye contact without anyone and so did Junghyun. Sonmi was taking turns to give them both nervous glances that she hardly touched her food.

After the breakfast was done, they just sat silently for few minutes. Junghyun was the one who finally broke the silence.

"So.." everyone could see that he was raking his brain to find a thing to say. "H-how's are you?"

Sonmi would have face palmed if not for the fact that the situation was too tensed. Jungkook gave a soft smile, as he could see how uncomfortable his father was but still willing to try and  have small talk. Jungkook should relieve him from his misery.

"I'm okay. I wanna ask you guys something."

Sonmi and Junghyun shared a look of caution. "Of course. What is it son?"

"Do you guys know the reason he had to leave this pack?"

Both Junghyun and Sonmi stiffened a but at that. Jungkook didn't mention a name but it was very clear of whom he was talking about.

"Baby, we d-don't-" Sonmi started to speak but just cut her words across.

"Please don't lie, mom. I'm tired of everyone lying to me all the time." Jungkook's voice had an accusation but at the same time, he was pleading too.

Sonmi looked down at her lap, as she was unable to meet her son's eyes. Junghyun sighed loudly before answering Jungkook's question.

"Okay, we won't lie. Yes, he had a reason and we know about it too. But we would rather not tell it to you because it's not our place. It's something Taehyung has to do, if he's willing to do that."


"And if he's not, Jungkook please, I beg you to let this go. I know this is very hard for you and we are so sorry thing happened this way. There isn't a single day me and your mother wishes for things to be different. Do you really think we are happy, watching you suffer like this? Your mom-" Junghyun paused to run a comforting hand over Sonmi's shoulders. "-I haven't seen her truly smiling for so long now. But please son, you have to trust us and let this go. It's for your own good."

There was a silence for few minutes before Jungkook nod his head in agreement. "Okay."

Junghyun blinked few times as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did Jungkook just agreed that easily? "W-what?"

"Okay, I agree with you." Jungkook gave a small smile to his parents. "I mean not for the part about letting it go. But I agree with you that I should ask about it from him. I do trust you, believe me. But I think it's time I learn about the things that's happening around myself."

Jungkook got up from the chair and gave a soft smile to Sonmi. "Food was delicious, mom. I missed your cooking. I'll try to stay for atleast breakfast in future."

With that, Jungkook walked off, leaving his parents with worried hearts.

Later that night, Junghyun was working on some papers that required his attention, when Sonmi walked in. She seemed like she was in deep thought so Junghyun closed the laptop he was using and gave her full attention.

"What is it honey? You seem troubled."

"Did we do the right thing by not telling Jungkook about the prophecy? I can't see him be miserable like this."

"I know. But we can't, Sonmi. Nothing good will come out of it."

"He's in so much pain. And I know he will not stop until he find it out."

"Let's hope that he wouldn't. If he did, then he will surely go after Taehyung. And all that Taehyung had done, will be wasted. We can't let Jungkook know that Taehyung left to protect him. To save him."

Sonmi wiped a silent tear that had spilled over to her cheek. "I wish we had never heard that prophecy! Or- or she had more information. We could have taken Jungkook away from here. Or ask Taemin to take Taehyung as far away as possible. We could have made sure they never met!"

"We can't change what happened in the past, Sonmi. And elder Seulgi's prophecies are not an exact science, you know that. She calls them just as she sees them."

"But what's the point of making a prophecy like that?! saying that Jungkook will be killed by the hands of his mate, without giving us anything else to prevent that from happening?!"

Junghyun got up from his seat and walked around the table to pull Sonmi in to a gentle hug. He ran a comforting hand over his wife's back, while Sonmi silently cried.

They were too engaged in their conversation, that neither heard the faint sound of retreating footsteps.
Jungkook sat on his bed for a long time, trying to come to terms with what he just heard. He just wanted to ask his father for Taehyung's phone number, as he didn't want to encounter that friend of his again. He didn't meant to eavesdrop but he couldn't help it. Not when he heard his own name.

Every child in White Claw pack knows about their own prophecy. It is a really big deal for them. Jungkook knew about his prophecy too. The one which said he will be a blessing for the pack and that his smile will bring out spring season.

Not the one that said he'll get killed by his mate. No wonder everyone always said mates are not important. And that Jungkook should always follow his heart and find someone else.

"And no wonder they ran the minute they knew it's them." JK, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke his mind.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered back as the walls he built around his heart started to crack. "Guess they love us, after all."

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