35 - What I Am To Him.

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"Park." Jimin looked up at the sound of Jisoo calling his name. "That guy is here again."

"What?!" Jimin quickly got up from his seat and walked to the window.

And sure enough, Taehyung's mate was standing outside the police station for the 3rd day. To be honest, the man seemed to be on a stakeout.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Jimin couldn't help but get annoyed.

He hadn't told Taehyung about him and he has no plans to it either. Normally Jimin wouldn't have meddled in other people's affairs but after seeing Taehyung's state with knowing Jungkook slept with someone else, Jimin strongly disliked this Jungkook guy.

So he kept his mouth shut, attention away from Jungkook and hoped the problem would just go away.

"It's the 5th day now, shouldn't you do something?" Jisoo's voice sounded half accusing and half amused. "I mean, we can't just let him stand there. Chief would have arrested him if not for you. Atleast go talk to him."

"Just let him be, Jisoo. He'll go when he doesn't get his way. He's a harmless idiot." Jimin replied through gritted teeth, making Jisoo sigh and leave.

However, he was proven wrong on the 6th day of Jungkook's stakeout, when the latter threw a rock and smashed a window in the police station.

Jungkook was sitting inside a holding cell. To be honest, he hadn't planned things to go that way but he had to take desperate measures when Taehyung didn't come to see him for 5 days.

"I told you this was a bad idea." JK said in a reproaching voice and Jungkook scoffed at that.

His wolf is a rather scaredy-cat but what else can he expect from an Omega anyway. There's nothing Jungkook regret more than shutting his wolf down but he couldn't disagree to the fact that it made him the independent man he is today.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay."

"But what if-"

JK was not able to say what he wanted to say because Jimin came near their cell just then.

The latter looked at him with a displeased eyes and Jungkook couldn't help but scowl either. Jimin may not be Taehyung's mate but it was evident that he was the one living with him. Jungkook still didn't knew what their relationship was and it kind of put him on a foul mood.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jimin asked in a tight voice and Jungkook smirked at that.

He kind of assumed that Taehyung didn't came because Jimin didn't make him aware about the situation. He seemed to be trying to keep Jungkook away from Taehyung.

"Why, waiting for Taehyung, of course."

Jimin scoffed at that. "Who said he's coming?"

"Who said he's not?"

"Why would he come? He made it very clear that he doesn't want to meet you again."

"Hmmm... he might not come if I asked him. But I know he will come running, if I get arrested."

"Maybe he doesn't know that you got arrested?"

Jungkook gave a humourless laugh at that. "So I was right. You didn't tell him about me being here."

A look of guilt passed through Jimin's face and Jungkook was quick to catch it. "You're a bigger idiot than I thought, if you would think I will let you meet him again."

"Well, the choices hould have been his. Not that it is any of your fucking business."

"You watch your mouth!" Jimin sneered through his gritted teeth.

"Or what?" Jungkook's voice was full on mocking now. "You wanna go for another round? Cause I'm totally up for that."

"You know what-" Jimin looked at the other with angered eyes. "Screw you! Rot in here for all I care. Serves you right for playing with people's lives."

With that, Jimin stormed out of the holding area, leaving a slightly pissed-off Jungkook behind.

"Now what?"

"Plan B."

"I thought this was plan B."

"Oh for fuck's sake! Plan C then."

Jungkook walked to the edge of the cell and hit the metal bar few times, making a rattling sound echo through the area. "Uhh.. anybody here??!"

It only took few seconds for a police officer came. "What do you want?"

"Hi there." Jungkook greeted the man with a cheery smile. "Aren't I suppose to have one phone call?"

"Park, he smashed a window of our police station! And you're asking me to let him go? Are you fucking out of your mind?!"

Jimin mentally scolding himself for coming up with such a stupid idea. He must really be out of his fucking mind. But what Jungkook said about Taehyung coming for him if he got arrested seemed a very likely thing so he just wanted the guy to be out of here.

"Sir, I understand. He has very different motive to do that and he pose absolutely no threat to this station or anyone in it. Please just trust me on this. And.. uhh... I'll- I'll pay for the window too."

The chief looked doubtful for few seconds but then he let out a sigh. "Are you sure?"

"Yes sir, hundred percent." Jimin showed his boss thumbs-up to further confirm that. "Let me take care of it, please."

"Okay." Chief singed the paper and gave it back to Jimin. "It's on your head now. Get him the fuck away from my station."

"Yes sir!"

Jimin gave a quick salute to his boss, before walking out of the room. He gave the papers to the officer in charge of the holding cells to process Jungkook's release.

The younger looked a little surprised but didn't say anything as he followed Jimin out of the police station. Once outside, Jimin turned to the other.

"Get lost!"

"Excuse me?!"

"I got you out of jail. So now, get lost."

Jungkook chuckled loudly at that. "Aww... aren't you the sweetest? You didn't had to do that for me."

"You know very well that I didn't do it for you. Now for the last time, get the fuck out of here."

Jungkook's teasing expression dropped and he glared at the other. "You know, this was all fun earlier, but now you're seriously getting on my nerves. Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"Listen you little piece of shit! I won't let you-"

"What's going on in here?"

Both Jungkook and Jimin snapped their heads at that voice, Jungkook with a smug smile and Jimin with a dismayed look.

Taehyung was standing there with confused face. He looked back and forth at the two who seemed to be in the middle of a fight, again.

Jimin looked like he wanted to say something but Jungkook was quicker. He leaned a bit close to Jimin, so that Taehyung would not hear what he would say.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I used my 'one phone call' chance to call my dad. He couldn't come immediately since he lives bit far away but guess he sent Taehyung instead. Told you he would come running if I was arrested."

Jimin pulled back with widened eyes and Jungkook gave a smirk at that. "Oh and one more thing. Don't ever think about coming between me and him again. You have no fucking idea what I am to him."

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