54 - A Wire Rope.

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Taehyung gently ran his fingers through Jungkook's soft hair. The younger was sleeping peacefully now, Taehyung smiled to himself remembering how active he was about an hour ago.

Jungkook was like the devil's incarnation then, while sleeping like an absolute angle now. He had a faint trace of a smile instead of the lust driven face earlier.

It took few hours of intense pleasure for JK to finally be satiated. Taehyung didn't even remember how many rounds it were. At some point, he felt V taking over, along with JK.

Once Jungkook passed out from exhaustion, Taehyung cleaned him up a bit before laying down next to him. He was tired too, but couldn't manage to fall asleep. Both Taehyung and V were feeling euphoric, as they kept looking at their mate.

Taehyung must have fallen asleep while admiring Jungkook's beauty because the next time he opened his eyes, it was due to Jungkook's small gasps of pain. The younger was panting, as if he had just ran a marathon, while his upper body had a sheen of sweat.

Jungkook had his eyes closed and he was probably still asleep. But his body was active up in heat. His arousal hit Taehyung like waves in a storming sea, making his own body react immediately.


Taehyung give his member few strokes before sliding on a condom. He was not on his rut but there was a chance of him impregnating Jungkook so condoms were a must. Taehyung hated the extra latex barrier between them but it couldn't be helped. Neither of them were ready to be parents just yet.

Once he was ready, Taehyung hovered over Jungkook. But this time, the younger was whimpering on the bed, his forehead covered with sweat. Taehyung wiped it off with a piece of cloth, before gently stroking Jungkook cheek.

"Baby." Taehyung called in in soft voice. "Wake up."

Jungkook woke up after few seconds and he looked at Taehyung with painful eyes. "Hyungie.."

"Shhh... don't worry, I'm here." Taehyung gave a soft peck to the side if Jungkook mouth. "Are you ready?"

Jungkook nodded quickly and Taehyung gave another soft kiss to the younger. He then pushed Jungkook's knees on to his chest, making the younger's soft, pink hole fully visible.

Slick was already running out slowly and stretching was not required, since they did it only few hours ago. Taehyung aligned his dick at Jungkook's entrance and pushed in. The younger gave a satisfied moan at the feeling of being filled again and he started to roll his hips.

Taehyung slowly started to thrust in to the younger, making Jungkook moan and mumble incoherent words. Soon, he was screaming in pleasure, pumping his own dick for a faster high.

Jungkook came hard on to his stomach and Taehyung pulled out immediately. The younger started to protest but was silenced instantly, when Taehyung flipped him to lie on his stomach. He then sneaked a hand around Jungkook's waist and lifted his ass up.

Then Taehyung entered again, making Jungkook let out a string of curses, as he was still little sensitive from the last high he had. But soon, those profanities turned in to just 'faster' and 'harder'.


It was after their 5th, or maybe 6th round, that Jungkook was at his limit again. He was conscious, but his mind was filled with something that resembled a fog. He just couldn't think pass the raw need and drive of his body.

Taehyung, or rather V, was of the same state, give or take the tiny bit of sanity they were holding on to. Taehyung was giving it his all, making the final few thrusts hard and precise. Jungkook laid on his back this time and his eyes were glowing with a soft blue shine.

Taehyung's red eyes never wavered from the blue one, as they both stared deep in to each other's soul. The bond between them almost felt like a tangible thing right now, like a red string. No, a wire rope. Of the strongest kind. Unbreakable.

Jungkook screamed as the pressured coil inside his body, snapped for the nth time. It had already elevated him in to the sky, and now, he was falling. Falling without any means of strings attached to him, which must surely mean that he's falling to his end.

But no.. A pair of hands held him, and gently lowered him on to the ground. Or maybe it was another cloud, Jungkook wasn't sure. He only knew one thing. It felt right. This was how everything was supposed to be.

The blue eyes of both the man and the wolf, stared at the glowing red ones.

"Mark me, Alpha."


Jungkook had his heat for 3 days, but the 3rd day was quiet mild. Lots of kisses, lots of cuddles and few occasional handjobs or blowjobs were enough to keep Jungkook satiated.

When it finished, Taehyung made Jungkook a hot bath. And while the younger was in the bathroom, Taehyung ordered food and cleaned the room.

Everything has to be perfect, so that his baby will be happy. Jungkook's happiness was all Taehyung ever wanted.

But as it is the nature of the world, you can't always have everything you want.

Right at this very moment, Jungkook stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at the junction between his neck and shoulder. Jungkook tried hard to not cry, he really did. But few drops of tears managed to slip pass his hold.

Jungkook's neck was still bare. No mate mark adorned it.

The fact that Taehyung was able to refuse marking Jungkook, at a time he was most vulnerable to the pull of the mate bond, made Jungkook realised that he shouldn't even have a hope.

Taehyung will never mark him as his Omega.

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