44 - I Have No One To Blame But Myself.

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Jungkook was watching a YouTube video and trying to make dinner, trying being the keyword, when the front door opened. He quickly wiped his hands on a serviette before rushing towards the living room.

"You're late today, hyungie-"

Both his words and feet stopped abruptly when he noticed that the person who came home wasn't Taehyung.

Jimin also stood frozen for few seconds before he started to move again. He put his wallet and keys in to the little bowl they have in the living room before removing his jacket.

"Uhh... Tae's not home yet?"

Jungkook didn't answer and just shook his head. In an unsaid agreement, both him and Jimin didn't interact with each other. Of course they couldn't avoid each other completely, as they were staying in the same house. Whenever they did interact, it always when Taehyung was at home.

Taehyung's work finishes earlier than Jimin's so he's the first one to come home everyday. And in the mornings, Jungkook sleeps till bit late and by the time he gets up, Jimin is already left for work.

Jimin gave a nod in acknowledgement and was almost about to go to his room when he got the burning smell. He sniffed few times and was shocked to see Jungkook's face turning in to pure horror.


Jungkook turned on his heals and ran back to the kitchen. After a split second debate, Jimin followed him too. He came just in time to see Jungkook frantically trying to save whatever that was in the pan, without success, while hissing everytime his hand made contact with the overheated handle.

Jimin quickly put on the oven mitt, before walking towards the stove.

"Move!" Jimjn said in a tight voice, making Jungkook immediately step away.

Jimin grabbed the pan, carried it towards the sink and opened the tap. He waited till the pan was sufficiently filled with cold water, before closing the pipe.

Jimin then looked back at Jungkook, who seemed to be frozen in the middle of the kitchen, one hand cradling the other. Jimin looked at the other's hands with concern before speaking up.

"Did your hand get burned?"

The question seemed to have snapped Jungkook from his shocked state and he looked down at his own hands. "Uhh.. no?"

Jimin sighed before walking toward the other. "Let me see."

Jungkook wordlessly showed both his palms to the elder and Jimin checked them without touching, as he was sure he's not allowed to do that.

There was only slight reddish patch under the younger thumb and it didn't look serious. Still, Jimin didn't want to take a chance so he quickly went to the cupboard they keep the first aid kit and got the burn ointment out.

"Here." Jimin extended the tube towards Jungkook. "Put some over that red patch, just in case."

Jungkook took it and did as he was told. Jimin watched him for few seconds before looking around at the kitchen counter. He could see the vegetables and kimchi and some other stuff spread over that.

"What we're you trying to make?"

Jungkook again look startled, as he was not used to Jimin initiating a conversation like this. "Uhh... Kimchi stew."

Jimin gave a nod and proceed to wash his hands thoroughly. He then folded the sleeves of his shirt, before picking up the vegetables to cut. "I'll help. Can you cut the tofu?"

"Yeah." Jungkook picked up another knife and started to cut the tofu in to square pieces.

"Taehyung likes it with beef. We can add some, if you're okay with it too. There should be some in the fridge."

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