19 - Did We Do The Right Thing?

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A/N - guys I made a mistake earlier. Namjoon was not supposed to be Jimin's boss. I don't know why I put that name there. I probably was thinking about 'know me of you can' setup.

NamJin will make their appearance little later. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Taehyung gasped as he was forcefully pulled out of his sleep. With the way his hair and tshirt was drenched in sweat, it was clear that whatever the nightmarish thoughts he was having, was not a short one.

"Sorry." V's apologetic tone rang through his mind as Taehyung weakly got up from the bed.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." Taehyung offered in a reassuring way.

"Still- sorry for not keeping it under control. "

"How long is it this time?"

"About 10 minutes. It's kind of getting worse."

"Same thing?"

"Yeah. Same as always. Blue eyes."

Taehyung sighed again and went to the kitchen to get some water. Even his throat felt dry, maybe he made some noises. Water managed put out the fire in his throat but nothing could help the one in his heart.

"It feels as if he's distressed. He's calling me."

V's troubled thought made Taehyung instantly stiffen. "What?! You think Koo is in trouble?"

"No. Not the human. Just the wolf."


"I'm not sure though. It's more like a sense, you know. Kookie's Omega shouldn't know that I am his mate.
I think he's just calling out subconsciously."

Taehyung ran his finger over the rim of the water glass few times. "V?"


"Did we do the right thing?"

That little pause in V's answer was enough to let Taehyung know that his wolf is having the same doubts as he was. After all, V is a part him too, as much as Taehyung was part of the wolf.

"I sure hope so, Tae."


When Taehyung came to the kitchen next morning, Jimin was already ready to go to work. He was not wearing his jacket so the shoulder holster and the gun was visible. It made Taehyung rather uneasy as he didn't want Jimin to be in a situation where the later would have the need to draw that gun.

Taehyung sort of owes Jimin his life and the friendship they had formed over time was pretty strong too. He didn't want any harm to come to Jimin, which is why he always goes as his backup.

When Jimin heard the other's footsteps, he looked up from the piece of toast he was having and gave a small smile.

"Rough night yesterday."

It was not a question. Taehyung raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner and Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "You were whimpering."

Taehyung turned around and poured a cup of coffee for himself. "I was?"

"Yeah. At first I thought you had someone over and you know, going at it." Jimin said in a teasing voice but Taehyung could hear the worry in it too. "Cause it half sounded like moaning. But then.."

Jimin didn't complete his sentence and it made Taehyung worry whether he had said something unconsciously. Although V would not have let that happen.

It was silent for a while as they both went on with their breakfast. Jimin with his toast and juice, Taehyung with his coffee, made by his considerate housemate.

"I was halfway over to wake you up, you know. Couldn't just wait hearing your... cries.."


"But then I figured, if... uhh... that wolf of yours didn't wake you up, neither should I."

Taehyung gave a soft smile to the other. He could sense V humming with gratitude too. While Jimin and V didn't have any interaction after that very first time, they both acknowledged and was polite to each other.

"Thanks, Jiminie. And don't worry, I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" Jimin snapped back immediately but there was only concern in his eyes. "I just wish you let me help, man. I'm your friend."

"You're helping me enough as it is. And I couldn't be more grateful." Taehyung said with a soft smile and Jimin knew that he meant it.

"Whatever." Jimin said in a fake cheery voice, clearly attempting to lighten up the mood. "I'm off. Don't miss me too much, bestie."

He got up from his seat, went to the sink to wash his plate before picking up his jacket from the nearby chair. He gave a friendly wave to Taehyung and out of the house.

Taehyung had about an hour more before he's due at his work. He works as an assistant in a veterinary clinic. The pay is not that much but it's enough for Taehyung. He didn't want to get a formal job where he have to provide his information to his employer anyway.

So far, no one from his pack had made contact with him. He wasn't sure whether it's due to his excellent hiding abilities or Junghyun being respectful about his decision to leave. He hasn't met anyone who knew the former Kim Taehyung either.

He actually loves his work at the Vet. With V's help, Taehyung is relatively good at identifying the issues with the animals, thus providing a valuable input to the veterinarian there, Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon is another one that Taehyung owes his life so he's very happy to return the favour, every day. It was a rather soft job, not really suitable for an Alpha wolf. But the occasional adventures related to Jimin's job makes V's self-esteem to be in high spirits so it was all good.


"Good morning, hyung."

Namjoon looked up from the report he was preparing and gave a pretty dimple smile. "Good morning, Tae."

Taehyung walked over and checked the schedule for the day. They were not much packed for the day but there could always be walk-in appointments. Taehyung then started to get the surgical room ready as the first appointment is for an ACL repair surgery for a cute Golden Retriever.

While some of the tougher dogs doesn't warm up for Taehyung, cute dogs like these adores him, as well as most of the other animals. It had gotten so much that sometimes, Namjoon makes Taehyung hold the animal's paw while doing the treatment. Or make Taehyung keep the animal on his lap.

After the day was done, Taehyung was getting ready to close up. He got a message from Jimin saying that he's doing desk work all day so that Taehyung's heroic acts, were not needed for the day.

"Tae?" Namjoon's steady voice got Taehyung's attention and the later turned to that direction.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow? Not that I know of at the moment. Why?"

"Come for dinner. Jimin too."

Taehyung looked a bit reluctant at that invitation. While he would love to accept it, he didn't want to make Namjoon's husband uncomfortable.

"Hyung, maybe it should only be Jimin-"

"Nonsense. We want you both to come."

The pronoun immediately caught Taehyung's attention and his eyes widened a bit at that. "We?"

"Of course. It was Jinnie's idea." Namjoon shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant way, but secretly loving the small smile that came on to the younger's face. "So.. you're coming?"

Taehyung couldn't help but smile brightly at that. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Till Death Do Us Part - A Taekook Love Story.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant