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The pogues—'{ chapter one }'—

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The pogues
—'{ chapter one }'—

Tw ⚠️: language

I watch as the brunette boy i call my best friend takes a drink from his beer and dangles his foot while standing on the roof of the building thats under construction. "thats what a three story fall to the deck" i look across from me to see pope talking to john b on the roof  "i give you a one in three chance of surival" pope continues

"i agree with pope don't be an idiot" i say from my position of leaning on jj  "hm" john b says as he sticks his finger in his mouth then in the air before continuing "should i do it" the boy calls out "yeah jump ill shoot you on the way down" pope adds as he pretends to shoot our friend with a power drill "youll shoot me?" john b asks jokingly "yup" john b makes gun fingers pointed back at pope me and jj laugh at the two idiotic boys

at the same time kie walks out from under where me and jj are happily sitting "they're gonna have japanese toliets with towel warmers" kiara says annoyed as she walks out "of course they are why wouldnt they?" jj says i smack him for his stupid comment "this use to be a turtle habitat but who cares about the turtles a guess" she continues looking towards me and jj "i cant have cold towels" jj goes on with his stupid comments

i roll my eyes laughing "oh u think thats funny huh princess"jj says before being interrupted "could you please not kill yourself" kie says looking up to our friend still on the roof we look at john b waiting for a response

"don't spill that beer im not giving you another one" jj says as he takes a sip of his beer before looking at john b "whoa oh shit" john b says as the beer falls outta his hand on the floor "guess he didnt listen to you jj" i say laughing "of course you did "jj says annoyed "smooth" kie says as shes covered in beer "noooo" john b yells from the roof still "a plus" jj says annoyed still "dumbass" me and kie say at the same time

" hey" i heard someone call out "hey uh securitys here lets wrap it up" pope says looking over on of the rails "boys are early" john b says looking in the direction of secerity "princess lets roll" jj says as we both get up "lets go guys" kie says smiling "gary is that you" jj says as were getting off the 2nd floor "get down" pope tells us in a rushing manner "its me" jj screams as i slap he "go faster jj" i say impatiently "gary good to see you man" jj continues

we get down with kie and pope "youre just asking for it" kie says "and stop dragging us into it dummy" i say as we all start laughing "JJ" we all hear gary yell

we all go running through the house me staying close to jj while were all screaming and hollering and laughing i burst out laughing as jj almost falls down the stairs "hey stop" gary yells as jj almost runs into him us quickly turning and running the other way "get em! theyre coming your way!" gary says on the walkie chasing after me and JJ

a gaurd comes out of no where grabing jj "i got one" the gaurd says before jj pushes him off "not much of hugger man and neither is she" jj says referring to me as he grabs my hand and starts running again "there going out front" the gaurd yells at this point we caught up to pope

"go pope" jj calls out "go go go go go go" i yell towards pope trying to contain my laughter the boys jump the fence "come on princess" i hear jj call out as i go to jump the fence seeing pope on the ground "get up pope fatsos coming" jj says before running i help pope up as fast as possible and we start running after the the blonde

"hey" the gaurd chasing after us yells "come here you little pricks" the gaurd says stopped by the fence

the van horn starts beeping "bus is leaving" john b calls out "come on guys" kie yells from the back as the three of us get in the van and kie closes the door behind pope

"hey hey hey hey hey" we hear gary yell as he chases the van im now sitting in between jj legs and hes failing to braid my hair and were just all laughing "check out gary gunnin for a raise" pope notices gary running after us we all laugh jj stops messing with my hair and turns to look "come on gary" the blonde yells from behind me

kie opens the door and we see garys pretty close "wait slow down " jj says as he moves closer to the door "hey you little pricks" gary calls out to us "jj dont" i call out moving behind kie "come on guys you're gonna give him a heart attack" kie says as we laugh i look and see jj hanging out of the van offering gary a beer like a puppy

"you're so close! you can do it there you go" jj says as he throws the beer at gary but he doesnt catch it "they dont pay you enough bro" jj says disappointed "jj stop stop" kie says as i pull him back into the van kie death stares him "oh come on that sort of inititative is just begging to be punished brook enjoyed it right princess" he says looking at me

i throw my arms up in defeat " dont bring me into this" i say going back to my origanl seat"aw man" the blonde comments jj eventually gets done with the lecture from kie and come back to sitting behind me playing with my hair as we drive back to john b's

the outer banks paradise on earth
its the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses
two tribes one island

all right this is figure eight
the rich side of the island
home of the kooks
so guess where we dont live

and then this is the south side or the cut
home of the working class
who make a living busing tables,
washing yachts, running charters
the natrual habitat of.....

drumroll please.....

the pogues

thats us
pogues ,pogies, the throwawy fish
lowest member of the food chain

okay so the downside of pougue life
is were ignored and neglected
but the upside of pogue life?
were ignored and neglected
which means we do whatever we want
whenever we want

SAVVY SPEAKS; here is the first chapter im really enjoying writing this book there is gonna be some tw stuff like sh , abuse, suicide , ed , etc i will always have a trigger warning up at the top of the story letting you know but please if that bothers you dont read the chapter or just dont read my book at all i have other books that have less triggering things

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