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how to drive a boat 101—'{ chapter twenty nine }'—

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how to drive a boat 101
—'{ chapter twenty nine }'—

"all right jj pin it here" john b yells "perfect middle of no where" i chuck "roger that x marks the spot" jj jokes

were currently out in the middle of the ocean tasting the drone we 'borrowed' "hey princess what do you say you help me drive this thing after" he asks i laugh with a little nod

me and jj were left into to drive the boat but idk how to drive a boat so it's more i'm sitting and jj's driving the boat "jae i don't know how to drive a boat" i say

"what! this ain't right come here" he gestures for me to come in front of him. he allows me to squeezes infront of him as he puts his hands on top of mine "all right jj we're right over it. ten seconds northwest" john b calls out

"oh duty calls"i try to back out "nah nah nah" jj whispers holding me at the wheel "got it ten seconds northwest" jj confirms while guiding my hands to slightly turn the wheel "it's just like driving baby" he says

"One hundred feet" kiara yells lowering the drone pope gasps loudly for all of us to hear "what happened" i ask but obviously i don't believe anyone can hear me in this little box me and JJ are in while we're driving "nothing" pope says

We were all clearly disappointed when pope says that it was nothing and he thought he saw something "don't do that to me man" JJ says i hold in my laugh "yeah you scared us pope" i say

"Just hold it steady just like that" JJ indicates as I hold the wheel steady "perfect your a natural" he hypes me up I laugh "why thank you I have an amazing teacher" I say laughing "oh really" he smirks as I look up at him quickly "how amazing" he continues "very" I say quickly giving him a kiss and focusing back on the water

"Four hundred feet" Kiara calls out as JJ puts his hands on mine guiding me to turn left because the current is picking up "the tides turning" Kiara calls out again "so what are we supposed to do now" I ask JJ "just follow my lead" he says tightening his grasp over my hands

"This might get a little crazy" he says "crazy is your middle name isn't it" I joke earning a smile from my cute boyfriend

John b and pope are intensely watching the cameras and monitor to see if we should abort mission or not "hey JJ" John b calls out "yup?" He responds "ten seconds easy southeast " John b says "copy that" he says and he does something to the gears

"Ready princess steady" he says in my ear as we turn the boat slowly to the left much sharper than before though "JJ 20 seconds mid-speed all right south" John calls "copy that aye aye" JJ replies

"Hey Jae if this is gonna get to hectic then I can move and you can do your thing" I say worried I'm mess something up or get in the way "no your good baby stay and help me" he says "just turn the wheel I've gotta change the gear" he says as he leans down to mess with the speed "keep the tether out of the prop" JJ calls to kie

"I'm trying" she calls back the boat is rocking "come on" he says guiding my hand to turn the wheel "JJ keep going" John b calls and JJ does something with the wheel then looks back "John b is that good" JJ calls out "we're good" he responds

"JJ it looks like a storm is coming in we're not gonna be able to do this successfully" I whisper to him and see his worried expression "okay 700 feet" Kiara says as thunder crashes down

The tide is picking up rapidly and the boat is basically being driven by itself it gets hard to stand my ground and me and JJ slightly hit the wall "you okay" he asks "yeah we're good" I say hanging onto the wheel tightly

Me and JJ look out the window at the clouds "guys this looks bad" I announce "JJ hold it steady" John b calls "okay 900" kie shouts "hold it steady" JJ says "got it" I say

"JJ well turtle in this storm man" John sounds worried "what does turtling mean" I ask "don't worry we're gonna be okay" he assures "920" "crank it north by northwest ten seconds" John yells

Everyone's yelling my heads starting to get all foggy with all the yelling I need everyone to stay calm so I don't flip "spin it fast like this" JJ says as he shows me to spin the wheel around and around and he lets go for a sec as I continue turning the wheel

"There's too much current" Kiara yells "fuck" I let out "we're gonna lose it" she continued "south southwest JJ hard" John yells "princess you gotta turn it hard okay" he says as I nod doing as he says and guides

"Half speed steady at this bearing JJ" Jb yells JJ is clearly getting frustrated because no matter what we try to do it's not seeming to work all I hear is "a whole lot of nothing" from pope and I sigh in disappointment

"We should be right above it brother" Jb says "960" "970" "JJ we're not gonna hold it for much longer" I say looking at him worried "980"

"I'm at the bottom I'm at the bottom" pope calls "hold it steady guys" John b calls "steady here quater speed all right" he continues

"Steady steady perfect" JJ says to me "oh good god" pope says "wtf does that mean" I say "see anything" JJ calls turning around "it's the royal merchant" John b lets out of a breath "no way" I say under my breath

SAVVY SPEAKS; this was a long awaited chapter and I deeply apologize I'm currently on winter break so expect some new chapter also on Christmas there is a new book coming to this account and for those that didn't know I got locked out of my tiktok account so go follow the new one http_savvyy I hope you enjoy this chapter it got intense at the end like really intense but I hope you like it and I hope everyone has a good holiday and new year

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