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broken promises and apologies —'{ chapter twenty three }'—

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broken promises and apologies
—'{ chapter twenty three }'—

"what the actual fuck were you thinking" i say to my brother as i'm driving his car back to our house he groans a little but doesn't respond "LUCAS I KNOW YOUR NOT HIGH ENOUGH TO DISASSOCIATE" i yell and he jumps and looks at me

he looks shit faced "lucas are you fucking crossed right now" i asked looking between him and the road "whattt" he slurs which answers my question

"lucas you fucking promised me you wouldn't drink how much did you drink when i left" i say holding back my own tears as i turn down our street "not that much" he slurs some more

"fucking great" i say pulling into the driveway to find my mothers car parked indicating that she's home too probably also crossed "the bitch is home too" i sigh cutting the engine and running to the passenger side to get my brother before he gets more hurt

"let's go come on" i say as i drag my brother out of the car and to the house opening the door and dragging him in quietly was very difficult but as we stood in the hall i didn't see my mother in the living room or kitchens so i assumed she had crashed in her bed for the night

i dragged Lucas up the stairs almost falling but i didn't thank god instead i had let the tears i was holding back fall and i silently started crying as i dragged him into his room and watched him collapse to his bed

i ran to grab i trash can and water "lay on your side lukey" i said rolling him over with a soft smile "why are you crying brookie" my brother spoke to me as if we were 6 and 7 again "you broke our promise" i whispered as i turned around knowing he had passed out into deep sleep

after checking and finding my mother crashed in her room i had sat in my room crying i knew it was close to midnight but i couldn't sleep not in this house and the only thing i could think of was one place one person i wanted at this moment

so i packed a bag and snuck out and ran to the château hoping that my boyfriend happened to spend the night

i swung the door open so fast panting due to all the running dried tears stained my face but it was all worth it "wow wow there brook what are you doing here at almost midnight" john b questioned standing in the kitchen

"is jj here" i asked he nods and points to the couch and i see a passed out jj with a half smoked blunt on his chest and a beer cans all around "shit happened at home he came here looking to party it up" john b continued and i broke

right there i just broke down why was it that everyone i needed was high or drunk at the moment i turned and looked at jb "and you just fucking let him" i cried

"what did you want me to do say no bro wouldve been sleeping on someone's front yard for the night" john b argued i just cried it's all i could do i didn't have the energy to argue i didn't want to john b was like another brother to me i appreciate him for everything he does

john b comes over and pulls me into a hug allowing me to sob into his shirt "what's going on brook" he says holding me there as a way of comfort "lucas got drunk and high at toppers party" i sob "and i brought him home and then came here needing jj" i pause trying to contain my sobs "but he's passed out drunk" i continue to sob it all hurting to much

"look i'm sorry brook if i had known i wouldn't have let jj get drunk" he says "it's to late now i'm just gonna go i'll see you tomorrow" i say pulling away wiping the tears "are you sure" he questions and i nod giving a reassuring smile "i think i'm gonna go though so i'll see you tomorrow" i say walking out not even waiting for a response from john b

i didn't go home in fact my jeep was still at john b's i was sat at the dock just looking at the water in it's calm state

i realized years ago that the ocean look calm and beautiful late at night and it became one of my favorite things to just sit and look at the ocean especially when i was down or after me and my mom got into it

foot steps were heard behind me "jb i'm fine" i say huffing "princess?" the voice i was waiting for all night but it sounded tired but it didn't matter to me because when i turned around and saw jj it all was okay

i ran and hugged him tightly "what's wrong" he asks "i thought you were passed out drunk" i say with tears in my eyes "yeah until john b slapped me a million times and told me to sober up because my girlfriend showed up crying looking for me" he said with sadness in his voice "and i was too drunk to be there for her" i looked up and him and his frown could've made me cry for hours

"don't be sad it's fine" i shrug it off sitting back down on the edge of the dock "but it's not, you are my girlfriend and i want to be able to be there for you when you need me" he says sitting right next to me

"jj we are 16 i don't wanna stop you from being a teenager just because my family is fucked up" i say "my family is fucked up john b's family is messed up and we're all still living like teenagers because that's who we are" there was a small pause "but i don't wanna lose you and if my crazy lifestyle or ideas is going to mess that up than i'm gonna stop" he says leaning his head on my shoulder

"jj you are the greatest person ever do you know that" i say looking at him and he smiles before kissing me

after we pull away jj stands up "come on princess let's go sleep somewhere it's actually comfortable" he says reaching his arms out for me to grab "hey who said right here wasn't comfortable maybanks" i laugh as i grab his hands and we start walking back towards the chateau

SAVVY SPEAKS; i hope you guys enjoy this chapter im trying to get the ball moving with my books so i can publish more but lmk what kind of books you want to read and hopefully and i can give them to you

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