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Diver down
Tw ⚠️: language, panicking, cops

were out in the marsh on the boat while kie is checking the tanks

"this is empty you took empty tanks" she says picking up the other tank "okay this ones a quater full its enough for one of us" she continues as she eyes john b

"does anybody know how to dive?" she asks "anybody?"

"its kinda a kook sport" jj comments i look at him

"i do" i break the silence

"ya no your not doing it" jj says as he wrapps his arms around you

"i read about it" pope says

"great pope read about it so someones gonna die , why cant brook just do it" kie says as she looks at me and jj

"because i am very comfortable and anyways look you put the thing in your mouth and breath how hard could it be" jj states

i rolled my eyes but ofc pope beats me to proving how hard diving is

"if you come up too fast nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends" pope says not looking to thrilled

jj picks me up as he stands near the pole ready to make his comeback

"bends like bend over" jj says as he bends sticking his butt in my face

"the bends kill you" i state pushing his butt out of my face

"right this is why brook isnt doing it" he says grabbing me putting me back on his lap

"i can-- i can dive" john b shouts

"you can dive im cool with that" jj says barrying his head into my neck

"since when can you dive" kie says in protest

"ill do it , its fine" trying to reassure kie

i could tell kie was really worried about john b maybe she had a crush on him you never know

"let me do some calculations real quick" pope says seeming very overwhelmed as he gets up

i saw kie say something to john b then get up uh oh something happened while watching kie stand there i listened to pope and his calculations not taking my eyes off kie she looked very worrried

"that boat about 30 feer down"
"so itll take 25 minutes at that depth"
"which means you need to make your safety stop at about ten feet all right for 2 minutes"

kie took off her shirt and jumped into the water

"uh" i say and jj's head shot up hearing the water splash

"what was all of that about" pope asks looking around

"i dont know but i liked it alot" jj said and i got a little sad once he said that but whatever i knew he didnt like me

i cleared my throat making it known that i was atleast still hear and jj let go of me as john b got up and jj quickly changed the topic

"uh when you're down there you look for the cargo hold you stick this thing inside and twist and pull okay?" jj says handing john b a key as kie  comes up from uder the water i walk over helping her up

"hey! i tied my t-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down its where you need to do your saftey spot" she says as she climbs up 

"cool" john b says struggling to put all the gear on "keep an eye on this you need to make sure you have enough air to decompress" pope says as he helps john b with the gear

"okat how much do i need?" john b question

i could tell pope was hesitant to answer but he did anyways "unclear breathe as little as posible" he says walking away

a smirk comes up on jj's face and i was just waiting for his stupid comment

"zen. think zen , you know?" jj says imitating breathing through a mask as well as walking towards john b "yeah got it" he responds

"hes gonna push him" i whisper to kie

"hey if we get caught in the marsh were basically screwed so.. better get a move on" pope says reminding us "copy that"

kie gets up to walk over towards john b i gave her a weird look but it didnt stop her but jj ended up back next to me so i gave up on caring and rested my head on his shoulder 

i was staring at kie when me and jj see her kiss john b

i looked at jj and he looked at me we both had the same shooked look on our face i quickley looked back at them to see what was happening and all john b managed to do was

"diver down?"

"diver down" kie responds before backing away as john b puts the mask on

i hear jj scoff which breaks me heart a little but i always knew he liked kie i mean they all do im just not her shes got it all

my thoughts were interupted by the sound of water splashing indecating john b jumped off the boat we all just kinda stared at one another then back at the water until pope walked to the back of the boat some what breaking the silence \

we just kinda all chilled up on the boat not knowing what to do i sat next to kiara as we all suddenly heard sirens

pope and jj turned around only to be faced with the police boat as the boy shared a conversation "shit jj" "guys thats the police" "oh you got to be kidding me" pope says as everyone starts getting up "just act frickin normal"kie says trying to present herself in a normal manner

"princess come here" jj says waving his hands "just go with it" he whispers in my ear as i entered his arms

i noticed it was shoupe he didnt like me very much so this was gonna be fun

"jj tie this off" pope requested as the police pulled up next to ours jj ended up releasing me from his arms to do what pope asked leaving me in the middle recieving a look from shoupe

"how you kids doing you know the marsh is closed" shoupe asks still on his boat we all responded with no's and confused looks

my dumbass decided now was a good time to speak jj had retured back behind me " why--why is it closed might i ask" i said avoiding eye contact as i mess with jj's rings "were conducting a search out here boat went down" he paused "seen anything" once again we all responded with no's

"wheres your friend your always hang with" he questioned therefore breaking the selince i looked at kie before she spoke "working" she said with a soft smile

i started to panick once shoupe said he was gonna check our boat out hoping right on im pretty sure jj knew i was panicking cause he grabbed my hands and gave them a squezze trying to reasure me which honestly wasnt working i knew john b needed to come up soon and now shoupe is searching the boat that was enough to send me over board

i snapped back into what was going on when i say shoupe just simply staring at the water i turned around looking at jj to have him already looking at me he mouthed 'its gonna be okay' i nodded slowly before turning back around jjs arms wrapping around me as i feel his chin rest on my head

after what felt like forever shoupe left the edge of the boat saying a few things about letting them know if they find anything and what not before leaving

me and kie were the first to run to the edge of the boat once shoupe had left

authors note
sorry once again for the slow update i really needed a mental minute and hopefully now im back hope you enjoyed

word count - 1329

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