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Since the weather was too cold to go out, they snuck into a nice warm blanket and watched movies together.

The next few days they spent most of their time talking, watching stuff and going out for lunches. Annika had shown all her school time pictures to shivaay.

A: Shivaay, I'm going out to get some cocoa powder to make hot chocolate, do you want to come?

S: Annika, it's late and it's cold. You can get it tomorrow

A: I really want to have some tonight, let's go please, we haven't gone out much because of the weather.

Shivaay agreed reluctantly. They drove to the nearest store but couldn't get any cocoa powder

S: Let's go home now, i'll make you coffee

A: Shivaay, there's another store a few kilometres away, let's go please. If we don't get it there then we'll go home

S: Fine

They drove to the next closest store. They were inside the store, it was empty, only one man at the cash register. They looked for the cocoa powder. The two of them were at the back when the door opened with a bang. The store was being robbed!

Shivaay pulled Annika aside and they hid behind a shelf.

A man was pointing a gun at the store employee, asking him for all the money.

A: Oh no shivaay, the store's being robbed

S: shhh be quiet Annika, stay put, he has a gun

A: we need to do something

S: no, stay right here, he'll leave after getting the money

A: but the man..

S: annika, he'll be fine.

A: Shivaay look there's a mop here, i can go and hit him on his head

S: NO! Don't put yourself in danger unnecessarily

A: But it's easy shivaay, he isn't even looking

S: Annika we didn't even see if he's alone, what if he has an accomplice

A: I'm going shivaay

S: no stop it annika

She didn't listen, picked up a mop and walked up to the counter. She was about to hit the man when another guy came from behind her and pointed a gun at her

Robber2: put that down or i will shoot you

A (in her mind): shit. What do i do now

She dropped the mop

A: hey man, you guys continue, i'll just stand here in the corner

Robber1 pulled her by her hand and twisted it behind her back while Robber2 pointed the gun at her. The shop worker was getting all the cash from the register

Shivaay thought through his options. He quickly shared their location with Oliver and texted him to call the cops. Then he picked up a screw driver and stealthily walked behind Robber2. He held the screw driver behind Robber2's back, touching him slightly, giving the impression of a gun touching his back

S: Let the girl go or I'll shoot you

Robber2: You're not gonna do anything. You shoot me, i shoot the girl

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