-°~Chapter 3~°-

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Word count: 1,111

Alrighty this is where everything gose down hill so buckle up! It's about to get fucked up.
No one's POV:

There we're many things that Izuku exspeted when Bakugou started to drag him to he's house, though him bringing him to a nice house in the woods then cooking him he's favorite meal was not one of them.

He was half convinced it was all a dream and he just fell asleep at he's desk, though after pinching hemself multiple times he has come to the conclusion it is, in fact not a dream.

Though he just continued eating the food that was made for him becouse honestly, free food. Who wouldn't?

When he finished eating he gave Katsuki a smile "That was really good Kacchan! Thanks for making me food" Izuku said as he brought he's dish to the sink, intending to wash it.

"I'll clean it nerd, go into the living room and wait for me." Katsuki said as he gently pushed Izuku out of the way.

If Izuku wasn't confused before he definitely was now, though he desided not to question it seeing as he thought Katsuki was putting in the effort to try and make up for there past, so he did as told and left Katsuki to do he's own thing.

When he arrived in the living room he was immediately hit with a apple sent, it was faint yet there, it oddly reminded him of he's hair/body wash (he uses women's body wash and stuff becouse it smells better then the mens), though he shrugged it off.

Everything in the living room was nice and clean, the hardwood floors were clean, the carpet in the middle of the room was white, without a single stain, there was an L couch along with a chair, both looked comfortable as hell, a book shelf was sat to the side with books on it along with some hero merchandise, but the thing that really stood out was a picture frame, that had a picture in it, Izuku being curious he went over to see who it was that Katsuki had a picture of, though he was not prepared for what he saw.

It was him, completely nude.

Izuku gave a gasp as he's eyes became a size bigger and he's face went pale, he's immediate thoughts were of how he could've gotten this picture, he's never even taken a nude before lat alone sent one to anyone! He didn't even do that stuff with he's boyfriends let alone someone he's barley even friends with!

"What are you looking at Deku?" He heard Katsuki say from behind him, soon enough he felt Katsuki's hot breath on he's neck.

He had no idea what to do, he knew he was in danger and he couldn't over power Katsuki, even if he could he was paralyzed in fear.

"Heh, I'm a good photographer aren't I Deku? I framed it just right to where I could see everything, every. Little. Thing." Katsuki whispered into Izuku's ear with a dangerous undertone to it.

By this point Izuku was shaking, Katsuki had seen him naked And he didn't even know when this happened! "K-Kacchan why did you... Why w-would y-you.." Izuku tried to get a sentence out but he couldn't find the right words.

Katsuki chuckled as he placed he's hands on the smallers hips "Why wouldn't I? Your perfect in everyway... Though it angers me that I'm not the one who gets to wake up next to you every morning" he said, he's voice becoming dangerously low the more he went on.

"I-I... Kacchan I w-was nude! W-Why would y-you d-do that while I'm o-oblivious?!" Izuku asked though he feared the answer, and he was right to.

"Well... Becouse you looked so pretty being oblivious to your audience... Though if it's the obliviousness that you don't like..." Katsuki stopped he's sentence as he suddenly whipped Izuku around before grabbing him and throwing him onto the floor.

Izuku looked up at him, though before he could try to escape Katsuki had already gotten on top of him pinning both he's arms above he's head with one hand before he's other hand held onto he's jaw, he's legs straddled him so he use he's legs.

"We can change it~" Katsuki stated as he forced open Izuku's mouth before roughly kissing him.

It took a minute for Izuku to come to the reality of what Katsuki is doing, but it was when Katsuki's tongue intered he's mouth was where he started to struggle, he's eyes closed as he tried to close he's mouth, wiggle around, trying to free he's legs, though nothing worked, he was stuck.

That petrified him.

When Katsuki finally let him go it was for a breath, though it was enough for Izuku to suck in a shakey breath, before he could beg for Katsuki to stop he had already started kissing him again, as Izuku still tried to get away he slowly started to realize it wasn't doing anything he started to cry, he didn't want this!

Finally after when seemed like years but was really a few minutes Katsuki stopped kissing him, which is when he saw the look of dispair on Izuku's face.

"The fuck you so sad about? Don't you want this? Unless... Haha your a crier I should've known." Katsuki said with a smirk.

"S-Stop I-I don't want t-this!" Izuku pleaded as he, once again tried to free hemself.

He brought he's hand to Izuku's neck tightly squeezing it "Shut up, of course you want this. Though we'll discuss this later" Katsuki said as he stood up, bringing Izuku with him.

Katsuki still held Izuku by the neck as he brought him down to he's basement, once he was down there he brought Izuku to he's room before throwing him onto the bed, where Izuku gasped for air slightly coughing as he laid on the bed heaving for air.

It didn't take long for Katsuki to grab the chains and put them on him (there was one singular chain that wrapped around he's neck, it's also a quirk suppressor), after it was on him Katsuki gave the crying Izuku a kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry teddy bear, your safe here~" Katsuki whispered "soothingly" into he's ear before walking out locking the door behind him.

As he left he heard the shakle move around vigorously along with sobs, though Katsuki only smirked as he made he's way back up the stairs.

"Don't worry... You'll be happier here with me my teddy bear~"

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