-°~Chapter 13~°-

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Word Count: 1,031

Something's happening👀
No One's POV:

Katsuki felt like something was off.

He's not sure why, but something just wasn't right.

Though when he tried to pen point what was wrong he couldn't find anything that was outta the ordinary, other then Denki flirting with Tetsutetsu but that wasn't really a surprise as much as out of the ordinary (TetsuKami Anyone?).

So for the mean time, he pushed it aside to deal with another time, when the bell rings he can go home to Izuku, cook for him, then cuddle for the rest of the night, it seemed like a good idea.

Well that was until Aizawa walked in looking worse then usual, but he also looked hopeful.

"Alright everyone, quiet!" Aizawa stated as he activated he's quirk.

Everyone very quickly got into there seats, Izuku's seat still remained untouched after mouths, though even when everyone silently wished he would run threw the door to sit down they knew it wouldn't happen, so instead they gave Aizawa there attention.

"As you all know a few days ago Midoriya's case was put as unsolved" he started, he didn't miss how everyone's faces seemed to go sour "But new evidence has been found regarding he's case, therefore being reopened" Aizawa finished.

Everyone jumped up to stand immediately, questions were jumbled while some were questioning what this new evidence was other's were asking if he was found, and some were asking if he was still alive after all these months.

Threw it all, Katsuki sat wide eyed at he's desk at the information, he was sure he got rid of it all, how did they- no, what did they find?

"Silence!" Aizawa yelled, everyone reluctantly did as told but they were all very much still standing up, and for once Aizawa didn't make them sit "Now, that your all quiet, I'll tell you what we found" he stated.

Everyone was giving there full attention, nothing was going threw there ears but the words Aizawa would say, both Sero and Shinso were waiting with wide eyes, maybe they even stopped breathing just so they could hear everything, every little thing, Aizawa would say.

"We think the LOV have kidnapped Midoriya, we found he's phone near the base that we recently tracked down, soon we'll infiltrate and take him back, though don't get your hopes up to much, it has been months and were not sure if they even still or ever had him, if they don't have him we'll go threw the phone to see if there's anything that could help us further, and finally, under no circumstances are to try to track him down on your own, understand?" Aizawa questioned.

Even though a lot of them were upset that they couldn't help they were also happy that they may have found there cinnamon roll of a classmate, if they find Izuku's been hurt or worse, they'll end the LOV, no hesitation.

Katsuki on the other hand, wasn't as at ease, he completely forgot about the phone, he's not sure if there's anything on there that could point to him being the person that has Izuku, on the country if they succeed in capturing the LOV then they'll look at it, so unless he finds a way to make it look like Izuku was there then he's, all and all, fucked.

Soon enough class started and the rest of the day went relatively smoothly, aside from Katsuki being paranoid as fuck everything was fine, then soon enough lunch rolled around, and Katsuki was oblivious to the two males that were watching he's every move.

"Shinso" Sero called as he pointed to a empty classroom, obviously he fallowed.

When they were in the room Sero quickly got to the point, they couldn't waist any time.

"He tensed up when Aizawa stated they were reopening the case, he also seemed panicked when he showed Izuku's phone" Sero told everything he saw to Shinso, with every word he seemed to get ether more stressed or angry, maybe both.

"I swear if he laid a finger on him..." Shinso cursed under he's breath.

Sero could only nod in agreement, there wasn't any words that could describe the amount of anger he felt towards the blond, if he really has taken Izuku or dared even touch him there was no gods that could save him from ether of there wrath.

"Do you think he... He k-killed him?" Shinso suddenly asked, Katsuki hated Izuku and he's tried to before so.. This only made sense.

"If he did, I will kill- no, torture that bastard" Sero stated as he clenched he's hands, he's knuckles were probably white but he didn't give a shit.

Even though Shinso never thought he would, he agreed.

If he killed Izuku, there would be no mercy.


Katsuki was going to kill these idiots.

All they have been talking about is how much they miss and hopes they find Izuku, how if he returned they'd be hugging him closely for as long as possible, how if the LOV touched him they'd pay, etc etc.

It got on he's fucking nerves, why can't they just forget about him? If he had done this during middle school he knows for a fact no one would give a single shit, but no, of course he had to wait till Izuku had a life to take him, he'll admit he should've done it a lot sooner but what's done is done, he just has to figure something out.

From the corner of he's eye he saw Izuku's EXs walk threw the cafeteria, they seemed a little to happy for he's liking, he hopes it's all crushed brutally.

School was over and Katsuki was making he's way home, he was stressed and just wanted to let it all out, cuddling Izuku sounded good, or maybe he should bring Izuku to a new place to hide him better, maybe to the cellar, though he made that place for other purposes, though Katsuki was feeling pent up.

Izuku did have more meat on he's body...

With a devilish smirk Katsuki tried to get home faster, he was looking forward to tonight.

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