-°~Chapter 23~°-

840 18 11

Word Count: 1,036

No One's POV:

When Izuku woke up and he felt the bed he's first thought was "It was a dream, I didn't escape" though when he actually looked around he found that thought to be wrong.

Everything was deferent, it seemed to be a very big attic to what he assumed to be a wearhouse, though the wearhouse seemed to be made for people to live in, the walls were black with cyan accents, there were boxes shoved into a corner though he was unaware of what was in them, there was a fairly sized fluffy cyan rug on the ground, he sat up to look at the bed, the bed was queen sized the bed frame was wood but painted black to go with the rest of the room and the bedding was black as well but there was fluffy blankets along with a few of he's stuffed animals on it.

There was a big window behind him that was covered with black curtains that allowed no light inside, he peaked outside to see what was around, and when he saw cars with buildings (admittedly unrecognized) he couldn't help smile.

"Morning Izuku"

Izuku whipped he's head around to see who spoke, and when he saw Sero holding a tray of food along with Shinso who had a blanket around him as he pouted a watery smile it's way onto he's face.

Quickly Shinso made he's way over to Izuku to try and sooth him while Sero frowned as he walked over, he placed the food down on the side table before also getting into the bed with he's lovers.

"Amor what's wrong?" Sero asked as he wiped away he's tears, Shinso was on the other side of Izuku holding him for comfort.

"Is it really over? A-Am I actually free?" Izuku asked, almost desperately.

With a small sigh Sero nodded with a small smile "Yeah, it's over, you'll never have to worry about him again" Sero stated.

"N-Never?" Izuku questioned.

"Well unless he's immortal or can survive every vital artery being cut then you'll never have to worry about him" Shinso stated reassuringly.

"You killed him?" Izuku asked as he looked at Shinso, he wasn't mad he was just surprised he was capable of it.

"Mhm... Are you.. Upset about it?"  Shinso quietly asked.

Izuku thought about it for a moment, he wasn't upset that Shinso killed him in probably one of the most gruesome ways, what he was upset about was the fact Shinso did it.

"No... Not really... But how are you gunna explain this to the hero's? You did kinda kill a guy.." Izuku mumbled.

"Okay but he deserved it.. I also don't think we'll have to worry about it.." Sero stated sheepishly.

"Why.. Why wouldn't you have to worry about it?" Izuku questioned skeptically.

"Well..." Sero looked at Shinso with a nervous smile, Shinso also seemed sheepish.

Just by that Izuku could tell it would be a long day...


"And yeah! Now we're kinda.. Runaways that'll probably have a murder charge here soon?" Shinso finished with a nervous smile.

"Well technically you'll be charged with murder I'll just be an accomplice because I didn't bother to help-" Sero added on.

"Yeah? Well your not helping this convention, shut it" Shinso grumbled as he crossed he's arms with a pout.

"Uh technically I am sense I'm giving valid information that you've left out-" Sero started but was cut off by Shinso.

"Do you want me to bitch slap you?"


"I swear to god-"

Both of them stopped there bickering when they heard Izuku snort, seconds later they heard barely hidden laughs, both looked over at Izuku, they'd missed hearing he's laugh, both unconsciously smiled at there lover.

Once Izuku realized they had stopped bickering and were looking at him he looked at them with a shy smile.

"What?" Izuku questioned shyly.

"Nothing we just... It's been so long sense we've heard your laugh and... I guess we just missed it" Sero stated with a chuckle, Shinso nodded in agreement.

Izuku smiled fondly "Yeah... I missed you guys to" he stated as he started to tear up again.

Sero hugged Izuku close to he's chest simply letting him cry, Shinso went behind him once again and soothed him from behind, once Izuku was calm again he thought of something.

"Uhm... G-Guys is my mom... Is she really?.." Izuku questioned as he's lip lightly quivered.

"No, not yet at least... She's pushing threw but I doubt they'll keep her alive for long, every breath she takes is agony.. I'm so sorry kitten" Shinso told him, he knew Izuku wouldn't want it sugar coated and he refused to lie to him.

"She's holding on... For me.." Izuku mumbled, it wasn't a question but more of a statement.

Instead of saying anything they simply hugged him tighter, they preferred to give each other physical comfort instead of saying anything anyway.

"You know, I made you breakfast for a late birthday meal but uh... I think by now it's cold" Sero stated as he chuckled nervously.

Izuku snorted at the statement "Yeah, I'm pretty sure after an hour it's cold" he stated.

"Well that just means we'll have a late birthday lunch instead" Shinso stated.

"Uhm... Actually I.. I wanna see my mom one last time before she... Before... She... Passes on.." Izuku had slight trouble getting out the words but even if he couldn't finish it he's boyfriends knew what he meant.

"Alright, it'll take a bit to get there though, are you sure you wanna do it today? We can always wait a few days just so you can relax for a bit?" Shinso asked worriedly, he was still the quiet worry wort that Izuku remembered.

"I'd rather do this as soon as possible, I wanna let her know she can let go now... I don't want her to be in pain anymore.." Izuku stated, not leaving any room for argument.

"Guess were moving late birthday lunch to dinner.." Sero mumbled.

After that they quickly get ready to head to the hospital, Izuku hoped he's mom can hold on for just a bit longer.

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