-°~Chapter 7~°-

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Word count: 1,066

2 chapters in 1 day? Dayum
No one's POV:

It's been a week and a half since Izuku's been missing and everyone was upset with lossing the cinnamon roll of school.

Ojiro and Shoji were upset that they lost there cuddle buddy, they had been so touch starved becouse of there looks they didn't get much of any physical affection, then Izuku found out and suddenly they were getting cuddles, hugs, head pats, head scratches, and an emotional support buddy that they called animal becouse calling Izuku an emotional support kitten always made him flush, now Denki was helping Ojiro while Tsu was helping Shoji but it just wasn't the same...

Kirishima and Uraraka missed there workout buddy and friend, it was always fun going to the gym with the sweet but super strong cinnamon roll, I mean seriously they would be having trouble with a set and Izuku would help without so much as breaking a sweat, though that never stopped them from having a good time, they really missed it..

Mina missed there little gossip sessions, you wouldn't imagine the amount of things everyone tells the class cinnamon roll becouse they think it's completely safe, in which it was but sometimes Izuku would need to tell someone some things, and Mina would just so happen to always be open, which is how Mina found out about people's crushes, sexualities, secrets, great and bad hair/skin routines, where they got cool clothes, and insecurities, in which both would help fix, Mina missed that...

Tsu missed there horror/murder mystery nights, one of the two greenette's would set up something to watch on Friday at midnight exactly, nether were really ever bothered by them and would always laugh at the stupid logic or make small comments to make the other laugh, one of Izuku's favorite things to do was when someone turned to the side (usually the villain) and say "Hi welcome to chillies" or if someone was whispering he'd go "were here to reach you about your cars extended warranty" which no matter how many times he'd do always made them die of laughter, Tsu hopes he comes back so they can do that once again...

Iida, Denki, and Momo missed there study sessions with the timid boy, he always had a way to make them understand things that didn't make sense, he would also make things fun so nothing got boring for them (it was mostly for hemself and Denki but shhhh) and while studying usually was quiet for the other two they liked when Izuku would have random bursts of energy and go on a mumbling storm to make it make sense for not only him but for everyone around him, it took a lot in them to study now...

Ayoama missed feeding the greenette cheese, he missed there cheesey Tuesday's which was when they'd bring a diss of food that had to do with cheese and then rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 and depending on how good it was would depend on if it was ever made again in the dorms, ayoama wanted he's cheese buddy back...

Now it wasn't just the students that were sad about the missing greenette, even the teachers were having a hard time lossing the greenette, and let's not even mention people from other classes.

Mic was missing the karaoke nights he'd have with the little listener along with Jiro, they'd all meet up in he's dorm on the weekends and join he's little party, midnight would join them sometimes, it was always really fun, though Aizawa used to complain when he saw Jiro and the problem child having fun he never bothered them about it again.

Vlad king and pretty much everyone from class B missed the boy, Izuku was probably the only one from any class that's able to get Monama to leave class A alone without knocking him out or threatening he's life, Tetsutetsu was actually one of Izuku's movie buddy's, much like Tsu they'd set up a random day to go over to whoever's dorm to watch random avenger movies, and the rest of the class always hyped him up when he was feeling insecure, it always made them happy seeing the greenette happy...

Though the people that were suffering the worst from Izuku's disappearance would have to be Inko he's mouther, Aizawa he's unofficial dad, and he's two boyfriends Sero and Shinso.

Inko was deviated when she heard her son had went missing, it tore her apart and the worst thing was that she hadn't talked to him for awhile, or course she got texts from him but when it didn't happen for a day she didn't think much of it seeing as sometimes he got busy, but then she got the call from UA and she instantly knew something had happened, now she was being comforted by her baby's home room teacher and the Bakugou's.

Aizawa was the first to find out along side Nezu that Izuku hadn't come back when he went to visit Katsuki, or on he's way seeing as Katsuki said he never showed up, as harsh as he was on the problem child he started to see him as a son, he'd usually never admit that out loud but now that he's gone he can't help but refer to him as such (he said he's problem child but still), he missed he's problem child and he will get him back, you can count on that.

Sero and Shinso on the other hand, they were going threw the worst of it, everytime they'd see green it would remind them of the one they loved so dearly, Shinso missed when they'd stay up late at night when they couldn't sleep and talk about random things, while Sero missed the times when they'd go out at midnight for snack runs, sometimes they'd come back with a few extra stuffed animals but no one had to know that, now every night they'd wake up instead of sitting around feeling depressed they'd go out and look for him.

All in all everyone was fucked up from the disappearance of the innocent greenette.

But nobody, and I mean nobody believed for one second that he was dead, no one stayed and left it to the pros, they all looked, and they'd find him.

They promised that.

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