-°~Chapter 11~°-

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Word count: 1,025

Yes I'm alive, no this isn't discontinued, and yes I am trying to update<3

I'm in a angsty mood so obviously I'm gunna write more on this fucked up fanfic💋
No one's POV:

It had been a week sense the incident with Katsuki finding out about him not eating, and Izuku feeling stupid things towards him.

Much to Izuku's horror they didn't stop, the feelings were getting stronger and he was mentally breaking, he would start to get anxiety over it all, he was starting to want Katsuki to touch him and it was killing him.

Fighting off the feelings were hard but he could suppress most of them, most.

He still allowed Katsuki to touch him, even though sometimes he gets a little to handsy he still let's him, as long as he didn't touch he's private parts that is..

Though at UA things are mostly back to normal, they are still actively looking for him though it isn't on a top priority anymore, which makes a lot of people at UA very angry but of course they can't say anything because there's nothing to say that hasn't been said already.

It tore two specific people apart more then the others though, that would be Shinso and Sero.

They missed there other half, there missing piece, and they refused to believe there precious cinnamon roll of a boyfriend is dead untill ether a body is found or the kidnapper/attacker confirms that Izuku is indeed, dead.

On the other hand, Aizawa has come to terms with Izuku's death, as much as he didn't want to he had to other wise he was sure he'd lose he's mind, though now he was thinking of talking about this to he's therapist, he hadn't said anything about Izuku's disappearance though he was sure he's therapist knew something was up.

Inko though, she wasn't giving up, not even for a second would she believe that Izuku had died, no, he was too strong willed and stubborn to let anyone else but hemself take he's life, she knew her kid better then anybody else (maybe not like he's boyfriends but she wasn't sure she wanted to know him like that) and she'd be damned if she believed her baby is dead.

Now, back to our favorite greenette.

Izuku was layed on he's bed particularly tired, but he was still very paranoid as to sleep without being under the bed but Katsuki had told him to start sleeping in the bed or else he wouldn't have a bed anymore, so reluctantly he stays on the bed, though sense then he actually hasn't been sleeping much.

Unfortunately Katsuki still makes him sleep on the bed despite that.

On the other hand, Izuku's been gaining some weight, it wasn't enough but it was something, he's bones were still very noticeable but he was feeling a little better about that, that's really all he's felt better about.

With a heavy sigh Izuku looked around, the room was the same from when he first got here mouths ago, Katsuki always kept it clean no matter how much Izuku whished for some type of imperfection, he always hated when things were to clean, to perfect he supposed, and now that's all that was allowed while he was here in this hell that's supposed to be he's room.

God he hated this room.

Quickly Izuku realized he was crying though he didn't bother to stop it, he let the tears escape and flow freely, but even though he was crying he's face was blank as if he wasn't fully there.

I suppose in a way he wasn't.

Suddenly the door opened "Teddy bear I'm back!" Katsuki yelled with a smile and a glint in he's eyes that reminded all to much of Toga...

When Izuku didn't replie to him he looked closer at him, he realized Izuku was crying but with a blank face, Katsuki's never seen Izuku cry like that, don't get him wrong he's seen him cry a million times but never with a blank face, never.

Katsuki quickly walked over and crouched down in front of him "Hey Teddy bear? You okay? What's wrong?" He asked quietly, though it didn't seem like Izuku was there, he's eyes weren't focused on anything.

He started to slightly shake him "Izuku come on, come back to me your scaring me" Katsuki begged as he shook him, which seemed to knock Izuku out of whatever he was in.

"Huh..?" Izuku asked as he's eyes started to focus again, he almost sobbed when he saw it was Katsuki, it wasn't out of relief.

"Hey you okay? I've never seen you cry like that..." Katsuki asked,  he got behind Izuku and cuddled him to comfort him.

Izuku hated that he found it comforting.

"I... I don't want to talk about it..." Izuku mumbled, he turned around so he could cuddle Katsuki that way he'd stay calm, there was also a part of him that wanted it but he ignored it for he's own Sanity.

Thankfully he's plan worked and Katsuki didn't ask, he simply gave a hum while he cuddled Izuku close.

"Alright fine, but I'll find out at some point" Katsuki grumbled as he gave Izuku kisses on the forehead.

"I'm sure you will..." Izuku stated, he's sure Katsuki took it in a playful way but Izuku felt dread about him finding out.

And he was right, Katsuki did take it in a playful way which made him smile, Katsuki was glad Izuku stopped trying to fight he's love (for the most part) and how that he did stop he could start getting more... Handsy, he just needed to wait till he got more meat on he's bones before he got to intimate with him is all, he's sure Izuku appreciates that.

He's not sure when Izuku fell asleep but he was sure as hell giddy when he realized it, quickly the blond held him closely while he pampered him in kisses.

"Soon we'll be a family Izuku... Soon..." Katsuki thought happily as he hugged Izuku protectively.

Soon enough he was also asleep.

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