-°~Chapter 17~°-

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Word Count: 1,200

No One's POV:

Aizawa sighed as he looked absentmindedly out the window of he's apartment, he wasn't sure how to feel.

Of course he was happy they found Oboro or he guessed Kurogiri, who were the same person which he had to take two shots of vodka before he could process properly without passing out, then he was more then angry that they didn't have Izuku, but also angry, how could they not have ever had he's problem child? They had been just as confused as us when we questioned the fact that they had never had Izuku, which brought so many more questions to the plate.

If they had never had Izuku then what on earth happened to him? Who had kidnapped the poor problem child? Why did they in the first place? And most importantly, what were they doing to him now?

Even though he had so many questions as to why it had to be like this he had one more thing he needed to do that he had been dreading sense the raid.

He had to call Izuku's mother.

No way in hell did he want to, but he had to, he couldn't leave Izuku's mother in the dark about what was happening to her son, she deserved to know just as much as anyone else if not more, so reluctantly he picked up the phone to call and arrange some type of meet up.

The phone rang once, then twice, then it was picked up and a frantic mother was on the line.

"Eraserhead?! Did you find him? Please tell me you found my baby alive and well!" He heard Inko's desperate voice beg.

He coughed before speaking "Uhm I feel this is something that should be discussed in person, I'd like to arrange a meet up-" Aizawa was interrupted.

"He's dead... Isn't he?" Inko's voice asked, almost dead.

It was silent for a long while, before Aizawa finally got the courage to speak once again.

"I really think this is something you'd wanna hear in person" Aizawa stated.

"Aizawa... I beg of you, just tell me now if my baby is alive, tell me if I'll ever hold him again" Inko all but begged over the line.

A sigh was heard before Aizawa gave in to the mothers request.

"During the raid we had successfully caught all of the LOV, but as we interrogated them it came to our attention that they... They never had Izuku nor were they aware of he's disappearance, as far as right now we don't know if were going to continue to look into it any further" Aizawa stated as calmly as he could, he was breaking himself just stating it.

The other side of the Line was silent for a bit, before he heard the noise of some sharp being pulled out of what he assumed to be maybe it's holder/container.

"I see... Thank you for your time then.." The line cut off and Aizawa doesn't think he's ever felt he's stomach drop so fast.

Quickly he called Tensei sense he knew he could get there faster then he could, it a took a try of two but he was able to get a hold of him.

"Shota what-?" He heard Tensei start to question but Aizawa cut him off.

"I think Midoriya's mother is going to or is about to commit suicide, I need you to go there quickly" Aizawa stated rushed, he needed her alive so the problem child had family to come back to.

"On it." Tensei wasted no time before hanging up and rushing to the Midoriya's home.

Aizawa anxiously waited for the phone to ring again, he waited and waited, he was hoping she made it, Aizawa didn't wanna sound to optimistic but he just knew he's problem child was alive, he always had gut feelings and he learned to trust them, he had a gut feeling Izuku was alive, he wasn't quiet sure if he was alright but he knew Izuku had to be alive, as he paced around the living room he suddenly got a call, picking it up quickly he saw that it was Tensei, he answered quickly.

"Tensei is everything alright?" Aizawa asked quickly, when he was met with silence he knew the answer.

"...I got here just as she slit her throat, Shota I-I- there was no way- I couldn't- she just-... She hit a lot of vital artery's... We'll be lucky if she lives past tomorrow..." Tensei informed him, he's never had to deal with this type of thing before so rightfully so he was shaken up.

"Shit..." Aizawa sighed as he pinched the bridge of he's nose.

"Yeah... U-Uhm I also... The press is kinda... Outside demanding answers about Izuku Midoriya.." Tensei stated with he's own sigh, he seemed just as drained as Aizawa.

"Fuck..." Aizawa grumbled, out of all the times.

"Shota what do I do?" Tensei asked shakily.

"I'm on my way, don't talk to the press." Aizawa grumbled before hanging up.

Today was not a good day for anyone...



Shinso looked over at he's boyfriend, Sero was currently packing the last of the stuff he'd need, Shinso was already all packed and ready to go but he was... Very uneasy...

The black haired boyfriend looked over seeming to feel Shinso's uneasiness before stopping what he was doing.

"You okay amor?" Sero asked gentility.

"This is insane..." Shinso mumbled as he looked down.

"I know..." Sero replied.

"Were gunna be searched for..."


"T-This might kill us"


They stayed silent for a moment, though the next thing that Sero stated left Shinso in shock.

"You don't have to go, I can.. I-I can do this myself" Sero suddenly told him, he looked as sincere as ever.

Shinso looked at him wide eyed, how could Sero even think he'd allow him to go by himself with no help or back up? Was he insane? It was ether they both go or nether go, and that's exactly what he told him.

"Sero no. It's ether we go, or no one goes" Shinso stated as he looked as Sero with a serious gaze.

"Amor... I- you don't have to go if you don't want to, I can go and bring Izuku back and we can be together again, all of us" Sero promised as he walked over and cupped he's face.

Shinso couldn't lie, he was scared of what would happen if they did this, but just the thought of him staying behind and doing nothing when he had the chance to help makes him wanna scream in frustration, so as tempting as it was to just stay behind and let Sero do all the work he refused to do that.

So he grabbed he's bad and flung it onto he's back "Let's go get our boyfriend back." Shinso stated with a determined look on he's face.

Sero smirked back as he grabbed he's own back, they both brought up there masks to hide there faces, they only had one thought going threw there mind as they opened the window.

"Don't worry Izu, were on our way."

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