-°~Chapter 5~°-

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Word count: 1,070

Sorry it took so long to update💃✨
No one's POV:

It has officially been a few days sense anyone has seen Izuku, they had looked everywhere last night for him, he was no where to be found.

Though when Aizawa found out he was supposed to meet him the day he went missing he's excuse was "He never showed up, tried calling him but he never picked up, simply got a text saying to fuck off" to which he did, though he didn't think anything was wrong even if it was out of character.

This set off alarms for Aizawa, along with Izuku's boyfriends Sero and Shinso.

Though now that it's the next day with no new information about what could've happened everyone's worried, and rightfully so, though school for 2-A was cancelled so they could look for the little cinnamon roll.

Now everyone was silently freaking out in there dorms, some people were together with friends while others were with there lovers, then others were alone.

Sero was in he's dorm cuddled up to Shinso, both seeking comfort from each other, though Izuku was always better then they were when it came down to comfort, which made the ever growing pain so much worse.

As soothingly as possible Sero held onto Shinso trying to soothe he's worries, though when he hemself was worried and did a terrible job as lying it was kinda hard.

But that wouldn't stop him from trying to make he's boyfriends worries settle down.

"Shhh baby it'll be okay, Izuku's strong" Sero soothed the smaller in he's arms (if I remember correctly he's like 6'0 foot or close right?).

He gave a small sniffle "I-I know but just because he's s-strong doesn't mean he can't be h-hurt.." Shinso stated, which was sadly true.

Sero gave a sad sigh "I know... But we'll find him, he's been in trouble so many times and he's gotten out with ease! He'll be back soon, I promise you" he said soothingly as he pet Shinso's hair.

"P-Promise?" Shinso asked with a small sniffle.

"Promise, cross my heart and hope to die" Sero said softly.

After that they sat in tense but comfortable silence, they had hope for there little Izuku, they know he'll be okay and he'll be back, so even though they were worried they'd leave it to the pros and try to not do anything rash.

Though they'd come to regret that decision...


Izuku wanted to rip he's skin off.

He could feel Katsuki's touch on it, he could still feel every time he kissed he's neck, it was supposed to be affectionate but Izuku couldn't, wouldn't find it relaxing or affectionate in any way, shape, or form.

It was supposed to be a school day, Izuku thought he'd get a break from Katsuki's constant touching and abuse, but the second he allowed hemself to relax he was there once again.

The little greenette was in a daze, he had just woken up from a nap when he felt someone behind him, he felt breath on the back of he's neck, quickly Izuku jumped up to try and get away but that only got him so far..

Izuku had ended up on the ground looking up at the bed, quickly realizing it was Katsuki made it all the worse.

Katsuki was looking at him upset, fucking upset.

"Aw teddy bear where are you going?~ I just wanted to cuddle.." Katsuki all but whined in annoyance.

"I-I-I-" Izuku tried to come up with something, he really did but he couldn't think of anything. 

"You what? Speak up." Katsuki demanded.

He took a deep breath before speaking again "I don't want to cuddle, not with you!" Izuku stated secretly proud of hemself for not stuttering.

Quickly Katsuki's demeanor changed, he was no longer whiney and held a pout but now he looked angry, pissed even.

The blond got up from the bed and walked over to Izuku, very quickly Izuku's instincts yelled danger so he tried to back away but that didn't work out ether, Katsuki had gotten to him and he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground.

"You listen here nerd, you don't get to say no, you don't get a fucking say in this or anything I or you do, you belong to me so shut the fuck up and deal with it, got it?" Katsuki stated in a snarl, there was so much venom in he's words he almost believed he was a snake.

Very quickly Izuku nodded as clawed at Katsuki's arm to try and get air, once Katsuki desided he was satisfied he turned around and threw Izuku on the bed.

Izuku started gasping for air on the bed he held he's neck trying to protect it even though there was already a chain there keeping him hostage.

Soon Katsuki was behind him once again holding him close, he's hot breath tickled the back of he's ear, it oddly reminded him of what Sero would do, but usually he'd be turned around and held protectively all night, Shinso would also be behind him whispering sweet nothings into he's ear, it brought comfort to him in the worst days and nights.

He missed Sero and Shinso...

"You know... Usually I don't mind your muttering" Katsuki's voice knocked him out of he's thoughts, and he quickly realized he's mistake "But when your talking about that damn tape face along with mind fuck about how they holds you I don't. Like. It." He stated clearly getting angry.

"It's not my fault Sero and Shinso are better then you..." Izuku muttered quietly, though Katsuki cought on.

Katsuki chuckled darkly "Oh really now? Them being better then me?" he asked as he sat up, he made Izuku lay on he's back "THEM BETTER THEN ME?!!?" he asked once again as he looked at Izuku angerly, "YOUR GOING TO FUCKING REGRET SAYING SOMETHING LIKE THAT YOU STUPID BITCH!!!" Katsuki raged as he got off the bed then took he's belt from he's pants.

He tried to get away but it was useless, Katsuki had grabbed he's ankle then when in reach he held him in place.

"Once I'm done with you you'll never even think of them!!" Katsuki yelled in pure hatred.

Izuku could only look up helplessly as he raised he's arm.


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