Chapter 4: He Left Me (3)

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I was about leave quietly, but then he asked me something. A question that broke the wall between my silence and my rage.

"Would you need anything after this?"

That was it. I dropped the pen in shock at his audacity. Did I need anything?

Ha. What an asshole. Asking me if I need anything after he just destroyed me?! Is he for real?

I wiped away my tears and let out an enraged breath. Without thinking, I grabbed the glass ashtray from the table and struck his head with it.

He took the hit fully and fell on his ass, "Agggghhh! What the hell, Olivia!"

"Clyde!" Geneva ran to him and eyed me maliciously, "What's wrong with you, you bi-"

"What!" I raised my voice so loud that it echoed in the office. It's a good thing the guards are stationed at the end of the hall, "You're gonna call me a bitch? Go ahead. I'll show you what a bitch really is."

Clyde glared at me, taking out a handkerchief for his bleeding head, "How dare you-"

"How dare I?!" I let out a laugh, before smashing the ashtray on the marble floor, "How dare I?! I'm at least allowed to do this, right? After everything you did to me!"


"You already filed for divorce. Sue me for assault then," I raised my hands as a gesture of fake surrender, "But you won't get any money since you took it all, right? You took everything away from me!" Then, I flung the small lamp over his head, which he unfortunately dodged.

"Olivia, stop this! Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed, stepping backwards as I moved towards him in a slow, dangerous pace.

"Crazy?" I smirked, "That's right. I am. I read the papers. You're divorcing me because 'I'm not in the right mind'. Ha! You actually pleaded insanity! Why? Too scared to admit that you cheated? Well, I'm just living up to your accusations." Then, I tipped a chair over, and pushed a vase from its place.

"That's it! I'm calling security!" Geneva stated, going to Clyde's table to press the button that summoned security whenever Clyde needed it, "Where's the button, Clyde?!"

I couldn't help it. I let out the loudest laugh, "Oh, this is priceless! Your bitch doesn't even know where your buttons are?! Ha! How could she not? You've screwed her on that table countless times!"

"Clyde! Where is it?!" Geneva shrieked as I threw a pen at her.

I rolled my eyes, looking for something to throw at her, "It's beside the second drawer to the left, you idiot!"

"Olivia, stop this! Right now! People might get hurt in here."

I gasped cynically, "Really? Well, count me out because I'm already in hell, Clyde. That just leaves the two of you and I don't give a rat's ass if this fractures your skull."

I grabbed a small stone statue near me and positioned my arm at just the right angle so I could hit them. They immediately ran to the far back of the office, near the glass window with the view of the whole city.

I felt a drop of tear roll down from my cheek before I threw at them, "Die, you bastards."

But then, I felt a strong hand on my wrist. I looked over my shoulder and there were two bodyguards towering over me like boulders. I sighed and dropped the statue in frustration.

"You guys always spoil the best moments."

Clyde immediately commanded them in a calm tone, "Escort her out."

"Yes, sir." They answered in unison and turned to me, "Let's go, Ms. Olivia."

"Miss? What happened to Mrs.?" I asked before turning to Clyde, "Don't tell me you announced it to the whole staff already. You're gonna let me walk out the building in shame too?"

Ah, come on, Olivia. Don't cry.

"It was me." Geneva stated proudly, "Enjoy your walk of shame."

"That's enough! I never told you to do that!" Clyde roared at her.

She recoiled, "But-"

"Ah!" Clyde flinched, touching his wound. He eyed me, but not with anger. He was looking at me with slight pity, "Don't let her exit the front. Please keep her away from the staff."

"Understood." The bodyguards answered in unison once more before turning to me. One of them held my arm, "Please cooperate, Ms. Olivia."

I snapped, and slapped that guy across the face, "Don't you dare touch me! I've been here longer than you. I know my way out."

I took my bag and walked towards the door. The guards trailed behind me, with the other one still holding his cheek. Before I could completely exit the room, I stopped in my tracks and turned to Clyde.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "You asked me earlier if I needed anything, right?"

He stayed silent, but was obviously waiting for what I had to say.

This may be the last time we can see each other like this. And even though my blood is boiling right now, that thought made sadness overwhelm me again, forcing me into one last confession.

I bit my trembling lip, my words faltering as I started to speak, "All I needed was you, Clyde."

His eyes widened, and he looked towards the ground to hide his softening expression.

"You could've been more than enough for me." I continued, trying to suppress my tears, "But I was never enough for you. You always wanted so much more, that you took everything from me. Even my husband."

I saw him swallow a lump in his throat, before looking at me one last time. The ugly girl beside him clung to his arm, shooting me a scornful look.

But the rage I had earlier completely disappeared as I bared myself in all honesty in front of him. The tears I tried not to show ultimately revealed themselves on my face.

"I always knew how you were, but even so..."

I gave him one last smile.

"...I really, truly loved you, Clyde."

He opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly turned away. I didn't want to see his expression. What's the point if he was moved? We're already over. And he was not one to go back on his actions.

I walked out of the room, letting those be my last words to the man I loved. I didn't say "goodbye", and I don't know why. Maybe a small part of me was still hoping we could cross paths again, and by that time, he would feel the same way. But this day taught me a lot about hopes.

Having them will only hurt you.

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