Chapter 53: He Had a Brother

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"I'm scared, Arthur," I confessed as I rubbed the heated ceramic of my soup bowl. "He knows. He looked at me and said my name as if... I wasn't a different person. He had no doubt in his eyes."

Arthur sighed in distress as he listened to what happened back at the Harrison mansion. We rushed home and he was kind enough to order me some comfort soup and listen to what I had to say.

"Well, that is concerning. The one person who shouldn't recognize you."

I groaned, trying to choke back my tears, "I was too careless."

"You were sick, alright? How on earth would you know that Peyton girl is Harrison's sister? And the other thing," he took a quick glance at my stomach.

I held it, feeling the new life growing inside of me. I still couldn't believe it. I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant with Judah's child. I'm having a baby with the man I love.

I know I should be happy, but with the way things are right now, I couldn't bring myself to be purely delighted.

I'm worried that Judah might not be ready for a child. I was the one who insisted on not using protection. What if he thinks I got myself pregnant just so he wouldn't leave me?

And there's still the Harrisons. Even if Judah's okay with it, we can't have a child while we still have enemies—who are capable of mass murder at that. It's too dangerous.

"Hey, you should stop worrying about everything, Liv. You don't need to carry the whole thing by yourself," Arthur suddenly said.

I smiled, "Thanks, Arthur. But you can't carry the baby with me."

He rolled his eyes in irritation, "Honestly, how do you have sarcasm left at a time like this? What I mean is you have Judah and me. And this is not just because I work for Jude. But that kid is also my family. And you're his family, so..." he shrugged, looking awkward. "Ugh. You know what I'm trying to say, right?"


I felt warmth in my heart. I didn't know the stoic Arthur Kim was capable of such sweet phrases, though he did have his own spin on it. He looked extremely uncomfortable, as expected.

"Anyway, I promise you this. I'll protect you and Jude, and the baby as well. I'll do whatever it takes. So, just do what you have to do."

In an instant, more than half of my worries dissipated. Arthur has been with Judah for years and even with those Harrisons around, he's still safe and thriving. That fact alone is more than enough for me to rely on Arthur.

"Thank you, Arthur," I sighed in contentment, "You know, for someone as indifferent as I've known you to be, you surprisingly have strong family values."

He reminded me of some of the bodyguards and helpers who raised me at Reagan. My true family.

"What about it?" he raised a brow.

"Well, it has to come from somewhere."

"Are you asking for a back story now?"

"Maybe? I don't really know a lot about you. If I'm going to leave myself and my child in your care, don't you think I should know a bit more than your driving skills?"

He sighed and took a minute for himself, staring at the ground. His eyes darted shortly towards me, then back at the ground. Finally, he rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Might as well," he groaned. "What do you want to know?"

"Where did you come from?"

"Where all men come from. A woman's va—"

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