Chapter 26.5: She's Going to be a Good Wife

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"We're going to have the grandest wedding this world has ever seen."

I just looked at her in all seriousness as her jaw almost dropped to the floor. I could almost hear a glass breaking in the background because of her reaction. But nothing she was about to say next would change my mind.

When she told me she never had a wedding, something struck me. I almost broke the wine glass in my hand. And that feeling only grew when she said nothing after I asked her if she wanted a wedding.

She got up from her seat and walked towards me, "Judah, that's not part of the plan. We can't have that. It's too risky!"

"Watch me." I then proceeded to send a text to the head of Kingston's media team.

[Me. A girl. A wedding. Create a gossip. ASAP.]


She said she didn't really want any of it, but that silence... I already know that she's different from the girls I've met, and it won't change even if she says she wanted to wear the grandest white gown. I've seen those white veil events in our hotels, and it's the only time where the people celebrated are the center of attention, like the world revolved around them for once. Every girl deserves to be a bride... or at least feel like one.

Her? Even more so.

I'm not going to be like that bastard Clyde who couldn't even give his own wife a wedding. Tch. What a loser.

"Judah! Stop that!" She tried to take the phone from my hands, but her hands didn't go as high as mine. I tried to hide my laugh. It was a bit cute to watch her struggle. She didn't look or feel this small when I met her at the office.

In her tussle, her hands landed on my bare chest... it sent shivers up my spine for no reason at all.

"Woah!" I fell on the couch on my ass, my back on the rest, and she landed on my lap. Her hair fell to my shoulders and our eyes met. She was dangerously close, and her amazing scent was all I could take in.

"I-I'm so-" she blushed and tried to apologize, but the buzz of my phone interrupted us.

A text message from my media team appeared on screen.

[Sure boss. Material?] They replied.

Material, huh?

I looked at Olivia's still blushing face. I considered the position we are currently in. Hmmm. We can take advantage of this right?

I held the phone on my right hand, and gently pulled her head in to lean on my shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?!" She asked, resisting my pull.

I raised my phone for a selfie, "Quick. Lean on me and do something sweet... or seductive."

"I need to what?!"

I put down my hand for a bit, "We need to create a gossip for the people. So, the press will come to me and ask about you and the wedding."

"Judah! We can't have a wedding! It's not part of the plan! I need to be hidden, remember?!"

"Trust me on this." I spoke without thinking. I just really want her to have a wedding, but I won't tell her that, "This will be good for our plan. You're the one who said I needed to act crazy about you."

Her eyes widened, then it shifted to the ground as she thought for a moment. Her hands unconsciously still rested on my chest and I smiled as she failed to notice it.

Damn it. I hope she won't feel the pulsations coursing through my chest. What's wrong with me?

Finally, she took a deep breath and nodded once, "Okay. Let's do it. You sure this will benefit our plans, right?"


Her cheeks started to get red again. She tilted her head up, locking her eyes on my own and swallowed, "Here I go then. Just...just do it quick, okay."

I smiled, "We just need one picture."

"Fine. Click fast." She took another deep breath and did something unexpected. Using her loose hair, she covered her face. Then she placed her arms around my neck and pulled herself up. She nuzzled my neck and landed her lips on my skin.

I got taken by surprise by the sudden touch that I clicked the button by accident... without preparing my face.

"Did you get it?" she quickly pulled away after the click, "My face doesn't show, right?"

I swallowed a lump down my throat. I checked the picture of my phone without letting her see it.

What the fu-?! I looked like a shy kinder boy who just got kissed for the first time! My eyes were wide open in surprise, the red on my face was almost visible, and my eyes were just on her.


"Did you just.... Let me see first!" She heard that paper crunching sound of a file going into the trash, so she tried to take the phone again, but I held her arms and made her stay in her position. No one has ever sat on me for this long before. Somehow, I found it... quite comfortable. Maybe it's just her?


I raised the phone above us and gently pushed her head onto my shoulder again, "Let's do another."

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