Chapter 16: I'm On A Mission (3)

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"Wow..." I couldn't help but marvel and stare in awe at the Kingston Corp. building. I saw it through the car window a couple of times when I was still rich, with a car to drive me around. I cursed this building whenever we drove past it, but that was when I was married to Clyde.

But now that I am unbiased and seeing it in person... it was magnificent. Breathtaking.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kingston!" A valet yelled out, tipping his hat as a man in a suit made his way to a car.

That's him. It's Judah Kingston!

Two days ago, I just finished making my new plan. I stayed up all night, inspired because I believe it will work. I'll use Judah Kingston to take down the Harrisons and make the Reagan name great again.

But the first step is proving to be quite difficult. I used my money to buy luxurious clothes and pretended to be a guest, just so I could meet him. I watched him all day yesterday, but I only saw him for like 2 minutes when he got in and out of the car, when he got into the building and when he got out. He doesn't even interact with his employees much. I never even got close to him. I need him to notice me. I even thought about stripping down and running naked in his building just to get noticed. I was getting desperate. But nothing. Today is Day 2. I need to find a way to talk to him.

I rushed to get a cab as soon as Judah got in the car. I almost got run over by the cab I stopped.

"Oi! Are you trying to kill yourself?!" The driver complained as I got in.

"If this doesn't work, I definitely will. Please follow that car! I'll pay you twice the fare if you catch up to him!" I demanded, tapping on the divider.

"Twice?!" He beamed, wriggling his brows.

I paused for a moment. I don't know if I have the money to keep my promise, "O-okay! A quarter more. Just please follow that car now!"

He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes in disappointment, but he instantly stepped on the gas and followed Judah's car. We passed by a couple of blocks until finally, the car stopped beside a building. As Judah got out of the car, I watched him as he walked into a cafe on the other side of the street. I smiled to myself. Now's my chance.

"Here. Thanks." I handed him the fare and got out as fast as I could. I tried to be as discreet as possible when I got into the cafe. I memorized where it was and read the sign above. It says "Valley Cafe." It looks a bit old, but still classy. I haven't seen this place before.

I went inside and tried to look for him. He was already at the bar, ordering like a normal person. I queued in line on the other side in hopes of getting close to him. We were only one person apart. As I observed him, I was stunned. It was my first time seeing him up close. He was...

He was... quite handsome. I might even say dashing. Honestly, his online pictures didn't do him enough justice. Thick,dark hair styled in a side-slick back. Without the gel, or whatever goop heused on it, I bet his hair would reach below his ear. His beard was neatlymanscaped, the same shade of his locks. He also had this olive skin that almostmade him look like a foreigner, if not for his light-colored eyes.

After a few seconds, I was already in front of the line, next to Judah. But then he suddenly left, not even getting his order. My eyes followed him into a table on the corner. It was near the window, facing it, on an elevated platform, close to the AC. It got a full view of the street and just the right amount of sun. I might even say it's the best table in the place. He was the only one there in that area. But why didn't he get anything?

"Hey, Tyler! Get this to Mr. Kingston, will ya." The cashier girl who took Judah's order suddenly called out another person to take Judah's coffee to his table. A young boy in uniform got the tray and took it to Judah.

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