Chapter 44: It Was a Stupid Project

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I rushed to Judah's office with copies of today's tabloids and broadsheets. I also prepared the printed articles to show him. I opened the door to an empty office, but his laptop and some unfinished paperwork were still on his desk. Maybe he's just in his bathroom?

"Judah?" I called out twice. He answered just as I was about to call him for a third time.

A muffled voice came from his private room, "Be right there."

Strange. He rarely uses his private room during the day. It's basically a mini apartment for whenever he has to spend some nights in his office. Since we've been married, he hasn't used it once. Even I haven't been in there. There was one time we had to sleep in the office, but he just used one of the hotel rooms so we could sleep in. But for the most part, we always managed to finish our work and get home.

Finally, the door opened.

"Ah, Judah! Did you see the headlines—"

But slow, sexy rock music started to play in my mind, blurring out the rest of my thoughts. Judah, in slow motion, came out of the room into his office...topless. His ripped torso glistened in water and sweat. The black towel on his shoulders covered up a bit of his chiseled chest. His dark hair looked attractively messy and damp. He only wore this black gym pants and Nike shoes on the bottom. The light from the windows highlighted all of his structures in their absolute perfection.

I stifled a frustrated moan.

Damn it. What a majestic view and I can't do anything to it.

"Hey Olivia," He chuckled shyly, "Sorry about my appearance. I was working out."

"Oh, there's nothing to apologize for." I murmured and quickly composed myself, wiping the slight drool at the corner of my mouth, "I didn't know you had a gym back there."

"Just a few equipment. I use it during staff breaks so no one can see me in this unpresentable state—sweating and what not."

"The hell is unpresentable about this?"

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Nothing." Ugh, that was supposed to be a thought. I ended up saying it out loud. I faked a cough and got to my original business, "Anyway, I thought you might want to see this."

I put everything on his desk. He burst into fits of triumphant laughter and big smiles as he saw the headlines. He shook his head in amusement as he read the printed articles.

"Well, looks like our scandal worked."

I smiled, "It really did."

The morning after the Three Hundred, Judah and I became a hot topic in all showbiz news. There were mixed opinions on the headlines—how we set the dance floor on fire, how we disgraced a formal event; how we put the "sin" in business—my personal favorite for its creativity—and how we are New York's finest and spiciest, elite power couple. I believe that Italian restaurant across us now serves "Kingston" as a new chili flavor.

The image of our kiss and our dance are on the cover along with headlines. Some news media didn't publish our scandal and went ahead to cover how great the Harrisons' event was. They were probably paid. And it doesn't matter because anything with a picture of Judah and I were selling like hotcakes.

"Hey look. It says the demand for Yoga sessions in local gyms has increased by two percent since our pictures were published." Judah chuckled, "It must be that leg thing you did."

"Ah, that." I laughed, pointing at the page he's holding up, "There's even an article there titled Bending the Bed. It's about how flexibility can spice things up in the bedroom."

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