Chapter 18: He Noticed Me (2)

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As he faced me, he raised his brow and took a step closer, "You guys deliver, right?"

I answered as soon as I heard the word 'deliver', "Yes! Yes, we do."

"Twenty-four seven?" He added.

"Absolutely!" I replied without thinking.

Kohi looked at me disbelief, shaking his head vigorously and mouthing, "Oi! Baka! No, we don't."

Judah seemed to notice this and frowned, "I think you don't."

"We do now! But for this week only because... it's...ummm... it's international coffee day!"

"You're about three months early." He smirked, "It's not until October."

"Crap and sh*t. That really exists?"

He raised a brow at my remark, and I immediately noticed my dumb mistake. I stammered like as I tried to save myself. Why am I like this?!

"Uhhh... I mean... it''s a special, limited offer. Uhhh..." Come on, Olivia! Use your training! Your trauma! Your-

That's it.

"It's a trial week." I finally spoke without stuttering. Firm and sure, "We're trying to expand the business. But a franchise would be too costly for now. So, we wanted to try our hand on other services first. This week, we're giving food delivery a try."

His eyes widened for a second, then he quirked a brow and smiled, looking impressed. I sure hope he was, "Trial week, you say?"

I smiled. Finally, I was in my element of discourse, "Yeah. It's supposed to be confidential until next week, but I thought our best customer should be aware that he can now get his favorite coffee anytime. Don't you think?"

He pursed his lips, nodding in agreement as he stared at his cup, "You're right. That is useful information after all."

I tried to hide the biggest grin creeping it way to my lips. I could even feel the stares of my colleagues behind the bar with me. They were probably amazed and confused by the whole transaction.

"Alright, then. Twenty-four seven delivery it is. Thanks for letting me know... Miss Liv." He gave me one last smile, then he walked out of the premises. I stayed in a daze as I watched him get into his car. He opened his door and gave me one last look from afar, still seemingly amused, then he got in and drove away.

"Liv!" A female voice rang in my ears. It was CJ, the girl I first met in this cafe, the one with the big crush on Clyde. She ran to me and held my shoulders, "How did you do that?! That was the longest he's ever spoken to someone! And the longest he's stayed in line! Please! Tell me how!"

But before I could answer her, our manager appeared from the kitchen door.

"Greeey!" Mr. Sanders roared, "What's this day I've heard about?!"

He had veins all over his forehead, reaching up to his receding hairline, and all the way to what's left of his thinning, dark hair. His knuckles were clenched white under his blue sleeves. I was grateful that his nostrils weren't flaring at least.

"Mr. Sanders!" I beamed, rushing to him, "Yes, about that. Can I be on duty for that?"

He flinched, scratching his beard in frustration, "Wha-What the hell are you talking about?! Kohi just told me you were making lies in front of Mr. Kingston! Mr. Kingston for god's sake! How could you tell him we have a delivery service?!"

"That's because we will." I argued, "If you let me handle it."

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed in a very high tone. He then took my arm and pulled me inside the kitchen, "Look here, Grey! You got lucky with the coffee but if you pull another stunt like this-"

"Think about it, sir." I cut him off before he could say anything else that would endanger my chance with Judah, "Mr. Kingston already likes our coffee. If we can deliver it to him any time of the day, he'll favor us even more! And he might do just about anything to keep his most trusted coffee supplier afloat. You won't have to worry about running out business, sir! Think about it!"

At this, his eyes widened, probably realizing the sense in my words. He started tapping his chin in thought.

"Damn it, Grey. You stirred up trouble but you have a point." This admittance was followed by a groan, "Agh! Who am I kidding?! We don't have the budget to pay a 24/7 staff and I-"

"Me, sir! I can do it. And you don't have to pay me at all!"


I leaned in to his hear and whispered like a temptress, "Free, sir. Free. Free. Free."

He sucked in lips, heaving a deep sigh. He eyed me from top to bottom, then stared at my face for a moment. I wriggled my brows, using my neatly defined arches to urge him to take my offer.

"24/7. This cafe will be opened for delivery. You need to make all the orders and deliver them. Can you handle it?"

My lips curved into a smile. I nodded in response, "Yes sir."


"Well, for the delivery, we can limit the area we deliver to. I can use our scooter for closer deliveries. For farther places, I can have it delivered through an online service. I can also limit the available products to drinks only so it will be easier. It will just be for a week. What do you say?"

He quirked his brows, looking stunned at how laid out my proposal was. I look smart, don't I, Mr. Sanders? He doesn't need to know I pulled out an all-nighter for this plan.

After taking a minute, he finally gave his reply, "Ugh. Fine. Your call. But if this fails, you'll be back to the dishes. Understood!?"

"Yes, sir!" I let out a breath of relief, hiding my grin. Finally. It's all falling into place.

He rolled his eyes and let out an irritated groan as he went back to the kitchen, "I know you like showing off, but seriously. Delivering...and for Judah Kingston? Ha. Why are you even doing this Grey? And don't tell me it's because of some petty crush."

"I want what's best for our customers, sir." I plastered on the biggest grin on my face, "And Judah Kingston's our best one. I want to be there when he calls."

The plan starts now.

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