Chapter 58: He Killed Him

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"Where are we?" I asked as Cesar and his guard led us through a dark attic, descending a staircase. There was one guard behind me, holding a gun to my back. I had no shackles or blinds, but I was too scared to move out and risk getting hurt.

"Don't worry, dear. You're in a very familiar place, you'll see," he answered with a smirk, his tone deep and ominous.

The ride all the way here had me consumed in fear and anxiety. It felt like I was back on that plane, trying to escape for my life. Only this time, there was nothing I could do. No openings. Nothing in my hand or surroundings to help me. I was trapped. Where the car stopped was a dark tunnel, underground. It led to an empty concrete room, leading to the place where we are now.

"We're here. Sit her down," Cesar ordered.

I felt two hands on my shoulder, pushing me down. It was still dark so I couldn't see what I was made to sit on, but it moved when I did. It had wheels. An office chair?

"It seems like you don't fully recognize your own territory. Let's shed some light on it, shall we?"

In one click, the lights were turned on. As I finally saw my surroundings clearly, I realized where I was. It was one of Harrison's old buildings, in Cesar's office where he used to teach me, where I first learned everything there is to know about corporates and trade, and where HERMES was entrusted to me. I spent years here, perfecting myself, trying to earn my place as his son's future wife. It has long been abandoned, turned into a warehouse three years ago. Now, it's just full of dust, old boxes, and other things covered under dirty cloths.

Even after what happened, this place remains special to me. I just never thought I would fear this place as I would now.

"Now do you remember?" Cesar asked in rhetoric, pulling a chair towards him to sit on. He had his bodyguards on both of my sides while he interrogated me.

I mustered the confidence to speak bravely, "What do you want, Cesar?"

"Oh, my dear Olivia. Why the indifference? I was your father through marriage. We're family."

"You are not my family."

"I took you in because your own folks didn't want you. Ha. They even crashed their own car rather than suffer life with you."

"What. Do. You. Want?" I repeated firmly between gritted teeth.

"Ah, down to business. You really did learn from me," he smiled proudly which only disgusted me. "First of all, congratulations for being alive still... after what my son planned for you."

"As if you played no part in that. You are his father. You are as involved in that mass murder as he is."

He gasped sarcastically, acting as if he was hurt, "How dare you! I had better things to do than kill people. What good will that do to me?"

"You tell me, Cesar. How did you know it was me? And what did I ever do to you?!"

He glared at me as if I was supposed to know the answer to my own question, "Oh, I've had my eye on you for quite some time, Via Kingston"—he laughed in a sinister manner, mocking me—"could've chosen a less obvious name, dear. Just saying."

Okay, he had a point there. But it was Judah's way of hiding me without losing myself. I wouldn't change it just for the sake of this bastard's opinion.

"It was a perfect alias. Flew right under your nose for a few months. How are your... what's the count again? Three-star hotels doing?"

He scowled at my remark.

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