Chapter 51: She Saw Me in Russet

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I threw the wig and took off without wasting a minute.

"Olivia! Wait! Is that you?!"

Her voice called out to me as I ran, but I couldn't afford to see if she was getting closer. Whether she recognized me or not was too risky to confirm. I just need to lose her. The people I ran past stared at us in confusion, steering clear off our path.

"Olivia! Hold on!"

I entered the nearest clothing store I could find and hid behind the racks and shelves. But I heard Geneva's voice again. I turned around and there she was, still on my tail. She became more determined when our eyes met. Damn it, she just can't leave me be!

"Get away from me!" I exclaimed in a Russian accent as I kept walking away from her.

"Wait..." she groaned in frustration as she swerved around the racks to follow me. "I saw you with my own eyes. You really are Olivia!"

"How dare you mistake me for the dead?!" I said as I kept moving. "I am Via Morozov- Kingston!"

Our loudening squabble got the attention of the aisle staff, and they slowly began walking towards us like a horde of curious zombies.

"How are you alive?" Geneva's voice hitched as if she was on the verge of crying. "You were dead...the crash..."

"How many times do I have to tell you—"

But she caught me. I felt her cold hand on my wrist and with a little bit of force, she spun me around. It was as if time froze. She stared at me intently like she was trying to analyze my features. But it became confusing and irritating when her eyes started welling up.

I forcefully pulled my hand away, "Look here, Ms. Wilson. Not to be a—is it bitch? It is, right? — but you are getting in the way of my private time, which I don't have much of. And chasing me like a crazy lady, with your absurd accusations?! I could have you out of this establishment for harassment. Now what will your fiancé think of that?"

I hoped I had intimidated her. But she just stood there, her expression unchanged. She swallowed and took a step closer to me.


But I had enough. I couldn't risk a longer interaction with Geneva, so I did what I had to do—I pushed her into a pile of boxes.


As she went down, I ran out the store but not without slipping one of the staff with a few bucks for the damages I caused. I felt a weird blend of anxiety over the interaction and satisfaction over Geneva's fall. But it only lasted a few seconds. Every emotion was washed down by relief when I finally saw Arthur.

"Arthur!" I called out to him.

He straightened himself and greeted me with a proud look on his face, "You two made up yet?"

"Shut it! Geneva saw me! You need to help me!"

His eyes widened, "Geneva? Harrison's woman?!"

I nodded, "Yes! It looks like... she found out about my real identity..."

"Are you sure?"

"She saw me wearing a wig—it's a long story! Just please help me."

He let out a breath, sprinting past me, "Alright. I'll call another car to get you to Kingston. I'll distract her. Go!"

"Okay! Thank you!"

Arthur ran to the direction I came from and I paced towards the exit of the mall. I hid in a corner, far from the crowds going in and out. I clutched my chest, trying to quiet the anxious beating. I haven't been that scared for a while. I'm sure Arthur will be able to do something about it, but that assurance didn't stop the negative thoughts.

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