Chapter 9: They Had A Call

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With timid steps, I slowly revealed myself. Immediately, I felt the tension inside the cabin. That and the sight of the guns pointed at me almost made my knees give out. But I held my ground, clutching the soap bottle and floral pouch in my hand.

"There you are." The man smiled in satisfaction. I gritted my teeth at him, resisting the urge to punch his face and blow my trump card.

"Now, follow us quietly." The man commanded, poking the gun at my waist.

I faced the passengers as we made our way towards their seat. They all had their eyes on me in fear and anticipation. I even caught someone filming the scene with his phone. I couldn't care less about it though. I walked slowly, stalling to properly time the plane's first second of going airborne. I quickly searched my surroundings to find the nearest emergency door. Then, I found it. We were merely 10 steps away from it.

As I walked down the aisle, I caught glimpse of Pauline, who had her eyes widened and mouth covered in shock. She moved, as if wanting to recuse me. But I subtly shook my head and mouthed "no", silently telling her to stay put.

I glanced at the window to see if the plane was beginning its ascent. Finally, it did, and I was only five steps away from the emergency door.

It's time.

I took a deep breath and took out the soap bottle from my sleeves. Without a warning, I quickly turned to the armed men and poured the soap on both of their faces.

"Agggghhh!" They cried in pain as the soap went in their eyes. With their sight temporarily impaired from the sting of the soap, I hastily made my way towards the emergency door.

As if luck was on my side, the plane hit a bump, which made the men fall backwards. In shock, the man shot the ceiling, much to the horror of the passengers. I was able to grip the handle of the emergency door and the chair beside it.

"Excuse me, dear." I said as I sat lightly on the little girl whose chair was beside emergency door. Her mom pulled her in, getting her daughter away from me as if I'm some sort of crazy woman. But it gave me room on the chair to sit for a moment, so I said nothing.

I started reading the instructions on how to open the door. It was above the window, written on a sticker. Good thing that I learn fast just by reading. As I was about to open the door, the men got up on their feet, but their eyes were still closed because of the sting of the soap.

"Hey! You're not going anywhere!" The man shakily pointed his gun at me with his eyes narrowed, as if trying to make out if he was pointing at the right direction. He still couldn't see properly. I need to move quickly before the plane ascends.

Just then, a phone rang. It was from the armed men. While one was trying to point his gun at my direction, the other answered his phone.

As they were distracted by the call, I began trying to open the door. I looked at the mother daughter pair beside me. I titled my head sidewards, gesturing for them to move because they might get sucked out of the plane once it ascends. Getting the message, the mother hastily moved and squeezed herself and her daughter on the seats behind.

"Garrett! What the hell?! I thought you were- What?! What do you mean?" The man conversed loudly on his phone. His partner turned to him, alarmed from his raised tone.

He continued talking to his phone, "Get off the plane?! We almost have her! What do you mean it's a trap?! Hey!"

Finally, the emergency door opened. I threw the hunk of metal on the floor so they could re-attach it somehow. The passengers and the cabin crew screamed in panic, seeing a gaping hole in a plane that was about to take off to the skies. They all held on to something, their chairs, their seatbelts, and the person beside them. Even those who were 10 aisles far from the door. They were all afraid of being that person that gets sucked out of the plane in action and horror movies.

I poked my head out the door and saw that the plane was starting to lift off. I could already see the blue waters below me. It took a few deep breaths before positioning myself for the jump. I faced the passengers, letting my body hang out the plane. My hands and my feet remained inside as I held on to the corners of the door before, waiting for the right moment.

Before I jumped, I looked back at Pauline. She was still frozen in shock as she looked at me. But I smiled. Too bad. I wanted to hang out with her a little bit more.

"I'll see you next time." I said out loud. Damn, I felt like a spy saying goodbye after being discovered.

I gave one last look at the men. They were still on the phone with one of them still having his gun pointed at me. As soon as they noticed the open door and what kind of position I was in, their eyes widened, the sting of the soap diminishing.

"Hey!" They shouted, pointing both guns at me.

On cue, the plane started going vertical. The men lost their balance so they held on to a nearby chair. Persistent, one still managed to point his gun at me. But it was already too late. With a wave goodbye, I jumped out.

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