Chapter 23: They're Going Down

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I couldn't believe what I just heard. I froze as she revealed the fact about the plane crash. The Harrisons...caused it? Minutes ago, it was just about marriage, Russia and business talk. And now there's murder? This is too much to process for me in a day...and at 2 am in the morning.

"They...tried to kill you?" I mumbled under my breath. "Why?"

She glanced at me before looking ahead at nothing, "I don't know. Clyde divorced me because the Reagan name is no longer of use to him. I never thought he could kill me though. I never thought I was that disposable."

I didn't know what to say, but somehow, I felt anger pulsing through my veins. I balled up my hands into fists to prevent myself from bursting. I knew the Harrisons do dirty work on the side, cheating off customers, destroying people and anything that stands in their way. The fact that they're capable of even murder... mass murder should come as no surprise.

But besides anger, I felt pity and curiosity. Something stirred in the pit of my gut as I listened to her. She's a survivor of the plane crash, which means she must've gone through a lot. On the other hand, I'm curious why Clyde wants her killed.

I wanted to satisfy my mind by asking her but then I noticed her hand. She was gripping her right with her left so tightly, and her lip was trembling. I withdrew my hand and decided not to ask further.

"Do you have proof?" I asked instead.

Her eyes widened, as if she was surprised. But after freezing for a few seconds, she nodded, "Yes. It's with my friend back in Ohio. She's investigating further." Then she stood up, "But I won't need it because I don't plan on losing to the Harrisons again. I know I can win. I know we can win. So... what do you say?"

I just looked at her for a moment. From the standpoint, I have more to lose than her, but if what she's saying is true, then she's risking her life for this plan. So, she's taking a bigger risk than I am, isn't she?

"Mr. Kingston," she blurted, leaning closer. "Your decision? Will you make me your wife and let me work with you to crush the Harrisons?"

I sighed, hiding my smile as I turned my head slightly to the right. She's persistent, a sure sign of desperation. And she's not even doing this for money. I saw it in her eyes as soon as she walked in, but I needed to ask questions to know what I'm getting in to. She wanted revenge, and she needed me. Somehow, I can tell that this is all she has. That I am all she has.

And I don't why, but I quite like the sound of it.

Olivia Reagan who was previously for the Harrison's has now come to me, asking me to take her in. The fact that she used to work for them too is a priceless detail. She will have some serious intel Kingston can use, more useful than the scraps of information I get from my spies and connection. And I don't need to pay for it!

I can't let anyone else have that. So, I should just give in for now, right? And if she crosses me... I have the power to make her pay. And she was also willing to risk her life if she fails. With that kind of countermeasure... ha. She really needed me to trust her.

If that's the case, then...

"Deal." I finally stretched out my hand to her, "I'll make you my wife, and you'll help me take down the Harrisons."

She paused for a minute, just staring at my hand. I looked at her widened eyes and it almost seemed like there were stars in it. Her lips curved into a smile of triumph as she stood up and shook my hand. I suppressed my own laugh.

I know. She won me over, so I'll give her this moment. I still don't know her that much so I need to keep my guard up. But... is this okay? Marrying someone like it's just a business deal?

"You won't regret this, Judah Kingston!" She smiled, taking the envelope she gave me earlier. She bent down a bit on the desk and fumbled with its contents, "Hold on a sec..."

I waited for her to take out the papers she needed. I tried to look as sure as possible, but in the back of my mind, I was struggling. What am I getting myself into? Am I really getting married right now? I know it's not the end of the world, and it's for a good cause, but is this really okay? Shouldn't there be love or some other type of crap?

Wait. Why am I having these fuzzy thoughts?! This is a good deal. A lot of rich families do this often. And she is the one who insisted it. And for some reason, I went with it...

Is it because I find her cute?

"The hell?" I blurted out of the blue, which caused her to turn her head. Ugh, I thought I was only saying it in my mind.

"You said something?"

I shook my head in denial, "Nope. Carry on."

Damn. I need to have more quiet thoughts. She finally took out the papers she needed from the files, and laid them down on near edge of my desk, beside my laptop.

"Just sign this contract to make our deal official," she said enthusiastically. "And we'll call it a day."

I shrugged and went to my desk. I opened my drawer and got a pen. It took me a few seconds to sign the paper. There's no turning back once I sign this. Technically speaking, since I have more power in this deal, I can just tear this paper up, but I can't. Unlike the Harrisons, I actually have my morals and etiquette. And I take my business deals seriously.

I glance over at the line where her signature is supposed to be, and there it was. It read "Olivia Reagan", with all the curves and strokes elegantly done. After this, she might change it to Olivia Kingston...

Hmmm. I kinda want to see how that will look like.

I proceeded to sign the paper, flipping through the pages where there were blank lines awaiting my signature.

"It's done." I straightened the sheets and handed them to her, "What do we do next?"

She let out a breath of relief as she took the papers and shoved them back into the envelope, "Like I promised, we'll call it a day. I'm sorry for bothering you this late and thank you for taking the deal. I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure you achieve your goals."

"We already signed the contract, and I also don't go back on my word. And it's not like you have a choice too, like you said."

She grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yeah. You just took away the blade dangling above my neck. So, I'll see you tomorrow for the rest of our plans."

Wait. Did she just say tomorrow?

"What time are you free tomorrow? I guess we can just meet here the same way we did tonight. You can call for your coffee and-"

I raised my hand to stop her from speaking, "Hold on. What are you saying? Are you leaving?"

She looked at the door, then back at me, "Well, yeah. I mean, it's late and all. And you have work to do, you know. You're the boss and-"

"You are aware that I have just become your fiance, right?" I smirked.

She bit her lip and shifted her gaze to the floor, as if she's become shy all of a sudden, "Yes. I am completely aware of that." She raised her brows and pursed her lips, "That's why I'll see you tomorrow. But if you need me, I'll just send you my number once I get back to the cafe or my apartment."

"You're not going back to the cafe or the apartment."

"I'm sorry?" she titled her head.

I put my hands in my pockets and moved closer to her so that she would hear my next words clearly, "As per our business deal, we're going to be husband and wife, right? Don't you think we should show a bit more commitment?"

She made an audible swallow, her eyes shifting from the floor then back to my own gaze, "W-what do you mean?"

"I'm taking you home," I stated. "From today onwards, you'll be living with me." 

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