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Sophia sighed to herself as she stood from the cab. She hated how she was back here, back in the village.

She had gone on the run with Freddie And she didn't care and she would of done it for the rest of her life if she had to. Sophia knew how much her heart hurt, it hurt so much to think about, the fact that he had left her behind and left Scarlett behind as if she was nothing.

Sophia saw Madison and smiled as she walked over to her and hugged her

"are you okay" Madison asked

"no, he left, he didn't even say goodbye he thought this was best for us, this, coming back home isn't what's best. He left and I hate him. I hate for this he couldn't even say goodbye" Sophia said trying not to cry as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know what he's done but it is going to be okay I promise you it's all going to be okay. You have to stay strong as Scarlett doesn't understand snd she needs you and Freddie roscoe can rot in hell for this" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled, she knew she needed to stay strong for her little girl

Sophia sat in the flat and looked as Diane walked in "so you are back then" Diane said as Sophia looked to her and nodded

"looks that way doesn't it" Sophia said knowing she wasn't ready for Diane and her judgement over it all

"look I know you love him or whatever but I am glad that you are back I was worried over you and you can't go on the run with a criminal. Not that the police are looking for him but you can't live that way. It's not fair on you or Scarlett" Diane said as Sophia looked to her and sighed

"and what is fair. That I go on without him, that Scarlett grows up without her father as it's not fair so don't tell me it is. Now of this is fair. It's sucks and I hate it" Sophia said.

Sophia knew how much that she was struggling to Keep it all together, Sophia knew how much it hurt and how much she missed Freddie and how she wanted him back. She knew she wanted to crawl into a ball and cry but she knew that she couldn't.

She had their baby to look after and be strong for and he had let her down leaving her to do it on her own, once again

Sophia sat in bed and sighed as she tried to ring Freddie. She missed him and it hurt

"look Fred. I don't know where you are but come home. No one is looking for you, I swear I need you, Scarlett needs you. I love you please just come home and we can make it work I swear" Sophia said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

She knew that she needed Freddie more than ever right now but would he come home or would Sophia be left to do it alone yet again

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