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Sophia sighed to herself as she sat in her room in the flat. She looked to Scarlett as she lay babbling away on the bed. She smiled as she picked her up and hugged her "what wound mummy do without you" Sophia said as there was a knock at the door as Madison walked in. She looked to her sister and smiled "hoes the little cutie" she asked as Sophia smiled "im good but Scarlett is being fussy like her daddy" Sophia said as Madison rolled her eyes at her "talking of you and her daddy what is going on. I know that there is still tension between you both" "I slept with him" Sophia said as Madison looked to her shocked for a moment before she shock her head. She couldn't believe Sophia had gone back there "after everything that he has done to you. Are you sure that's wise?" She asked as Sophia sighed as she looked to Madison

"I don't know, I don't even know what is wise anymore" she said as Madison sat next to her and smiled. She looked. Sophia and sighed "your still in love with him. I know that you are, your my sister and I know you. I know that you love him but I also know how he broke your heart and cheated on you and I don't want you to go through that again. I know your good together and it would be easier for Scarlett but if your thinking over going back there you need to ask yourself if it's worth it" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled. Sophia knew how Freddie had hurt her and she didn't know if she could go there again but she knew at the same time how she was still in love with him


Sophia got to Freddie's with Scarlett as she went to drop her off. She saw Freddie and sighed "can we not talk over what happened" she asked as he looked to her and smirked "you mean that fact we slept together. Come on soph it meant something and you know it" he said as she looked to him and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and looked to him "I never said it didn't I said I can't talk about it" she said as he looked to her and frowned "why not I want to try again" "because of that Fred I don't trust you not to hurt me again okay, I can't do it to Scarlett it's not fair" she said as he looked to her and frowned "I love you and nothing you say is going to change that and I'm going to do all I can to win you back" he said


Sophia sighed to herself as she got back to the flat. She saw Diane and sighed as she sat down "are you okay?" "My head is a mess over everything with Freddie" she said as Diane looked to her and sighed "I know it's all a mess but don't go there he will only end up hurting you again" she said as sophia nodded not knowing what she was going to do

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