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Freddie had been trying to make it up to Sophia. He knew he was wrong for walking away from her. But he felt bad. He knew that he was right to come back. Despite the fact he had someone after him.

That morning, he made his way over to Sophia's. Madison let him in. She smiled. "Don't you ever walk out on them again. Or I'll kill you."

"Lovely as ever to see you Madison."

Sophia came into the living room. She rolled her eyes. "Leave him alone Madi. Esmè wants you," she said.

"Bye Freddie. Welcome back."

Sophia looked to Freddie. "Sorry about her. She's a lot more protective of me. Since you walked away."

Freddie nodded and smirked. "I gathered that. How's Scarlett?" He asked as he walked inside.

Sophia smiled. "She's good. I've told her you're back. I don't think it's clicked in with her yet."

"I'm not going to let either of you down again. I promise you," Freddie said.

Sophia nodded and sighed. "Good. Don't."

Sophia walked through the village. She frowned as she saw Madison talking with Warren Fox. She walked over to her. "Hey. What's going on?" She asked.

"I'll see you later princess."

Madison turned to her sister. "He told me that he saw Ziggy. With Tegan Lomax. They were close."

Sophia frowned. "He's cheating on you?"

"I don't know. Warren was just telling me that they were seen looking close. I can't go through that again. It almost destroyed us last time."

"Let's go and find out then."

"No. Warren is gonna. I want to stay out of this. I know I got involved with you and Freddie. But please."

"Okay. Listen, I'll go take Scarlett to daycare. And then we can talk. How do you know Warren?"

Madison smiled. "We had a thing. Before I moved here. Nothing of importance."

Sophia smiled and nodded. She looked to her. "Come on. You can come with me to take her. You look like you need out this village."

"It's 10 minutes out the village. But sure. Esmè is with her daycare for the day."

Sophia sighed as Freddie walked into the pub. She looked to him. "I think we need to talk. As you know, I'm pregnant. And I really considered an abortion. But now? I'm not so sure. My head is a mess," she told him.

Freddie looked to her. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes. I wanted to tell you before you left. I really did consider an abortion. I don't know how I feel about it."

Freddie took her hand and smiled. He knew he wanted his family back. "Maybe keep it? We can do this. Me, you, Scarlett and our baby. We can do this. I know we can."

Sophia smiled slightly. She had no idea what she was going to do. She knew it was all a mess. Especially now Freddie was back.

Sophia sat with Scarlett in the flat. She smiled and held her close. "Mummy and daddy both love you. You're our whole world. Never forget that," she told her.

Scarlett looked to her and smiled. Sophia held her and sighed. She had no idea how things were about to get so much more complicated. And it wasn't going to be easy for her at all.

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