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Sophia walked out of her room and glared as she saw Diane. She was mad and didn't want to talk to her. "I'm off out" Diane said as she walked off as Sophia looked to her. Sophia was mad at her and mad over how that Diane was trying to take her baby away. She wanted her baby and knew that even though she was young that she wanted to protect her baby. Sophia walked into the kitchen where tony was. He looked to her and smiled "you know that your mum loves you, she was trying to do what's best for you" tony said as Sophia turned to face him and sighed. She knew it wasn't true. She knew her mother "no, she really wasn't. She was thinking about herself. She always has done. She was trying to talk my baby form me and that is just unforgivable" Sophia said as tony looked to her and sighed. He knew that there was no getting through to her or Diane as they were both just as stubborn as each other.


Later that day, Sophia walked through the village and smiled as she got to the garage. She saw Freddie who looked to her and frowned. He could tell that she wasn't herself and that she was upset. He looked to her and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed "I don't know, I just don't know who to trust. I mean if my own mother can try and take my baby then who am I meant to trust?" Sophia asked as he looked to her and smiled "I know but I'm here for you, you, me and our baby that's all I need" Freddie said as she looked to him and smiled.

Freddie pulled her into a hug as ziggy and Madison walked in. Madison looked to Sophia and smirked "well what's going on here?" She asked as Sophia looked to her and rolled her eyes "nothing" she said as her sister walked over to her and smiled "someone's getting close with their baby daddy" Madison said as Sophia smiled "it's nothing, it's early says" Sophia said as Madison looked to her and smirked.


Later Sophia and Freddie sat in his as they looked to a scan photo that they had just had, they had learnt that they were having a girl "so, I've been thinking what if we name her Scarlett?" Freddie said as Sophia looked to him and smirked "I love it" Sophia said as he leant in and kissed her "and I love you" Freddie said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. She placed a hand on the back of his neck as he deepened the kiss "I love you too" Sophia said as she pulled away slightly as he pushed her onto the sofa as they lay making out as he ran his hands down her body as the door opened as ziggy and Madison walked in and looked to them and smirked "you want something to eat?" Freddie asked as he shot up "yeah, she does" Madison said smirking as Sophia looked to her and glared. Little did Sophia know how things were about to go downhill for her.

Baby roscoe (hollyoaks)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora