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Sophia sat in the flat with Scarlett and smiled as she fed her. She looked down at her and smiled as she held her in her arms "who's a gorgeous girl" Sophia said as Scarlett looked to her and grinned away. Sophia smiled as she lay down on the sofa next to her and smiled as she looked to her phone and sighed as she saw a text off of Freddie and sighed just as Diane walked into the room and smiled as she looked to Sophia. She could tell that Sophia was off. She watched as she placed Scarlett into the bouncer and sighed "are you okay love" Diane asked as Scarlett looked to her and smiled "yeah, I am. I will be" Sophia said as Diane looked to her and smiled. She walked over and to make a coffee and handed one to Sophia and smiled "are you sure your okay, I know that this is about Freddie" Diane said as Sophia sighed

"My head is a mess when it comes to him mum, I just don't know what to do" Sophia said as Diane looked to her and smiled "I know and I also know that he broke your heart and that you need to forget him" "I can't forget him though can I, he is Scarlett's dad and he is always going to be in my life" Sophia said as Diane smiled "I know and I also thought that about your dad but when we split he turned his back on you two and he started a new family didn't he? I'm not saying Freddie is your dad but just be careful as I don't want you to get hurt that's all" Diane said as Sophia looked to her and smiled. She looked to Scarlett and sighed knowing she had no idea what to do


Sophia stood in the club with Madison. The sisters had decided to go out as Diane watched the babies, Sophia knew she needed a night out and a night away from Freddie Roscoe. Sophia took a sip of her drink and frowned as she saw Freddie "you have got to be kidding me" she said as Madison looked to her and smiled "ignore him" she said as Sophia nodded as a guy walked over and started to flirt with her. Freddie stood across the bay and glared. He didn't want Sophia hooking up with anyone, he wanted her back.


Sophia walked out of the toilets as someone grabbed her. She looked to see Freddie and glared "hey off of me Freddie" "what do you can chat up sleazy guys" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "the last time that happened he got me pregnant if you remember, your not the boss of me" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and looked to her "I'm protecting you" he said as they held a look as he leant in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back as he lead her into the toilets and into a cubicle and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs  around his waist as she undid his belt as he pushed into her causing her moan as he moved in and out of her

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