1. Distant Village

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Espresso's POV
Foggy skies roam countless miles around the atmosphere. The scent of sweet salty cookies spread around quicker than the crows and ravens in the air.

Life in this distant village is just tedious. The only cookies who speak with one are the newer cookies to come around. Or teachers. Or students. Either way, this dull repetitive life style began to pick on my nerves.

In my family, I was never the favored child. I was mostly the one to follow every rule in a boring way. My twin sister, Latté on the other hand was the smart aleck. Yes. I said it. It's true, she was incredibly smart. She is one of the top teachers at the only local University in our area with more than seven teaching degrees. Latté was a rockstar.

In school, Latté was the smart popular girl with the shy quiet book worm twin. My parents always looked at my future different, especially when I was in high school. My parents claimed that Latté was a clever chick that got all the guys' attention. Even though she was a lesbian. For me? Heh. They said I'd be lucky to make it out of college alive.

My parents lowered my self esteem by a ton. I'm not sure how I made it this far through all this stress they've been launching on my shoulders. Guiltiness? Pity? No, none of that nonsense. I wanted to prove to them I could be just as good. If I showed them how successful I truly am, perhaps they wouldn't hit me anymore and they wouldn't yell.

Latté, even though she was embarrassed of me, helped me a lot. She always looked for expensive job applications I could tryout for, she even once sailed to kingdoms.

I apologize, not once.

Many. Many. Times.

One afternoon, I lay on my matress reading a fantasizig book. It was about two warriors who had learn to come out and find themselves, falling in love instantly. It always made me wonder why no one wanted to be mine. Why didn't I want to be anyone's?

Latté entered my room giggling and hugging me tightly. "ESPRESSO, ESPRESSO!" she shouted grinding her fists in my scalp. Luckily, mother and father weren't home, or she would be in trouble for yelling.

I shove her off of me and slip my bookmark in between the pages. "What is it?" I ask a groan following my voice.

"There was a kingdom close by that had ball room applications!" she cheered a light, "They are looking for a duo to have a ball they are having in a few months!" Latté handed me a blue flyer with phone numbers and addresses and other unimportant information. I look at the bottom, "The pay is high for whoever can dance the best. I think you should do it!"

I read the unimportant information at she spoke, Cookie Kingdom's Ballroom is having a Grand Ball July 10th. Looking for two talented dances to ball dance at the queue stage. Phone numbers followed by that.

Ballroom dancing? I mean, I've never ball danced before, but it sounded fun and plus, there were still auditions and practices I had to attend beforehand. Then again, I would have to travel on horse for an hour. That would be too long, especially alone.

I sigh opening my book back up, adjusting my large glasses, "I think I'm good." I decide. "Ball room dancing is for prince's and princesses to attend. As a villager I feel unwelcomed and tarnish entering a... an expensive and rich place as that," I explain as I look up to her slightly. She looked pissed.

Latté scoffed as she crossed her arms and growled. "Espresso, this is a good opportunity! There'll be millions of villagers, I'm sure of it!" she wrapped her arm round the back of my neck squeezing me into a pull.

I push her off lifting the book I had dropped in my lap. I look at the flyer again. The pay, $15,000 gems JUST to ball dance? "This seems a scam," I tell her.

Latté rolled her eyes, "Espresso!"


"Seriously, if you want ma and pa to appreciate you, you've GOTS to get something done."

"I've given up already," I remind her, "Mother and father won't appreciate me ever. If you assume dancing in ball rooms with cookies across the world will get them to love me, you must be moronic." I turn my back and continue to read my fantasies on paper.

My book was covered by a hand, now. Latté's hand. "Espresso, trust me!" she smiled, "Ma LOVES watching dances and such! Remember when I was in ballet for a year? I only quit because I didn't enjoy it, but mom sure did!"

"Mother enjoys watching her girls dance in tip-toed shoes and light pink skirts," I mutter. I close my book and fold the flyer in a square. "Father and mother would go ballistic if they found out I was ball dancing. That's different from ballet and tap, it's more... e-elegant and smooth as you hold on to eachother in..."

I stop to think. If I decide to attend, I would be holding someone. They would be holding me! I stare at my book filled with romance and drama. What's if I had found my knight in shining armor?

I close my eyes. "Fine." I decide, "Let us pack my things. I'll be traveling a long way."

I watch as Latté's face light up in joy. "YES!" she shouted as she ran around my room grabbing clothes and books to pack.

I roll my eyes and smile. Maybe mom and dad will be... proud of me this time...

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