15. A Crack in the Stone...

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11 days until the ball...


Madeleine's POV
For the next few days, Espresso and I practiced our dancing each morning. I started to see a pattern in him. Everytime Princess or Knight would tell him things he was doing wrong, he would tense up a little.

It broke me that he was obviously hurting like this. I would rub his back and tell him he was doing good. And he was! I honestly didn't see any problems he made other than trying to take his eyes off of me.

One morning, 14 days before the ball, I saw him outside fighting something. Or someone. I felt worried. I needed to protect him not sit around and stare!

I slowly walk in front of the castle doors to get a closer look. Espresso had a spell book in one hand and his hand out in the other "Escape this!" he shouted as espresso beans flew behind him and shooting out at a tree in front of him.

I smile. "GOOD SHOT!" I shout waving to him.

Espresso looked up at me and slowly smiled, "Thank you..." he whispered. For once he actually sounded grateful. Happy. It made me smile wider. I watch as he shoots at the tree again this time it explodes.

The large exploding effect forced Espresso's hair to jump back and sway in the explosions wind. He continued to smile. His smile. Oh, his smile. His snile felt like every single good thing in the entire world.

I sat on the steps and watched Espresso do whatever he was doing. I wasn't really sure. My heart skipped so many beats, I didn't even know if I was alive or not.

Of course I wasn't.

I was staring at an angel.

After a few minutes of watching him, he flips to a different page in his book, "Lets try this.." I hear him mutter. He clears his throat and throws his hand out yelling a giberish sounding word. His espresso beans shot at the tree harder, but instead the shot back right at him dancing around him.

Espresso suddenly fell forward to the ground with a loud grunt. The grunt shocked me triggering my body to quickly stand, "Espresso?!"

Espresso's POV
I feel a sharp squirming pain in my stomach. I cover my mouth with my hand as I cough into it. My vision goes blurry when I stare at what I coughed up. Dark dark dark blood. Nearly black blood.

I gasp quietly and jump back from the shock. I widen my eyes and look into my bag. SURELY I DIDN'T... Yep. I did.

"Espresso?" I hear Madeleine. I zip my bag quickly and cover my bloody hand. "Are you ok? You took a pretty hard hit..."

I laugh and nod, "Yes yes, I am ok..." I cough again but swallow the blood. I chuckle and clear my throat out.

Madeleine stared at me in worry and disbelief, "Are you sure?" I nod. He bends down and smiles. "Ok. I trust you." I watch as he pushes me down lightly so that I am no longer on my knees, I am sitting on my ass, now.

Madeleine then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. "You cracked your soulstone..." he whispered. I frown realizing Madeline sneaked open my bag as he was hugging me.

I slump onto his shoulder ready to cry. I didn't want to cry. I wanted to stay strong and not look weak. He took my soulstone out of my bag and looked at it, "Good thing it's only a crack. Pure Vanilla is out of town until the ball, unfortunately, and he's the only one who can fix soulstones." he frowned.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed and scared, "What are we supposed to do then??" I force out. Madeleine caressed my back and hushed me quietly.

Madeleine took my face and wiped the one tear escaping my eye. "You aren't going to die, ok?" he took my soulstone and slipped it into his pocket, "I just don't want it to break more. I'll keep it safe in my room to make sure it won't crack at all." he smiled to me. I couldn't help but smile back.

I was tempted to kiss him on the cheek, but I didn't. Instead I coughed into my hands again and laid on his chest catching my breath. His strong hands rubbing my back with his soft fingers stroking my hair felt so nice.

Fuck. NO! Why am I thinking this?! I'm not gay for him at least... I don't think I am... No. No, you definitely aren't. He's just a friend. Don't fall in love with him that is the one thing you're supposed to remember!

I can't help smiling whenever he touches me, though... Is that bad? Yeah, it IS bad... Right? Ugh, what am I thinking. It is immature to fantasize about Madeleine and I doing things I read in my books like hugging and cuddling and kissing.

Don't fall in love.

Do NOT fall in love, Espresso.

I felt it was too late.

I think I fallen in love

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