27. True Loves Kiss

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TW// abuse :(

Espresso's POV
I kept my eyes open in shock as Madeleine locked his lips into mine. He was kissing me. ON THE LIPS!

This was my first real kiss. I couldn't move. I kept my eyes wide open. I knew I should've closed them, but I couldn't. Especially when Madeleine carefully slipped his tongue inside meeting mine.

I slowly close my eyes feeling sensation and pleasure crawl my body. I should be enjoying this kiss, and indeed I was.

After a minute, Madeleine finally released his lips and stared at me.

Madeleine's POV
I let Espresso go to look at him. In his eyes. He looked wonderous. He looked pleased yet even speechless.

The quiet ballroom suddenly deafened with claps and cheers. I look around to see Knight and Princess standing together and staring at us. Knight smiled at me and nodded with a thumbs up, while Princess jumped high and clapped the loudest of all.

Espresso's POV
I stand up straight holding Madeleine's hand. I look at my family. Latté was smiling at me and clapping, "Yes, Espresso!!" I heard her shout.

I look at my parents feeling my stomach sink. My mother stared at me with disgusted and disappointment. While my father, well... he seemed furious. Outraged.

I hold Madeleine's hand tighter listening as the excited Princess went on a microphone announcing the beginning of the ball. It was time for all of the rest of the guests to dance.

I take a step back and run outside to the front of the castle. Still holding Madeleine's hand.


After a bit of running, we reach outside. I pant while Madeleine sits on the stairs and looks out into the night.

I look over at him, he was staring at me. "What?" I mutter.

"You're a good kisser~" he whispers.

I blush and push his shoulder gently. "Shut up... you are too..." I whisper, as well. I sit with him and look down.

I feel him try to say something, but nothing comes out of him. "Look, I-I'm sorry," he says after a while, "I wasn't really thinking, and I kind of just-"

"No, it's ok!" I reply quickly.

He stared at me and frowns suddenly, "There's something I've... wanted to as you..." he starts, "A-And if no is the answer I completely understand boundaries and stuff like that!" he puts his hands up and smiles.

"What is it?" I ask with a smile.

Madeleine takes and deep breath. "I LOVE YOU, WILL YOY PLEASE BE MY BOYFRIEND!" he shouts quickly immediately smacking his hands over his mouth.

I widen my eyes. My heart feels light, suddenly. But warm. "W... wait wait wait, REALLY?!" I ask in joy.

He nods and smiles softly, "If you want to, I-I don't know if you-"

I grab his face and pull it in kissing him again. It was shorter, but I at least expected it, this time. Once I stopped, he appeared shocked. I stare into his eyes and nod, "Yes!"

I hug him tightly as he laughs in joy. He picked me up and spun me around in the air as we hugged and took turns kissing one another's cheeks and foreheads.

After a few minutes we giggled and sat back on the steps. This time, I sat on his lap. Not really by choice, only the fact Madeleine dragged me on him. "I love you, starlight~" he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and kiss his cheek, "I love you, too-"

"Espresso B. Cookie." I hear. I look at the castle doors and stare in horror. Fear.

I grab Madeleine's hand and try not to shake. "F-Father-?"

"Get over here," he demanded. "Right. Now." Father's voice echoed through the wind. It was strict and demanding. I stand with shaking legs and walk toward him slowly.

Madeleine's POV
I was back in the ballroom with my punch. Every guest congrated me on my kiss with Espresso, which I dearly appreciated.

I couldn't stop thinking about him, though. He had been gone for nearly an hour, now. There was no sign of his father anywhere.

When I went to Latté and asked if she had seen Espresso, she said she last saw them go into the restroom, but they never left. The words she spoke stabbed through me. "They didn't?" I ask in shock.

She shook her head. She seemed scared and worried, "I don't think he's ok-"

"WHAT?!" I shout. Everyone stops speaking to stare at me, "I need to protect him..." I whisper I run up the steps giving not a care about the guests staring at me in confusion.


I reach the bathroom and bang on the door, "OPEN UP!" I yell. As I bang harder I feel the door slowly creak open.

Taking the handle, I quickly swing the door fully open. My jaw fell. I stared at the scene. Espresso was out of view, but I knew he was in the tub. Espresso's father held a thick belt in his hands shouting, "TELL ME WHY YOU KISSED HIM!" he shouted.

"I LOVE HIM-" Espresso answered only to receive a hard smack with the belt.

His father exhed heavily, "Wrong answer. TELL ME WHY YOU FUCKING KISSED HIM!" he yelled once more.

Espresso's voice sounded scared and shaky, "I... I love-" another smack. Espresso shouted in pain.

I couldn't stand this mother fucker. I ran into the restroom and grabbed his shirt collar. I dragged his father out of the bathroom pulling out my phone. Get this guy out. I texted Princess.

From across the room, I watch her look at her phone and then at me. She nodded a d began to call over more knights. I let him go and run back to the bathroom locking the door.

I slowly look at the tub. All that was auidible was Espresso's scared breathing and soft painful whimpers. I walk over and look inside. He was hunched over as if he were in the middle of a tornado. His body was shaking out of control.

It hurt me to watch, "Espresso," I whisper slowly climbing in the tub. I sit on my knees and lift Espresso up gently to make sure not to hurt him or trigger him more.

"AAH!" he shouted quietly when I touched his back. His voice sounded a hoarse. He was losing it. By himself, he picked himself up to rest in my arms still shaking.

I frown. As he cried into my chest, I pet his head and kissed him gently. "He hit me be-because I love you, a-and he wanted me to have a girlfriend," he exhaled sharply and held me tightly, "Even though La... Latté likes girl... girls, he wants me t-to be straight too-"

"Shh, shh, it's ok," I whisper. I hug him gently and allow him to cry. "You'll be ok, starlight, I'm right here... he won't hurt you anymore, I promise..."

Espresso began to take deep breaths and nodded slowly, "Thank you," he whispered. He lifted his head to kiss my cheek, but fell quickly on my shoulder. He quietly groaned. He sounded so very tired.

I giggle and kiss his cheek instead. "Let's get you to Pure Vanilla, ok?"

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