20. Date?

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7 days until the ball...


Espresso's POV
One week until the ball. And instead of practicing extra extra hard, Madeleine somehow convinced Princess to have us go out into the kingdom and "Look Around."

I wasn't sure why, but for some reason this felt like a date. He said it wasn't, but it felt like one. He held my hand everywhere we went. It was probably just because he didn't want anything to happen like that incident at the gift shop.

When we arrived at the aquarium, Madeleine brought me to a small area. "Look," he smiled, "This is my favorite spot."

He dragged me to a corner in the aquarium with a blindfold hiding my eyes shut. I couldn't see anything, still I felt I should trust him more than anything at this point.

"Ok," Madeleine giggled, "Take if off now!"

I slowly untie the blindfold from my head and open my eyes. My heart skipped so many beats looking at the sight. Glowing fish in glass shaped to a tunnel. My mouth was wide open.


"Come on, come on!" Madeleine took my hand and slowly dragged me through the tunnel. I still couldn't believe my eyes.

There were such sparkly sharks swimming happily from side to side. Glowing octopi and dolphin looked so peaceful and soundless as they swam throughout the shimmering water. I was still speechless. "This is so..." I whisper.

Madeleine smiled and looked me in the eyes, "Just wait until you see... her!" he giggled as he made his way through big doors at the back of the glowing aquarium.

Past the doors there was a huge tank with only one specimen inside. Once I got a better look, I almost died. "OH MY GOD!" my shout echoing, "IS THAT-"

"A See-through Seahorse." Madeleine smiled, "She's the only one left."

I stare at him, "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I've always wanted to see one of these things!" I run up to the glass and watch the seahorse stare at me with it's large blue eyes.

Madeleine chuckled. "I saw how much research you've done on her kind in your notebook." he smiled, "You've definitely f-"

I widen my eyes suddenly, "You looked through my notebook-?"

Madeleine smiled a terrified smile. He slowly shook his head. "No..." Rolling my eyes, I look back over at the seahorse as she swirled around and created bubble trails behind her.

"Whoah..." I softly whisper.

Madeleine giggles and snaps in realization. "Oh yeah!" he smiled to me, "I forgot to mention, the purpose of a See-through Seahorse is not a beauty symbol, it's a love symbol. So you might want to change that in your book."

I look at the seahorse spin in a fun motion which created heart shaped bubbles. I smile, "What's her name?" I asked.

Madeleine opened his mouth and sighed softly, "Clementine," he smiled. "Her name's Clementine."

"Clementine..." I repeat a smile and press my index finger against the glass with a wide kind smile. "I hope we get along well, Clementine..." I watch carefully as Clementine slowly swims up to the glass and presses her about to the glass where my finger was.

I smile wider than I had ever before.

Madeleine's POV
The "date" was coming to a close. I had big big plans to ask Espresso to be mine at the end of the day which was rolling in, but I suddenly felt WAY too nervous.

On our way to the spot I set up in the middle of the night, I take a turn and smile, "Would you like to get some ice cream?" I ask rubbing his hand gently.

Espresso nodded and gasped, "Yes please!" he smiles.

The best part about this day was how happy Espresso was. I have seen him through his worst, and I've seen him through his best. His best being right now. Today.

I hoped I would, in the end, make it even better or even worse.

We stop by an ice cream truck parked across the street from a park. I smile and kneal down to face Espresso, "Would you like your own flavor, or would you like to share?" I ask.

He stops for a moment and smiles, "Can we share one... please?" he whispers.

I blush as a smile and nod, "Of course, starlight."

Espresso giggled and rested in my arms. He was so so so warm~ "I like it when you call me that..." he whispered. I blush and smile wide.

I hug him back as we walk up to the truck. I pull out my money with a smile, "Hello, ma'am," I nod, "May we have one... one..." I kneal again, "What flavor do you want?" I ask looking at the options.

He thinks for a minute before pointing at the flavor board smiling. "Strawberry, please!"

I smile. "One strawberry ice cream, please." I hand the cashier the $5 as she smiles and goes behind her to make the ice cream.

I squeezed Espresso's hand. I hace never seen him happier than this. It almost felt like a dream. I could see, through his eyes, this was no dream. "Here you go! Have a good day!" she smiled handing me the cone of ice cream. There were two scoops. Perfect.

I nod with a thank you and lead Espresso to the park. I sit us down on a bench and stare at the sunset. He scoots close to me as I let the hand with ice cream lower allowing him to gently lick it with a smile. "Is it good?"

He giggled and nodded. "It's so good!!" he smiled wide licking more.

"Ahh," I sigh, "Good..." I stare at him dreamily as I slowly allow my hand to slip over his.

Espresso then opened his eyes and took the ice cream from me, "You try!" he giggled softly holding the ice cream up to me.

I laugh and lick the ice cream. I widen my eyes, "Holy crap, that is good!" I mutter.

"Ahaha!" Espresso laughed. He slowly closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. "I've had so much fun today..." he smiles, I suddenly frown. "Thank you, so so much..."

I swallow hard and smile again, "Of course, starlight," I turn a little taking his head and placing it on my chest. "I'm so happy you had fun. I love seeing you like this..."

The world felt like collapsing. I was happy Espresso was happy, but I didn't want to confess to him. It would either ruin his day or make it even better.

What's the chance he would even like me back? I didn't care about that though. Even though we went home that night, both single, I still vowed to protect Espresso at any cost and to keep him happy like that forever.

Until the day I die.

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