26. Night of the Ball

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Espresso's POV
It was the night of the ball. Finally. We have been waiting countless hours, countless minutes. Countless seconds. Today was finally the day to show my family what worth I really had. Today was the day to really dance with Madeleine. Today was the day.

Madeleine's POV
The quicker the minutes go by, the more nervous I got. Sure, Pure Vanilla was FINALLY back and was currently fixing Espresso's soulstone, but I was going to ask him out today after our dance.


Madeleine Cookie is going to ask out the adorable small bookworm magic nerd this very evening.

I couldn't move. Or speak. Princess wanted the reactions to be real. She put Espresso in a different room to get dressed, while Knight kept me in my room.

Espresso's POV
Princess tied my tie tightly and smiled. "You look great!" she quietly cheered. She pat my head and handed me a pair of clean white gloves. "Wear these," she tells me, "You'll look so hot!!"

I chuckle quietly and slip them on. I hear doors open and guests fill the main hall. Madeleine's voice. I suddenly feel sweaty and nervous.

It must've been obvious, since Princess rested a hand on my back and sighed, "It'll be ok. Don't be nervous!" She looked up at the clock and quickly gasped, "I gotta go." she pat my head and ran off, "When you hear the trumpets blow, come on down the stairs! We'll be waiting!!"

I nod with a smile and look down at my hands. I knew what I had to do. I was going to do it. No... not now... he might say no. N-No. Don't be stupid... Yes. Yes. I am going to ask out Madeleine Cookie.


Madeleine's POV
It was almost time. Just one more minute left. I take a deep breath as I stood on a short stool with a wine glass in my hand.

I had a view of the whole ballroom. Vampire was there. Pure Vanilla was there. Latté was there. Espresso's parents... we're there.

I gulp and close my eyes. With a small spoon in my other hand, I gently tap the glass as it reflects off two high pitched dings. Everyone stopped talking. They stared at me.

I take a deep breath, "Ladies and gentlemen," I shout, "I would like to proudly announce this year's beginning ball dancers." I bow and gesture toward the stairs cases behind me. "Of me and my friend, Espresso Cookie."

Claps echo the room. I look to the crowd with a smile. Only Espresso's father didn't clap. I wanted to kick the back of his knees and spit on him.

I clear my throat and smile again hiding my anger. "Let us welcome Espresso Cookie to the dance floor," I announce hopping off of the stool and standing in front of the stairs waiting for Espresso.

Espresso's POV
I hear four trumpets go off. I take a deep breath and smile slowly walking out of the room and toward the stairs.

Madeleine's POV
The main lights turn off and the spot light turns on. It quickly lit the middle of the top of the stairs cases. I anticipated Espresso. I took a deep breath and tried to patiently wait.

I watch the Espresso shaped shadow walk toward the spot light in such elegance. I lose hearing as I see him. My heart quits beating for some time as Espresso smiled in the light placing a hand on the rails.

Holy... I feel my lips begin to quiver as he walks done the steps. It felt like the stars enclosed my heart capturing them in a warm corner.

Espresso's hair was tied in the back. His suit looked so hot, I felt like dying right then and there. "I..." I whisper to myself.

Espresso stepped off of the last step and looked up at me. His face glimmering in the light. His lips shinning so glosy. He frowned and looked behind me. "I don't like how my parents are looking at me..." he whispered.

I shake my head, "Don't worry about them." I take his hands and feel as my heart pounds against my chest in an unsteady rhythm. "For now, let's focus on... this."

As the music began, Espresso and I stayed back and forth across the ballroom floor. He looked so... happy? He stared into my eyes with such a smile. Oh, what a smile~

He held on to me tightly, which I didn't mind. Practice felt special, but this was even more. His hips fit so well in my hands, it felt like it was destiny.

Espresso's POV
It was nearly the end, and as I dance with Madeleine, I look behind him at my parents disappointed faces. I frown to my bored seeming father and my mother, who wasn't even paying attention.

Latté was the only one who seemed to be smiling at me. She made me smile.

Madeleine, then twirled me around and dipped me. The finale.

Madeleine's POV
I dip Espresso as the music comes to a close. I didn't want it to end yet.

Everything we have been through together these past few days. These past few weeks. Every hour. Every minute. Every second. I didn't want my love for him to be for nothing...

Before the music stopped, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I close my eyes and press my lips against his holding him tightly and closely to my chest.

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