30. Starlight...

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TW// abuse, bloody mentions, etc...

Madeleine's POV
I open my eyes and look around, "Espresso?" I whisper. I couldn't feel him in the bed so I sat up and turned on the lamp on my nightstand.

The bed looked normal. So did the room. The only problem was Espresso. He wasn't in. "Espresso?" I call out a little louder. I reach down from the bed and grab my stuffed Espresso toy.

I stand up and stare at my door. I process the fact it was open and try to remember last night.

Ok. First, Espresso and I walked in and... shut the door right? I think to myself, No no... wait... we did... then Princess walked in and talked to us and... shut the door? So why is it open? Did Espresso leave and forget to close the door???

I begin to walk but stop quickly. I look at the nightstand. Espresso's... glasses are still... I widen my eyes. My heart pounds. "No... no no no...." I run my closet to grab my shield and sword. My brain feels heavy yet my stomach feels light and shaky.

Quickly, I grab Espresso's glasses and run out of the door clutching everything tightly. That bitch...

Espresso's POV
My father kicks my head against a tree and scoffs, "You know, Espresso." he sighed, "Your mother and I never wanted twins. We never wanted a dumb," he kicked my head, "Idiotic," he kicked again, "Pathetic book loving nerd." he kicked my head again.

I try to stay strong, but everything hurt so bad and I couldn't see shit without my glasses. "You're the reason everyone's life is so miserable. Does that boy even like you?" Father pointed to the castle, "He's a guy. You're supposed to be dating women! I'm not going to raise a gay guy! You-"


"I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO FUCKING SPEAK!" he reached down and grabbed my neck holding it tightly. I gasped for breath but only received a hard smack in the face.

Father reached into his pocket and pulled out a large sharp pocket knife immediately pressing it up against my neck. "After tonight, you'll shut up for good.." he whispered slowly pressing the knife in deeper.

"Hey!" I hear. I carefully and slowly look toward the sound.

I widen my eyes. "Madel..." I force out. I lose my breath and begin to kick around trying to breathe.

Father smiled, "Well well well... Is that the pathetic knight commander fucking my son?" he smirked dropping me to the ground. I quickly inhaled deeply coughing immediately.

Madeleine chuckled smiling, "Yes it is." he walked down the steps and raised his sword. "And this must be the bitch who is incorrectly raising my hot boyfriend."

Father ran up to Madeleine with the pocket knife raised up high in the air. "MADELEINE!" I shout I stand to my feet and painfully watch my father attack him.

I watch Madeleine quickly block the knife with his shield and drop his sword. "ESPRESSO, CATCH!" he throws something my way. My glasses. I catch them and quickly put them on.

Father chuckles, "You think you're smart, huh, commander?"

"I do, actually," Madeleine smirks. I watch as my dad picks up Madeleine's sword and runs toward me. Madeleine widened his eyes and ran after him.

I feel my vision fa blurry, even though I had my glasses on. I guess this was it. My own father was charging at me with a sword and a knife. I was already bleeding badly, but I knew he wanted to hurt me until I was out.

I close my eyes and prepare for the worst. I hear a slashing sound. But I felt no pain. I opened my eyes immediately widening them. No... "Madeleine..."

Madeleine Cookie. Hottest knight commander in the kingdom. Standing in front of me with a knife in his stomach that was drenched in thick blood.

I stare at the bloody sword that stabbed through Madeleine's stomach. I stare at Madeleine. I stare at my father. I stare back at Madeleine.

All was soundless. All was cold. I watch as Madeleine fell to his knees and on his side. I gasp loudly and grab Madeleine pulling him onto my lap, "M-MADELEINE!" I shout.

Madeleine opened his eyes and stared at me. He looked so pale and tired. I only heard my loud and pounding heart beat in that moment.

I felt so angry. So fed up. "Forgive me," I whisper. I gently take the sword out of Madeleine's stomach and raise it slowly. "All you've done is ruin my life..." I mutter.

Father scowled at me, "Like wise, kid." he chuckled, "Latté's an angel. You're a pathetic loser and yo-"

"SHUT UP." I snap. Surprisingly, he did. I look up with tears falling down my eyes. I smile and chuckle, "YOU'RE A FUCKING MANIAC!" I shout, "I WISH YOU WERE NEVER MY FATHER! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN! I WISH YOU NEVER HATED ME,AND FUCK IT, I WISH YOU WOULD LEAVE ME ALONE AND LOVE ME FOR ONCE!"

"I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!" Father shouted back. He threw his pocket knife at me but missed piercing the tree behind us. It was covered in my blood. The blood dripping down when he banged my head against it.

I shake my head, "Good," I mutter, "I don't want you to love me anymore... I'm done." I hold the sword with shaky hands. I raise it to stab him, but he walks away.

I widen my eyes. "See ya later, kid-"

"NO!" I shout. My magic suddenly triggers and espresso beans start flying out at my father. Some hit him, others don't.

He falls to the ground and stares at me. I see the horror in his face. It made my smile. "I HATE YOU!" I shout, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I FUCKING HAT YOU!" I raise the sword and attempt to stab him down, but he stands quickly and runs away far where I couldn't see.

I pant as the magic beans slowly disappear. Holy shit. I snapped at my dad. I sigh and rest my shoulders down. I suddenly hear a raspy cough behind me. Oh no... Madeleine, dear...

I turn around and drop the sword. I run to Madeleine and drop to my knees cupping his cheeks in my hands. "Madeleine..."

"Good job... starlight," he chuckles. He coughs up blood into his hand and looked at me. "My stomach hurts, starlight..." he whispered.

I shook my head, "Shh, shh," I hold him in my arms as my tears drop down onto him, "P-Please don't speak, love..." I whisper. I close my eyes and try my hardest not to cry more.

I feel Madeleine's hand on my cheek. I open my eyes. He was... smiling? "Starlight..." he whispered, "Do not cry..." he held his breath in pain and chuckled quietly. I see the pain in his tears and eyes, as he speaks. It broke me even more watching him.

I rest my head on his chest and cry the hardest I had in a while. I've cried a few times these past few days but... I haven't cried this hard before. I wanted to kill my father do everything he had done. "Don't go..." I whimper.

"I won't," he reached for me and placed his hand on my chest, "I'll be here..." He felt for my heart before bringing his hand back down to rest it.

I shake my head again, "I want you HERE!" I say shaking my arms.

He suddenly looks a little scared. He looked at me with the saddest smile I had ever seen. "Take care of yourself for me... ok, starlight?" he whispered.

I painfully watch as he slowly closed his eyes. His breathing fell still. No. It had stopped. I widen my eyes and yell as loud as I could. I felt the world spin around in circles.

I hugged Madeleine tightly continuing to scream, "WAKE UP!" I shout shaking Madeleine. "Please please, PLEASE! I NEED YOU! PLEASE DON'T GO, I LOVE YOU!"

I watch Princess and a few knights come out from the castle and stare at us. "I..." I whimper more, "I love you... starlight..."

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