9. Me and You ♡︎ You and Me

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Espresso's POV
When Madeleine was done wrapping my leg, he stood and chuckled. "I'm so happy you aren't dead... You looked like you were going to pass out over there!"

I smile, "I was just so... Tired," I look down and frown. "I shouldn't have. Stuff like this happens to me all the time."

"What do you mean?" Madeleine asks with a frown. He sits by me on his bed and listens.

"At home people rob all the time. They always blame it on me but, I don't even know why." I hold my hands together and sigh. "No one likes me. At that store, everyone was staring at me and making fun of my glasses and how I looked. It's the same at home. My parents hate me, everyone in town hates me... All I have is Latté, really."

"It doesn't help, though," I explain, "She's everyone's favorite. I just..." I look at myself in the mirror across from me. "I don't understand... what am I doing wrong?"

Madeleine rests his hand on my upper leg and takes his other to face me toward him. "You aren't doing anything wrong," he smiled and giggled softly, "Everyone just doesn't know what cute people are, so they think you're... Well... Not odd but... Unique!"

I blush looking away, "W-Whatever" I mutter. I cross my arms and lean back into the wall. I feel a lump under the sheets bumping my back. Not wanting that uncomfortable feeling, I take whatever was under the covers and place it somewhere else.

Madeleine's POV
I watch Espresso take my plush of him from under the covers and stare at it. "Ah- HAHAHA!" I snatch the plush from him and hide it behind my back.

He glances at me, the glance looking sort of confused and annoyed at the same time. "What the hell was that? Was that me?" he muttered.

"U-Uh..." I put the plush in my lap and think. "Well... y-yeah, but it's not what you think I swear! I was... Using it to practice dancing... with you." I hug the plush and nod confidently.

Espresso laughed. "Uh huh. Sure." he rolled his eyes with a small smile peeking through.

I smile and look at him. "It's missing something..." I snapped and took a small piece of bandage. I carefully wrap it around the plush's left leg and smiled. "You two are matching now!!" I giggle.

Espresso's POV
I turn red from Madeleine's laughter. His cute giggles and confident sighs made me feel so happy... Why do I feel like this? "Here, hold it!" Madeleine hands me the plush and sits close to me. His face was so close.

I stare at the plush and giggle. It looked just like me. He captured my hair and glasses perfectly, it was so impressive how real it looked. "Yes yes," I sigh petting the plush.

Madeleine stands and spins around hitting his chair. My bag flew to floor and spilled a little. Oh fuck... Don't look- "Oh, I'm sorry!" Madeleine chuckled. He bent down and picked up my bag and the fallen plush.

Madeleine's POV
I picked up Espresso's things and stared at it. I wanted to cry, but I stood there. He bought two of... me. I look up at him. He was hiding his face, but he didn't do it well.

I could see his cute little face peeking from his hand. "You bought..." I look in the bag and giggle. He bought two plushies I made. They were both of me. One in my suit and one in my armor.

"I got them to practice... d-dancing with... you." he muttered. I watched him hug the plush of him tightly to cover himself.

Espresso was so cute~

I giggle and stand. "Uh huh," I stand close to him and stare into his eyes. They sparkled and glowed in the light. "Sure." I winked and pet his head so tempted to kiss his cheek, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Espresso whimpered a little scoffing. He laid back in the bed and closed his eyes as I crawled over him and stayed on top of him. Since my hair wasn't up, it swooped done to the sides and touched the bed.

He was blushing hard. He grabbed my neck and for a moment, I thought he'd pull me in for a kiss. But he did the opposite. He pushed me off of him and covered his face again. "Where is your hotel?" I ask.

"That was random but, I don't have one." he muttered.

I widen my eyes and frown, "You don't have a place to stay?" he shakes his head. "Why not? Does Latté not as well?"

"Latté forgot to check the room for two people, so she's going to be at the hotel by herself." he explained. He took the bandage roll and threw it across the room, "I'm mad over it but... I shouldn't be. I should've expected this..."

I frown and look down to my bed. I feel a lightbulb spark from on top of my head and shine brightly. "You can sleep with me- erm... I meant like... you know, stay with me!" I smile.

Espresso stared up at me. "Oh no, I-I can't do that!" he looked out of the window at the setting sun. "I don't want to be a bother to the castle... a-and you...."

"Oh, I'm sure no one would mind." I giggle at his cute shocked face and sigh, "You'll sleep in my room! It'll be you and me!"

"Me and you..." he muttered softly. He looked down and shrugged, "Ok... I guess if it's ok with the rest of the castle staff, it's ok..."

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