24. Confess

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3 days until the ball...


Espresso's POV
I open my eyes. My my. I had such a good sleep last night. It was so comfortable and warm. I smiled waking up "Mmm~" I rub my eyes, "Morning, Madel...."

I stare down at Madeleine's sleeping shirtless body. I widen my eyes as my cheeks grow hotter and hotter, reder than ever before. I scowl again and smack his face hard. He sat up quickly waking up in confusion, "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout. I take the blanket once I realize I was as well shirtless.

Madeleine's face fell shocked. No, not shocked... Scared. Terrified. No, no no no... Worried? He was worried. "Espresso, I..." he frowned and placed his hand on my shoulder, "You were drunk last night, starlight..." he whispered worryingly.

I feel my lips and hands shake. A few minutes later, I groan and smack my face into my hands. "Ughhh, I'm sorry..." I mutter quietly feeling guilt pour into my stomach like fruit punch in a cup.

Madeleine giggled and took my glasses from the nightstand placing them on my face, "No need to be sorry, starlight." he smiles to me. "You were a cute drunk..." Madeleine then winked and got up from the bed to put on a shirt from his closet.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Cute? I think, Why are you calling me cute..? I'm not cute. I watch him slip on his shirt with a relieved sigh.

I stared at Madeleine. Shooked. He was who I slept on. "How long did I sleep on you?" I say not realizing I said it out loud.

Madeleine giggled and looked at me, "Well, we got home... you took of your shirt... took off MY shirt," he laughed some more and sat next to me, "Then you laid on me until you fell asleep."

I blush and look down. He WAS pretty soft... I think. I smile realizing this is the most sleep I've gotten throughout this month. It felt so nice to have someone... actually care about me. This must be what Latté feels every day.


A few hours went by. Madeleine and I dance for about four of those hours. We didn't mess up once. I felt prepared.

The last dance we did, Madeleine didn't speak. He kept smiling and staring into my eyes. I didn't mind his stare, though. It was kind of really hot. "Alright, you two," Knight finally said, "You guys did great. You may be done now." he bowed to us both and walked away without saying more.

I nod. Suddenly Madeleine takes his hands and cups them over my eyes. Before I could scream, he hushed me and quickly pulled me close to him. He hugged me quickly before scooping me up like a princess after blindfolding me.

Uh oh. Not the blindfold... "I want to show you something," he whispered.

Great. I knew it. To be fully honest, I was egar to see what he would show me this time. After a few clues, I know now that he likes to look through my spell book and journal in the middle of the night.

The longer he walked me, the more excited I got. "We're almost there," I hear him sigh.

We suddenly stop somewhere. He sets me down on his feet and takes off my blindfold. I widen my eyes feeling my heart pound hard and loud. Not in a good way... "What... a-"

"A confession lounge..." he frowns. The lounge was dark with red lights. It looked romantic in a way. The door suddenly shut closed and locked. Madeleine ran to it in worry.

I look through the glass to the left. "PRINCESS!" I shout.

Princess laughed loudly and pointed at us. "I'm not going to leave until you two confess to eachother." she crossed her arms.

I stare at Madeleine. He stared at me. "She forced me to bring you here, Espresso... I-I'm so sorry," he stuttered, "Sh-she told me she would be in with us to discuss and confess something to her, I-I didn't know-"

"It's ok!" I smile quickly frowning again. "I don't think she can hear us, can she?"

We both slowly look at her in the window. "You suck, Princess." Madeleine shouted. Yep. She couldn't hear us. She continued to dance around in joy and laugh.

I sigh with relief as we both laugh. I rest on the red couch chair. He does the same, but the on the other longer one next to me. "What..." I swallow, "What does she want us to confess?"

Madeleine looks back and shudders, "I know what she wants..." he whispered. He quickly stood and smiled walking my way, "Please follow my lead and DON'T run away... do you trust me?" he asked.

I slowly nod as he stood on the right of the chair and brought his face close to mine. "Don't turn around!" he whispered. He came to the front of the chair and rested his hand on my cheek. His hand was so warm.

I nod, "What are you doing?"

"Please take this as a friendly peck." he answered quickly. He closed his eyes and slowly pressed his lips on my cheek.

I widen my eyes and feel my heart beating eratically. He kept his soft lips on my cheek for a while. Longer than I expected. I feel it grow hot though. Very very hot.

I hear Princess shouting loudly banging on the glass. Madeleine stopped kissing my cheek and looked into my eyes. He suddenly scoffed and chuckled. His smirk was poking through again, "You taste nice~" he winked.

My lips quiver, "Whatever you..." I found myself unable to look away from him. "Your lips are soft..." I whisper. Dammit. I said it out loud again, didn't I....

Madeleine giggled and kissed my second cheek, "Friendly peck." he whispered.

I nod frowning. "Yep... just a friendly peck..." As he smiles at me, I look down and feel my hands sweat.

Friendly peck? Friends don't kiss eachoters cheeks... do they? Madeleine was the only friend I've had besides Latté. At home, no one wanted to be my friend. I never wanted to play with the kids either though, so I shouldn't blame myself.

They always wanted to play hopscotch or tag, when all I wanted to do was read or practice my magic.

Princess unlocked the door and screamed hugging Madeleine and I. She looked so thrilled congratulating us. I looked down still thinking. Am I just a friend to him? What should I say to him... I feel I should confess... Shouldn't I?

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