21. Kittens ?

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6 days until the ball...


Espresso's POV
That next morning we practiced some more dancing. We aced it first and second try, Princess didn't even bother to do it again.

I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I had so much fun that day, I actually went to sleep. To be honest, I was sort of hopping he would, maybe, ask me out to be his boyfriend at the end. He probably just does not like me like that. Which is perfectly fine.

That morning, though, I did feel like crying since I woke up to Madeleine giggling his ass off. He told me I was saying his name in my sleep. Again.

Honestly, I cannot keep doing this.

Around 2:00, I sat at a table helping Princess stuff goodie bags and help organize guest lists. Which was completely useless since it seemed nearly all of the kingdom including a few cookies from other villages were coming.

"How was your date yesterday?" Princess asked in a must of silence.

I blush and shrug, "It was fun... very very fun, but, It wasn't a date." I remind her, crossing my arms and looking away.

Princess scoffed and stared at me, "Well, what else would it be? A friend hangout by holding hands, hugging, and sharing in ice cream cone- NEARLY kissing?" she smirked.

"How-" I widen my eyes, "How do you know about that?!"

"Cameras." Princess pointed up at a camera staring down and shifting from side to side. "They're all over the kingdom and when I have nothing to do," she shrugged, "I watch you two. Plus, Madeleine called it a date so I'm not sure. You two can descuss that." she smiled with a wink.

I shake my head, "Look, I-I'm nervous to like..." I widen my eyes, "He called it a... a date?" A fire inside my heart suddenly lit up and heated the walls of my body.

Princess nodded, "Yeah!" she smiled, "That's why I assumed he asked you out or something, you know?"

I take a step back and hide my smiling blushing face with my hand. I nod, "Ok..." I giggle. I quickly run up the stairs behind me and hide in Madeleine's room.

I locked the bedroom door screaming as loud as I could jumping on the bed. I rolled around and giggled continuously. My glasses fogged as my breath became heavy and excited.

Oh, Madeleine. I think I'm in love~

I didn't even care about the fact that I was blushing anymore. Instead of hiding, I let it happen. I sigh love struck as I take my Madeleine plush and hug it tightly.

I kissed its forehead and giggled quietly. Who cared if that was weird?! I wanted to cuddle him all night and kiss his neck.

That's what I started to do. I pecked the plush's neck and cheek gently. I scooted closer to the top of the bed and rested the Madeleine plush up right as if Madeleine were really sitting up there. I crawled in top of it and rested my head on the chest. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"You're so soft..." I whisper.

"Thanks," I hear Madeleine reply.

I quickly widen my eyes and sit up. I looked behind me to see Madeleine leaning against to door frame with a cheeky cheesy smirk. He giggled and walked over to the bed.

I hid the plush, "It isn't what it looks like Madeleine, I-I..." Madeleine grabbed my neck and pressed me down onto the bed. My heartbeat sped up when he did. He held my neck tightly, but not tight enough to choke me, "Careful, p-please, my neck is sensitive..."

Madeleine chuckled, "Sorry, Kitten," he whispered while letting go.

I widen my eyes. I hold my breath. He was so close. So... So close... I know I have a crush on him, but I didn't want to show him. I scowl and scoff, "Kitten?" I tighten my chest, "Why'd you call me... Kitten? That's immature."

"You are a kitten. That's why." he winked and sighed. "You're cute and you absolutely hate the world but at the same time you can't live without your 'owner' gone," he weeped jokingly resting a hand on his chest, "Poor kitten..."

I scowl, again. "Don't call me kitten." I mutter blushing. I look back into his deep blue eyes with quivering lips, "And I'm not cute."

Madeleine giggled, "Sure, sure," he giggled again, "So. Would you prefer me to name you starlight, or kitten..."

Before I spoke, I gave him a death stare as I took his hand and bit on it. He blinked in pain and nervously chuckled, "Starlight it is!" he winked and got off on top of me. He stood and went toward the door, "I'm going to help Princess finish decorating." he said.

I nod and sit up on the bed to look at him. "Oh, and by the way, starlight," He turned to me and smiled sweetly, "I'll always be here if you want to cuddle," he whispered, "Always."

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