14. Fitting Room

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19 days until the ball...


Espresso's POV
That morning, Princess took Madeleine and I for (what she liked to call) "Gown Shopping" for the ball in a few days.

When we went, I couldnt tell if I wanted to wear a suit or a dress. "Ooh, Espresso! Look at this one!" Madeleine, on the other hand, was set on wearing a suit. I smiled at his goofy attitude. I didn't want to admit it, but watching Madeleine run around the store asking Princess and I which suit looked best was kind of really adorable.

I wanted something unique. Not too much, but not too simple. After a while of looking I almost gave up. Suddenly a loud Madeleine scream caught my attention. "Madeleine?" I mutter turning around. More screaming. "MADELEINE!" I shout.

I run throughout the store finally finding Madeleine shaking in front of a suit. "Madeleine, are you ok? Love, you're shaking-"

"THIS SUIT!" Madeleine shouted. He grabbed it from the rack and whirled around to put it in front of me. "TRY IT ON." he demanded.

I sigh with relief, "Madeleine, you frightened me. I thought that you were-"

"NOW!" he took my wrist and dragged me into the fitting room locking the door. At this point, I was wondering why we weren't kicked out yet. Maybe it was because the princess was on our side, they didn't want to mess with us.

I take the suit from Madeleine's hands and scoff, "Madeleine, get out! I'm..." I look down and blush, "I'm going to get dressed," I mutter quietly.

Madeleine groaned and turned to face the corner. "I won't peek! I promise." I watch him, even though he was turned, cover his eyes and sit on the ground.

Trusting him, I roll my eyes and slowly take off my shirt resting it on the cushion stool next the the large mirror.

Madeleine's POV
I didn't want to make Espresso uncomortable of course, but it wouldn't hurt with one peek, right? He wouldn't notice!

As I listened him rustle around with his cloths I slowly turn around. My face warmed up melting slowly. I stared at Espresso's body. His back looked so smooth and soft. I felt his serious face turn toward me a little, quickly turning my head back at the corner having my gay panic in utter silence.

Espresso's POV
Once I got the suit on, I tapped Madeleine on the shoulder. He peeked through his fingers and widened his eyes. "Whoah..." he whispered.

He stood quickly and stared at me with his jaw slightly hanging down. I turn to the mirror and study the outfit. Honestly, Madeleine knew what I wanted!

The suit was brown and black stripes for the sleeves along with a wavy tailcoat that looked like it would be made for a woman's tailcoat costume. There was a nice tie that came with it, too! It matched the sleeves.

I smiled and looked up at Madeleine. "I like it." I tell him. I twirl around with a giggle and curtsey for him.

Madeleine giggled and faces me back to the mirror standing behind me, "Iw as also thinking..." he carefully placed his hands back on my hips and smiled, "I have sparkly see-through fabric back at the castle! I want to see how it would look if I lined it with that!"

I think for a moment and nod, "That would be creative and cute."

Madeleine's POV
When Espresso was finished changing, we paid and left the store. While we were shopping, I noticed how many people stared at Espresso in a weird way.

In order to cope my anger, I acted hyper around Espresso. He smiled the whole time. Thankfully.

As soon as we got home, too, I immediately started to sew the fabric on Espresso's suit. It didn't take long before the suit was finished. It looked good! Really good!

I wanted him to try it on but I figured it would be a cuter reaction to see it on him for the first time when we danced.

I laid in bed that night wanting to dream of Espresso's body. Who could blame me? When I saw him shirtless in the fitting room I couldn't help but simp!


I opened my eyes groaning. I see a small light int he corner of my eye. "Espresso~?" I groan. I sit up and rub my eyes staring at him.

Espresso looked up from his book and smiled. "Hi," he stood and sat on the bed petting my head softly.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked.

Espresso frowned and shrugged. "Just cold so I got up to walk around and read." he turned his frown into a smile and held my hand tightly.

I take the book from him and toss it onto my chair. I grip on his shoulders and pull them to where Espresso was laying on the bed. I take both of his wrists and pin them down to the bed crawling over him. "Sleep." I softly whisper in his ear.

Shaking, he scoffs and whimpers a little. "Ok ok ok ok, f-fine..." He stared into my eyes and frowned. It was a mad frown, not a sad one.

I giggle and smile, "May I..." I quietly roll him over spooning him gently. "Good night." I whisper I close my eyes and smile secretly smelling his soft hair. I rubbed against him and sigh quietly.

I feel Espresso hug his knees closer to him and sigh, "Good night, Madeleine." he whispered back. He sounded happy. I smiled. I like happy. I like happy Espresso. I like... I like Espresso.

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