25. I think of You

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2 days until the ball...


Madeleine's POV
Tomorrow was the day of the ball. Espresso and I both felt a bit nervous. I could tell. Yesterday still had me all worked up. That night I felt so embarrassed I wanted to cry.

I kissed his cheek and I still didn't know if I did it on accident or on purpose. I also couldn't tell if Espresso was mad at me the rest of the day or not.

Yesterday Espresso didn't eat his food at dinner time. Everytime I came up to him, he flinched and looked down at the ground trying to lose eye contact with me.

I felt horrible. Even though he agreed to cuddle up with me to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

That morning, though... I wanted to make it up to him. I wanted that entire day to be about him. Only him. We got up, and ate, took showers, then practiced our dancing.


It was the last dance practice before the ball. We did incredible! When we were done, I convinced Espresso to spend the rest of the day with me. Like usual, I blindfold him gently taking his hand and leading him to the first surprise.

Espresso widened his eyes when I slipped the blindfold off. After a speechless gasp. He took a deep inhale of disappointment and stared at me. "Madeleine. Why did you take me to-"

"An amusement park!" I interrupt. "You... Like rollercoasters, don't you?"

"Like them?" Espresso's confused expression slowly turned to a smile, "I LOVE THEM!" he grabbed my hand and ran through the entrance dragging me behind him.

We find the ticket stand with the bracelets that allow you to do all of the things there. "T-Two bracelets, please," I smile the the cashier.

I look over at Espresso who was practically shaking in excitment. I smile, you're adorable, starlight. He hands us the tickets as Espresso quickly pulls away and runs toward the rollercoasters. "THANK YOU!" I quickly shout.


Espresso stands in front of a large rollercoasters with countless loops and sharp turns. I watch it go by feeling the color in my face drain. "Wha-" I mutter.

Espresso giggled squeezing my hand, "Come on, it'll be so fun!" he ran toward the front of the line. Front of the line. We WERE the front of the line.

Dear God.

I take a step back and open my mouth to tell him that I was too scared. But then my eyes caught his movement. His motion. His excitment. Today was his day. Not mine.

I close my eyes and pre-pray as the rollercoaster came to a stop with the previous passengers hopping off. The rollercoaster employee sat us at the very front and buckled us in the metal rusted seats.

Oh my... The click of the belts, the handles lower down for us to hold onto, the view of the ride. I shudder and turn my head to rest it on Espresso's shoulder.

Espresso put his hand on mine and wrapped his arms around me, "Hey, it's ok!" he took my hand and held it tight, "Holding hands always helps. And when we're done, we can eat as many snacks as we can and take pictures, and hug!"

He scooted closer to me and laid on my shoulder. I smile and nod taking a deep breath. Espresso's day. This is Espresso's day... The employee explained the rules and then we were off.


Espresso's POV
I rest my hand on Madeleine's back and look away as he threw up into the trash can ._.

Madeleine's POV
I sigh and lift my head up, "Did you... have fun, starlight?" I asked.

Espresso giggled and quickly nodded, "I had so much fun!" he cheered shooting his arms up. I smiled at his joy. It was cute.

I stood up from the long can under me and wiped my mouth, "So. What would you like to do now?" I ask Espresso with a smile. I stand straighter and wait for his reply.

He looks around and suddenly smiles wide, "That!" he pointed to a stand with food and sweets.

I smile again and nod, "Ok, starlight." I walk with him toward the stand, "Lets go."


Espresso's POV
After the amusement park, Madeleine took me to a bridge over a peaceful and quiet lake. "I thank you for taking me, Madeleine." I smile.

Madeleine smiled and hugged my tightly, "I thank you for existing." It was the hug. The hug. The hug that made me feel special. Important. Comfortable. Safe...

I hug him back quietly as he rests on the side of the bridge and stared into the setting sun. "Espresso, I.... I'm sorry," he sighs. He looked down and shuffles his feet a bit like he was shy.

"And for what?" I ask.

Madeleine looks at me. Looking at him, I knew he wanted to say something big. But he didn't. "I only gave you a friendly peck on the cheek yesterday because I wanted Princess to leave us alone..." he whispered.

I widen my eyes. After a minute or two or three, I sit next to him on the bridge and smile. "It's ok." I chuckle, "It was only a friendly peck." I lean into Madeleine and gently place my lips on his cheek.

Madeleine's POV
I feel my heart pound as Espresso's soft lips laid on my burning cheek. When he released them, he smiled, "Friendly peck!"

I laugh and hug him tightly nearly pulling the both of us into the water. After our laughter quiets, I stare into his eyes. "I think about you a lot, Espresso." I tell him. "I always want the best for you and for healthy mental health for you." I smile and nod.

Espresso giggles and lays his head on my shoulder closing his eyes. "I do, too..." he finally whispered a little later.

I daydream as I stare at his adorable limp sleeping body. I look to the sun and plan in my head the mission for tomorrow.

Become Espresso's Boyfriend.

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