10. Good Night~

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Espresso's POV
After Madeleine and I spoke with the castle, we decided that I'd be sleeping with him in his room and Latté could just stay at the hotel.

She visited the castle to make sure I was ok, and also thanked Madeleine countless times for saving her "baby brother's" life, even though I'm older than her.

When Latté brought me my clothes and other things in a bag, Madeleine helped me take them upstairs to his room. It felt wrong to be inside of such a rich house. A castle. It felt...bad.

I sat on Madeleine's bed as he changed in his restroom. I was already in my pajamas. They were my favorite ones Latté got for my birthday.

They were dark and light brown stripes with a coffee cup in the middle. "Sleep is not on my schedule" was also in text on it.

Madeleine came out for the restroom with his hair up again. "Your hair is up again," I tell him. "Don't you like it free? The only time I saw you with your hair down was when you were in your armor."

Madeleine laughed and sighed sitting next to me, "Yeah, I like to have it out when I'm doing commander things. Other than that, it's always in the way so I have it put up the rest of the time!" he giggles and grabs his plush of me.

I slip under the covers with my Madeleine plush and hug it back turned to him. "Oh... before we go to bed," I turn my head and stare at his eyes. "Don't cuddle me." I snarl.

Madeleine widened his eyes slowly pouting, "Why not?" he whimpered.

"Unless you're like, terrified of something or if you feel sick, it feels weird when people cuddle me so just... not, ok?" I explain.

Madeleine giggled and saluted. "I only want the best and only the best for you, my dear- erm- Espresso..." he looked away and fell under the sheets. "I don't want to make you uncomfy."

I smile and roll my eyes. I close them hugging my Madeleine plush tightly. "Good night." I whisper.

"Good night." he whispers back.

Madeleine's POV
I open my eyes. It was quiet and dark, I could hear Espresso's soft breathing next to me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I look to my right at the sleeping Espresso. He looked so cute sleeping. He looked so cute without his glasses.

I sigh and smile. I suddenly hear a small whimper coming from Espresso. I look over to see if he had bumped his foot into something and it hurt, but nope! It was just a natural cute whimper straight from Espresso's cute little body! He slowly flipped over and revealed his cute little face to me.

His whimpering and breathing warmed me up so much. God, I wanted to kiss him so so bad. I layed back down and stared at him as he slept. He quickly fumbled around throwing the plush of me to the side out of his hands. Ouch.

Before I closed my eyes to go back to bed, Espresso realized the Madeleine plush wasn't in his arms anymore. He reached his arms out touching me, slowly pulling himself closer and closer and closer to me until he was snuggled up right to me.

I couldn't move. My heart was racing knowing his head was resting on my chest. Espresso Cookie. Was on. My. Chest.

He rolled over more thinking I was his stuffed toy. If he didn't want me to cuddle him earlier, why was he cuddling me now? I didn't care, honestly. He was so warm and soft~

I felt odd laying there doing nothing so I slowly wrap my arms around him and close my eyes. As he rubs his head closer in my chest, I carefully bury the bottom half of my face into Espresso's hair smelling the sweet bitter coffee aroma scent.

Espresso was so warm. So so warm. I lay on my back allowing Espresso to lay on my stomach and chest comfortablely. I don't know if I was dreaming, but I swear Espresso smiled and nuzzled me like a kitten.

"Kitten." I smile. I pet Espresso's head softly closing my eyes.

After a few seconds, Espresso started to move around again. I watch him move. He was so cute. "Madeleine..." he whimpered.

"Yes?" I tilt my head and smile. I didn't get a response, so I rub his back and repeat, "Yes, love?" No response.

Espresso softly sighed, "Madeleine..."

"What do you need, dear?" I giggle and watch him wiggle around and squirm. It wasn't then until I realized that Espresso's eyes were still closed. He was still asleep. "Are you..." I whisper, "Sleep talking?"

After a minute Espresso spoke again, "Madeleine..." he giggled and held me slightly tighter, "Madeleine~"

"Aww," I whisper. He was sleep talking my name! What a cutie. I close my eyes and rub Espresso's back listening to hair soft voice mutter and whimper my name.

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