2. Cookie Kingdom's Commander

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Madeleine's POV
I lock the dungeon gates and sigh. "Think about what ya've done stealin' my treasures!" Rye Cookie lectured Chili Pepper Cookie through the bars.

Chili Pepper rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Whatever." she scoffed.

I slipped the keys in my pocket and smiled to Rye, "Thanks a ton, Mad."

"No problem!" I reply, "As head commander of Cookie Kingdom, it is my sworn duty to protect every citizen in this town." I salute with a cheesy grin and small giggle taking a few steps back, "Even citizens who make inferior choices." I glance at Chili Pepper.

Rye scoffed and nodded, "You're on of a kind, Madeleine." she smiled. I smiled back.

After her words, I left Rye in the dungeon so that she could continue lecturing Chili Pepper. I knew she wanted to, and I was right as well.

As I went into my room, I slipped off my heavy armour and hung it up on it's rack. I sigh and tie my long hair into a low ponytail, leaving a few strands and curls to roam free in front of my face.

I lay on my bed. Tired. I almost fell asleep just then, but then I remembered that I still needed to make banners for the ball dancing auditions tomorrow.

I groaned as I sat up and stared at the floor for a minute or two. Being head commander of a busy kingdom is hard. VERY hard. It felt okay and easy at first, but then it began to feel more stressful and unsteady.

All I wanted to do was talk to someone. I love socializing, especially with strangers. I'm glad Princess Cookie was hosting a ball that allowed villagers from across the nation to attend, then I would be able to talk to people!

Princess Cookie told me that tomorrow I would be hosting a weird... ball dancing audition thing? I believe she was looking for a cookie to dance with me in a spot light. Since I like ball dancing, I couldn't give up to opportunity!

As I stitched patches to banners and clothing, I fantasized about waltzing with cookies. My hands resting on their waist as they had theirs on my shoulders. I would hold their soft hand twirling and spinning them. Finally, a dip with a kiss to finish it off.

I sigh. Being the Kingdom's said "hottest" cookie in the kingdom, I was excited to see how many girls would pass out. It's happened before! There was a pool party hosted by Mango Cookie, and all of the femene cookies screamed in joy when I walked in shirtless.

I hear a knock on the door suddenly, "Madeleine?" I hear, "May I come in? It's Knight."

I sigh with a chuckle, "Ah yes. Come in," I reply. I watch the door creak open with Knight Cookie waddling out of the doorway towards me. "Good evening, Knight."

"Good evening, commander." he bows to me and raises a brow, "Commander Madeleine... I haven't seen you without your armor before," he softly gasped.

I laugh and nod confidently, "Yeah," I look at the ground smiling. Knight and I have been pals since the beginning, but I do realize that yes he HASN'T seen me armorless.

Knight handed me a paper and looked around my room. "This is the list of cookies signed up for her highness' dance auditions."

I take the paper from his hands and frown. "Is this all of them?" I ask counting each name in my head. "There's only seven cookies..."

"Her highness said it would be easier to pick that way. She's already got her eyes on this cookie, Espresso Cookie," Knight reached over and rested his finger upon one of the names on the list. "He's from a distance village with a bunch of teachers and Universities. He's the only cookie whose sister used to be a dancer."

I stared at the name. "Espresso Cookie..." I mutter softly. I fantasized about with this cookie would look and smell like. Long brown hair spreading a coffee office scent.


"Madeleine." Knight snapped a few times to catch my attention. "You dazing off again, sir." he muttered taking the paper away.

I shake my head slightly and chuckle. "A-Ahh, m-my bad." I look to my banners and nod, "I shall complete the task of these banners... Thank you for letting me know."

"Of course, commander." Knight bowed to me and left my room and gentle shut the door.

I sat back on my bed and stared down to the ground. Out of all of the names on that list, Espresso's stood out to me. Their name was... new to me. I recognized the rest of the cookies on that list even though they were from different villages or kingdoms. Some came to pool parties or other events. I have never met an... Espresso Cookie before.

Suddenly I felt egar to meet them. I found myself fantasizing about how I imagine they'd look or smell like or talk like or how they felt.

Time started to tick by slower. I knew the auditions were tomorrow, but I wanted it to be now. I wanted to enter the ball room in my suit and dance with the many cookies who had signed up, but mostly Espresso.

I looked at the banners and shrugged. "Banners can't be completed themselves, can they?" I whispered as I stood and sat at my crafts desk to conclude the banners and take my mind off the next day I was excited for.

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