Chapter 20: U Got It Bad

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Comparatively to the first two days, the rest of the suspension went by like a breeze. I was actually looking forward to go back to school, go figure.

As I walked in, all eyes were on me. I was probably getting a reputation at school, but not one that I particularly liked or wanted. But I power through it, the important thing is that I had my pack with me, especially now that Nate knew about it and we could talk openly between us.

I hated not being able to talk to my brother about it. So, I am very relieved.

I didn't share many classes with Felix, outside of P. E. But the one we did share, I could sense his gaze upon me. Of course, I payed him no mind and go about my day. I don't have to acknowledge him until I turn 18.

Later at lunch, we were all sat at our usual table and the boys kept staring at me and Lauren, so she decided to address the elephant in the room.

"Yes, we broke up. No, I'm not his mate. I also don't know who it is. Now, stop looking at me like I'm broken or something!" - She chastised them, as she looked at Tom, Carl and Mike. My siblings already knew we had broken up.

"Good for you, Lauren!" - Denise said, cheering her up. "If you ask me, you've dodged a bullet!"

"Hey!" - I whined, glaring at Denise.

"What I meant was: because being Luna is a lot of work! I don't know how my mom handles it!" - She continued with a sarcastic tone.

"Imagine being the Alpha!" - I replied, looking at her with a fake smile.

"Alpha has a Beta. There's no Beta Luna! There's just the Luna!" - She rebuked, sarcastically.

"You're right, Denise!" - Lauren agreed. - "I've never thought about it like that!" - She frowned.

"So..." - Mike chimed in. - "Are you going to tell us who your mate actually is, Dan?"

At this, everybody looked at me expectantly, including Nate.

"Of course, Mike! When they become known to me when I turn 18!"- I answered with a smirk.

"I though she had already appeared to you in your dream?" - Carl pointed out, quizzically.

"I never said that! I just said that I dreamed with someone. I don't know that she's my mate!" - I said it as I become very aware of pronouns. I don't want a repeat of last week's performance with Nate!

"I think you're bullshiting us! And I think you know exactly who she is! You just don't want to tell us for some reason!" - Tom barked, distrustfully. I gasped, but he wasn't lying!

"Nate's already figured it out." - Denise informed and everybody gasped. Goddess, she was such a brat!

"Thanks, Denise! You're my favorite sister!" - Nate snickered, giving her an evil glare.

"Wait! How can Nate know and none of us do?" - Carl questioned, looking ticked off.

"Because I'm his brother and best friend! Now shut up and leave it alone! You'll know when you'll know, damn it!" - Nate yelled, stopping the debate. And I was so glad he did!

At this, Daphne reached our table. Felix was right behind her, pretending not to stare at me.

"Are you okay, Nate? I heard yelling!" - She asked, looking at him concerned.

"I am, Daphne, thanks for asking. Everyone here is a little crazy to find out who Dan dreams about!" - He explained to her. And then she looked at Lauren.

"Really? All this because of a dream!? I thought he only dreamed about Lauren!" - She pondered, puzzled.

"I thought so too! But c'est la vie! We broke up!" - Lauren replied to her, annoyed.

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