Chapter 2 - Jackson

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"Young miss, it snowed again. I would say there's about a foot and it stuck this time!" Nina exclaimed.

"Do you think papa will come out and play with me?" I asked.

"It's worth a try." Nina smiled back at me reassuringly.

I dressed warmly in white clothing, white
wool pantalets, white dress and a white coat. As I made my way to the door, a voice precipitously stopped me from moving any farther.

"Hang on, young miss. You should put on a scarf before you go outside." Nina smiled.

"Do I really have to?" I asked.

"Yes, unless you want to catch a cold. Master is in the dining room and breakfast is ready." Nina smiled.

I made my way into the hall and hurriedly made my way through the gloomy hallway. I got to the corner and turned facing the stairs. I started down the stairs and made my way into the dining room.

Papa was sitting at the table with his reading glasses reading a newspaper while the crackling fire was burning.

"Papa, after we eat, can we go outside together?" I asked.

"Sure I guess." He replied.

It was rare that he had anything to do with me.

After we ate he got up from the table, and started walking out of the room so I quickly followed as we made our way outside.

The white snow fell softly without wind.
You could hear the calm singing of the cardinals.
It was peaceful.

Follow me, Aisha." A voice called.


I turned around and I saw something.
It was like a glistening light.
So, I followed the light.

Over here, Aisha." The voice whispered.

The light stood by a tree and I made my way over to it.

"Under here, Aisha."

Leaves started twirling around a spot under the tree.

I moved the snow and started to dig.

I couldn't believe my eyes,

For what was hidden in the ground

a small dark oak chest with a lock.
Beside it, a diary labeled A.S.

A.S.?.... Ashley Savelli!
But, why is it here?

"Aisha! Let's go inside!" Papa yelled.

I quickly placed the chest back and covered it with leaves, and placed the diary in my coat pocket.

I will be back.

"Aisha! Young Miss!" Nina called.

"Coming Nina!" I yelled.

"It's freezing cold out there, you will end up catching a cold! Come inside,
I will make you some hot tea." Nina said as she took my coat.

I loved Nina, she is like the mom I never had.

I don't really remember a lot about my childhood of those years because Doctor Estridsen said I had developed amnesia after I woke up after seven days, shortly after that momma got sick and passed away.
I don't get how because everyone said that she was perfectly healthy.
That was many years ago.
Papa rarely has had anything to do with me so Nina filled in that role. The role of a parental figure.

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